

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)


Teacher Education


This research project used curriculum-based measurement procedures to measure progress in oral reading fluency and written language of six 8th grade students, identified as having a learning disability. All six of the students were English language learners. In addition to a diagnosis of learning disability, two of the students had also been diagnosed as having a language disorder. Oral reading fluency procedures were used to measure the speed and accuracy of oral reading of curriculum materials. Measurement procedures for written language expression was the multiple-factor measure of correct word sequence, total words written, large words used, and spelling accuracy. At the conclusion of the study, student surveys were administered in order to learn the participant's feelings toward his or her special education program and school in general. Based upon the obtained data, it was concluded that curriculun-based measurement does serve as a useful tool for progress monitoring.


Thesis (M.A.) Institute for Advanced Studies in Education

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