"Higher education requirements for early childhood educators" by Anneli Williams



Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Research suggests that early childhood education (ECE) teachers with bachelor’s degrees provide higher quality classroom environments and curriculum for preschool children, but there is currently no nationwide educational requirement for ECE teachers. The exception is the federally funded Head Start programs, which are required to meet a federal mandate that 50% of their teachers possess bachelor’s degrees by September 2013. Interviews with a Head Start director, a teacher education coordinator, and a community college ECE faculty member revealed mutual favor for teachers possessing bachelor’s degrees. and developing cohort programs with local colleges for current ECE teachers to obtain their bachelor’s degree without sacrificing their jobs. In response to these results, an informational resource was developed, and a petition was initiated to advocate for adding an ECE concentration to the Liberal Studies program at CSUMB to provide current and future ECE teachers in our local communities with higher educational opportunities


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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