"[The truth about Tourette's : an informative booklet for teachers]" by Jennifer Vosti



Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Tourette's Syndrome is a neurological disorder that is a low-incidence disorder in Monterey County. Because of this, teachers and parents that work directly with kids who have TS don't have sufficient knowledge and lack the tools or resources to accommodate these students and help them succeed. My capstone goal is to get this information out in the public so that those who suffer from this disorder can get the help and information they need. I went into an elementary school in Salinas and confirmed that there is not enough information readily available to teachers, and hardly any have ever worked with a child with TS and wouldn't know how to accommodate them. I plan to make an informative newsletter/brochure with symptoms, tips, suggestions, success stories, poems,and anything and everything related to Tourette's. I will distribute it within the community and hope it gets into the hands of those that really need it.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

Off-campus Download
