
Fall 2015

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Mainstreaming, which is the integration of Students with Disabilities into general education classrooms, is a debated topic because it may have both positive and negative social effects. This study was conducted and researched in order to seek the answer to the question: “What psychological affects does mainstreaming Students with Disabilities have on General Education students.” This study will require the incorporation of previously done research, along with surveys conducted on General Education Students and teachers of both General Education and Special Education teachers. Other staff members such as school principals and directors of Special Education will also be contacted in order to have further input on the topic of integration and further understand what kind of psychological affects General Education students will have. The impact of this study will show what can be done in order to help make mainstreaming reach other schools in order to better the school, the community, and bridge the gaps between General Education and Special Education Students.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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