
Spring 2015

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


The issue of bullying has become an increasing threat to student safety and a positive school environment. In order to address the issue, schools have created programs such as the Positive Behavior Intervention System, Youth Matters, and Safe School Ambassadors, to reduce and prevent bullying on their campuses. The researcher interviewed faculty and surveyed students from Seaside Middle School in order to learn about their points of view on the effectiveness of anti-bullying programs like the one implemented on their campus, and to ask about their perspectives of bullying on their campus. The results of this research together with findings from a relevant literature review informed an action project that was created to offer an additional option for anti-bullying programs. The goal of the action project was to empower student’s individuality and to encourage more student involvement in the prevention of bullying.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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