English Dock Workers Refuse to Handle Grapes & Rain of Death & Sickness: Trabajadores Portuarios Ingleses se Niegan a Manejar Uvas y Lluvia de Muerte y Enfermedad
The article details the growth and impact of the Grape Strike. It outlines the international solidarity built by United Farm Workers Association and workers in the British Isles. It also describes the harmful effects of the pesticides used by growers. Cesar Chavez describe the the symptoms of pesticides as the "walking dead." Many farm workers health was negatively impacted by DDT. The lack of regulation on pesticides and herbicides caused many mothers to demand regulations because they were causing birth defects and harming their newborns.
From the Fields to the Picket Line: Del Campo a la línea de piquete
Image include those of Jessica Govea and Carolina Vasquéz (boycott organizers). The article describes the rational of Mrs. Govea and Mrs. Vasaquéz to join the frontlines. Furthermore, the writers of El Malcriado acknowledge the critical role that women took to help create a successful boycott. The United Farm Workers Union had organized over 300 boycott centres throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Hong Kong.
Huelga: Strike
The images include are of Dolores Huerta who was the vice president of the United Farm Workers in the 1960s & 1970s. It also includes an image of Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa (revolutionary leaders). The article names a few songs that were iconic during the Great Delano Grape Strike.
Legal Struggles & Improving Working Conditions: Luchas Legales y Mejora de las Condiciones de Trabajo
Detailed is the negotiations that took place between farm workers, United Farm Workers Union and the Pickle Company led by Keller Weller. Farm workers fought to uphold the union labor contract that stipulated a wage increase and an improvement in their working conditions.
New Contracts: Nuevos Contratos
Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee fought to have union labor contacts with various corporations some were Tenneco Corporation and S.A. Camp. The image is of Cesar Chavez signing a union labor contact with Jim Camp of S.A. Camp.
Non-Violence Conference in India, Memory & Youth Rights: Conferencia No Violencia en India, Memoria, y Derechos de los Jóvenes
The article on the left-side main focus is the Non-violent Conference that took place in India. It explains the different non-violent resistance methods and how to move forward in the struggle. On the top right is an image of Emiliano Zapata, a Mexican revolutionary. Included is a snapshot of Mr. Zapata's legacy. The article below reveals how young Chicanos were framed for arson by growers/corporations in an effort to prevent the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee from increase their support for just wages and humane working/living conditions.
Racism in Agriculture: Racismo en la Agricultura
Article was written by Phillip Veracruz where he describes in detail the hardships of farm workers the oppression, discrimination, overt racism, and inhumane working conditions. He also states why they strike, explains the purpose of the boycotts and the movement. Included are images of farm workers living facilities.
Salinas Teamsters & Eloise & Gilbert Web
The images on the left are of a procession/march that took place to raise awareness and support farm workers rights. The article below discusses the rivalry that took place between Teamsters union and the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC) . At the time the Teamsters Union was harassing farm workers to sign a contract through their union. Despite strong opposition and hindrance from the the Teamsters union over 100,000 farm workers signed contracts with the UFWOC. Farm workers recognized that the UFWOC had their best interest in mind. The article on the right shares that Eloise Chavez one of Cesar Chavez's daughters was married to Gilbert Hernandez.
Teamster Raids in Salinas and Santa Maria Valley: Incursiones de Teamster en Salinas y el Valle de Santa María
Image of Cesar Chavez speaking during a march in support to farm workers subjected to violence and horrifying working conditions in Salinas and Santa Maria Valley in the state of California.
The Discipline of Nonviolence Three Lifestyles: La Disciplina de No-Violencia Tres Estilos de Vida
Images are of iconic civil rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi. The article elaborates on their lifestyles and perspectives.
Through Our Eyes: A Través de Nuestros Ojos
The images and statements included are some explains of blunt and overt racism and discrimination experienced by Filipinos and Mexican farm workers.
United Farm Workers Organizing Committee
The photograph/article on the left documents one of the victoriers that United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC) had. They signed a fair labor contract with the Giumarra Vineyards Corporation one of the largest companies. They also celebrated that the UFWOC label was in every grape box sold in the state of California during the time. The article on the right discusses the UFWOC labor contract with Inter-Harvest in Salinas, CA. The image included is of Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, and members of the United Fruit Conglomerate.
Walter P. Reuther 1907-1970
Walter Reuther was a civil rights activist. He founded the United Automobile Workers a international union that fights for equal rights and fair contracts for workers. Included are several photographs of Mr. Reuther and some of his quotes.
Arrests Torpedo W&B Smear Campaign on Fire & Condoning Poisoned Food Chavez Blasts FDA: Arresta Torpedo Campaña de Desprestigio de WeB Sobre Incendios y Rechazo de Alimentos Envenenados Chávez critica a el FDA
The article on the left hand side describes the active efforts of Whitaker and Baxter, the grower's public relation arm, to discredit the United Farm Workers Union. On October 1969 they started fires throughout different fields and framed a group of 5 young farm workers for those crimes. There acts were part of their anti-union hysteria. The article on the right hand side illustrate the efforts of Cesar Chavez, the United Farm Workers Union, and their supports protesting the inhuman acts of the United States Food and Drug Administration and growers to overlook the deadly effects of pesticides on farm workers health.
Deadly Poisons on Grapes: Venenos mortales en las uvas
During the late 1960s and early 1970s the United Farm Workers Union Organizing Committee fought to regulate the use pesticides. Growers where using various pesticides to help increase the production of produce. The pesticides used were hazardous to farm workers as well as the individuals who consumed the products. Mothers who were nursing protested the use of DDT on grapes/produce. They noted that although DDT killed pesticides it was harmful to their health and their developing babies.
Growers Spurn Negotiations on Poison: Los Productores en Negociaciones Sobre Poción
The article explains that Cesar Chavez , the United Farm Workers, and boycott organizers came together to discuss the best way to continue to pressure grape growers in California to regulate the use of pesticides in the vineyards. It outlines their efforts and states that opposition from growers to negotiate.
Hospital Segregation Challenged, New York Boycott Plans Total Victory, Boycott Victories in Georgia & Puerto Rican Fight "Blood Tax": Desafío a Segregación Hospitalaria, Victoria en Nueva York, Victorias de Boicot en Georgia y Lucha Puertorriqueña contra el "Impuesto de Sangre"
The article on the left describes the challenges that farm workers faced accessing health care. They faced discriminations. Doctors and hospitals refused to treat patients under the medi-cal program. Included is a photograph of Dolores Huerta, the Vice President of the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee. The article on the left provides Dolores Huerta explanation of the status of the grape boycott in New York. One the right side the article at the top describes the success that occurred in Georgia surrounding the grape boycott. The article that follows highlights the battles faced by Puerto Ricans. It explains the impact of the draft and how Puerto Ricans were forced to fight for the United States Military.
Kennedy Habla con Trabajadores Campesinos y Cartas: Kennedy Speaks to Farm Workers & Letters
The speeches and letters included are of Robert F. Kennedy and Cesar Chavez discussing the medical plan set forth by Senator Kennedy. The medical plan was part of the farm workers contract that was stipulated by the United Farm Workers Union. Senator Kennedy executed the medical plan acknowledging that employers/growers would contribute to the medical plan.
Larry Itliong
Photograph taken by John Lewis. The image depicts Larry Itliong being arrested by Oakland police in front of a Safeway. Mr. Itliong was the founder of the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee and a labor activist and leader.
March to Mexico Builds International Solidarity: Marcha a México Construye Solidaridad Internacional
Photos of the march that took place May 18, 1969 from Indio to Mexico. They stopped in Calexico, CA where Americans and Mexicans came together to not only acknowledge the efforts of the labor movement but also to continue fighting for an improvement of working conditions.
Reflection on the Poisoning of Food & Man: Reflexión Sobre el Envenenamiento de la Comida y el Hombre
The article explains the efforts of the FDA, USDA, and CDA to cover up the harmful effects of a number of chemicals in our food supply. They highlight that FDA is allowing pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and preservatives in the United States food supply. They also noted that the National Cancer Institute concluded that DDT and other chemicals were in fact harmful and cause cancer.
Statistics Tell the Tale: Las Estadísticas Cuentan la Historia
Image is of Cesar Chavez during his speech tour where he discussed different strategies and efforts. The article explains the direct impact that boycotts had on sales and growers earnings.
Talks Stalled on Poison Use: Conversaciones Estancadas Sobre el uso de Venenos
The United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC) directed by Cesar Chavez advocated for regulations of pesticides such as DDT. During the negotiations to enact policies that would regulate pesticides grape growers conduct a press conference discourage such efforts.
What are They Hiding? : ¿Qué Están Ocultando?
The photograph was taken by Iltis it depicts an information label for thiodan diazon 3-2 dust, a harmful pesticide for humans and wildlife. This chemical was approved by the FDA in the 1960s. The United Farm Workers Union fought to stop the continued use of such harmful chemicals.
10,000 mass in Grand Celebration: Misa de 10,000 en una Fiesta Grande
Image is of Senator Robert E. Kennedy and Cesar Chavez. The article explains that after Mr. Chavez's 25 day fast there was a celebration where 10,000 individuals attended. There was a Protestant and Catholic mass and ritual of breaking of the bread (part of Mexican culture) that took place.
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