International Longshoremen & Warehouse Union Boycott & Justice: Sindicato Internacional de Estibadores y Almacenes Boicots y Justicia
The International Longshoremen and Warehouse union engaged in nonviolent protests to help improve their working conditions. They addressed the murders of workers who died on the job. The article includes details of the efforts of the United Farm Workers union, Cesar Chavez, farm workers and volunteers/allies. Included is a photograph by John McGrail that depicts singer Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge on stage with Cesar Chavez during a campaign around proposition 14.
Blythe Bus Massacre & Safety Bill: El Massacre en el Autobús y Proyecto de ley de Seguridad
After the bus massacre that took place in California where 19 individuals were killed and 20 were injured, the United Farm Workers and supporters lobbied to pass a bill that would require farm labor busses to be inspected properly. They hoped that bill would be part of California State law, not only requiring proper inspections but training for bus drivers. Included are various articles describing the efforts of Cesar Chavez, the United Farm Workers and their supporters to prevent such a tragedy from reoccurring.
Boycott Campaign & United Farm Workers Union: Campaña de Boicot y Unión de Trabajadores Agrícolas Unidos
Cesar Chavez organized nonviolent resistance actions within the United States to shed light on the horrifying treatment and working conditions of farm workers throughout the country. Additionally, he built partnerships and organized boycotts/protests abroad. Solidarity and building meaningful relations with people was integral to the movement. Included is a welcoming message from Pope Paul Lauds. Pope Laud was one of many allies/supporters within the Catholic church.
British Dock Workers Stop Grapes & Teamsters: Los Trabajadores Portuarios Británicos Detienen las Uvas y Los Camioneros
British dock workers supported the United States farm workers by refusing to accept grapes that were harvested by scab workers and imported by growers. Included are articles that highlight the pro-union perspectives and struggles of workers within Connecticut and Georgia. The efforts of all farm workers and unions striving for the betterment of working conditions.
Broken Law & Elections: Ley Violada y Elecciones
Included are articles regarding the legal battles that the United Farm Workers faced. One such battle occured in the state of Arizona were over 20,000 votes were illegally invalidated. Those votes were against the restrictions placed on boycotts and strikes in the state. Included is a photograph of Cesar Chavez receiving the Martin Luther King Jr. nonviolent peace prize.
Cesar Chavez in Europe: César Chávez en Europa
Journalist Jacques Levy documented Cesar Chavez's boycott campaign throughout Europe. The United Farm Workers union organized 23 boycotts in more than 10 European countries. They also advocated for laws that supported the work of United States farm workers and opposed those that sided with growers/corporations.
Corruption in Immigration Services: Corrupción en los Servicios de Inmigración
The Department of Justice conducted an investigation of the actions of the United States Immigration officials and border patrol. The investigation found a list of illicit activists that included prostitution, slavery, and murder to name a few. The article provides more details. It also highlights the efforts of Cesar Chavez, United Farm Workers and allies to pass laws that support immigrants/workers.
Disaster in the Vineyards: Desastre en los Viñedos
Image of Dolores Huerta during a strike in San Luis, Arizona. There were over one thousand farm workers who participated in the strike. The article highlighted the efforts in Keene, California. Farm workers, supporters and members of the United States Farm Workers helped improve the working conditions of migrant workers across the United States.
El Malcriado: Weapon of the Farm Worker: El Malcriado: Arma del Trabajador Agrícola
El Malcriado newspaper was created as an avenue for farm workers to share their experiences as they fought to improve their working/living conditions. The newspaper evolved as a means to bring to light violence and oppression committed against working people. The photographs included depict different forms of nonviolent resistance and solidarity.
Farm Workers Forum: Foro de Trabajadores Agrícolas
The photograph was taken during Coachella's Cinco de Mayo celebration. Children are depicted wearing traditional attire. Following the image is an acknowledgement of the efforts of Benito Juárez (first indigenous president of Mexico) and Cesar Chavez efforts to improve the lives of their people. Within the forum are letters of gratitude towards various individuals who took part in a number of boycotts. They also acknowledged the death of one of their longtime supporter Margarita Munoz.
Front Line Boycotts: Boicots en Líneas del Frente
Included is an image of Cesar Chavez surrounded by children, men and women demonstrating their support for the labor/farm workers movement. The articles highlight various nonviolent resistance efforts throughout the United States and Canada to demonstrate their support for the work of farm workers and help propel change regarding the working conditions of migrant workers.
Front Line: Primera Línea
The article presents an overview of the farm workers' movement' front line activity throughout the United States. It details a confrontation with police harassment and additional conflicts. Furthermore, it outlines the efforts of Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers union.
Inside the Teamsters Lie Factory: Dentro de la Fábrica de Mentiras de Teamsters
The article included was written from the perspective of an ex Teamster union employee. He details how the Teamster union worked behind the scenes and how he was expected to lie and be dishonest.
International Boycotts: Boicots Internacionales
Canadian supporters of farm workers and the United Farm Workers (UFW) tried to prevent the largest chain store from selling produce from growers that engaged in unjust practices. Included are photographs depicting Canadian supporters on the picket line. Furthermore, Swedish UFW and farm workers, and supporters denounced the action of the US Embassy supporting produce that farm workers were boycotting. The denouncement of the US embassy propelled more European citizens to support the efforts of farm workers.
Labor Movement Brainstorms: Lluvias de Ideas Sobre el Movimiento Laboral
In 1974, 200 labor leaders from 30 different unions pledged their support to the United Farm Workers. During a convention, hundreds of members, supporters and allies came together to discuss various strategies for moving forward in support of farm workers. Moreover, in Louisville, Kentucky, Cesar Chavez attended a Presbyterian convention where they discussed strikes and boycotts in support of the movement.
Teamsters Power Struggle: Lucha de poder de los Teamsters
Detailed are the actions of the Teamsters union and the legal battles against the union. One of the articles included focuses on the vehicle accidents that injured many farm workers. There is also a photograph by Mark Zaninovich, depicting a bus with the tire blown out. That accident injured 54 farm workers.
United Farm Workers Leaders in Rome: Líderes de Trabajadores Agrícolas Unidos en Roma
Photographs of when United Farm Workers leaders meet with the Catholic pope in Rome, Italy.
United Farm Workers Leader Talks with El Malcriado Newspaper: Líderes de Trabajadores Agrícolas Unidos Hablan con el Periódico El Malcriado
El Malcriado newspaper staff interviewed Cesar Chavez. During the interview he discussed the history of the movement, the legal challenges, and various obstacles they faced. He also talked about the effectiveness of nonviolent resistance practices and how they have evolved overtime.
We Have a Date With Justice: Tenemos una Cita con la Justicia
United Farm Workers Leaders supported Coachella's picket line. They delivered short speeches of encouragement and describing their efforts.
At the Service of Farm Workers: Al servicio de los trabajadores agrícolas
There are numerous reasons why people decided to support the efforts of farm workers. Anna Puharich decided to support the United Farm Workers after witnessing their living conditions. With supporters like Mrs.Puharich, the United Farm Workers were able to establish various centers focused on providing farm workers medical, social, and legal assistance. The article that follows focuses on the conflicts presented by the Teamsters union and their hinderance on the labor movement of the 1960s and 1970s.
Boycott News from the East: Boicot Noticias del Este
Dolores Huerta wrote an article outlining the efforts of the boycott movement on the East Coast of the United States and Canada as well as the partnership/solidarity that was built with other unions (i.e. AFL-CIO & United Auto Workers Union).
Canadians Share Boycott Weekend with Cesar Chavez: Canadienses Comparten Fin de Semana de Boicot con César Chávez
Integral to the victories of the United Farm Workers was the solidarity that they built within the United States and abroad. Cesar Chavez formed strong ties with Canadian labor leaders and in 1973 there was a march called "boycott day" that took place in Toronto, Canada were approximately 2,000 people joined. The article below focuses on the opposition that the United Farm Workers of America faced from Teamsemster Union.
Cesar Chavez Demands Investigation of Grower-Teamster Corruption: Cesar Chavez Demanda una Investigación de la Corrupción de los Cultivadores y los Teamster
The United Farm Workers not only fought to improve their working/living conditions, they also fought for growers, Teamsters union, and the United States administration not ignored the violence that farm workers faced. Included is an image of Doctor John Radebaugh being arrested by Tulare County Sheriff's without cause. He was not given a reason for his arrest, thus making him feel as he was a "prisoner of war."
Coachella Farm Workers Support Union: Sindicato de Apoyo a los Trabajadores Agrícolas de Coachella
A survey given to farm workers in Coachella Valley demonstrated that it was essential to sign and fight for a union labor contracts designed to support them. The United Farm Workers, and Catholic priests and clergymen fought together with farm workers to improve their working and living conditions. Included are some off the important items that they fought to include in their labor contracts.
Constitution: Document of Struggle & Building Democracy: Constitución: Documento de Lucha y Construyendo Democracia
Based on their collective experiences as farm workers, the United Farm Workers Union and their supporters created a constitution. The constitution highlights their struggle, social issues, and what they hope to gain from the movement.
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