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Walter Wong is a Chinese American who grew up in the Soledad Street Chinatown. Starting in the 1800’s with the arrival of his grandfather, the Wong family settled in Salinas, California. Walter’s father met his mother who lived in Monterey, and like Walter’s grandfather, they settled on Soledad Street as well. Walter grew up within a multicultural world. In his home life he was around his heritage of the Chinese culture. His father owned a couple restaurants and his older siblings as well as himself attended the Chinese School, learning to read and write in Chinese. At the same time, he, and his siblings, attended American school at Salinas High School where he was taught English. This transcribed in his everyday world while working at the Republic Café after his father passed away. There he became the company’s translator for eight years. He met many types of people and experienced many different situations. After graduating from Hartnell College he transferred to Cai-Berkley where he got his BA degree in Public Health. Once his mother passed away he moved back to Salinas to be closer to the family. After 11 years of working for the county he decided that in order to further his career, his education must be advanced as well. He made the decision to attend University of Hawaii where he achieved his MA in just a matter of eight months. His return to Salinas landed him Director of the Environmental Health Department of Monterey County which he held for 31 years. Within those 31 years, Walter has been awarded with many great honors such as Salinas’ Member of the Year, recognition from the Monterey County Medical Society, University of Hawaii’s Distinguish Alumni Award, and many more.

Interview Date



Jade Clark-Wilson

Geographic Coverage

Salinas (Calif.)


Chinatown (Salinas, Calif.); Chinese American families; Chinese restaurants; Gambling and crime; Cultural pluralism; Environmental health


Moving Image


Oral histories

Digital Format




Digital Collection

Chinatown Renewal Project


Archives & Special Collections of California State University, Monterey Bay


These oral histories express the personal views, memories, and opinions of the interviewee. They do not represent the policy or views of California State University, Monterey Bay.

Interview with Walter Wong



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