Analyzing Policy and Stakeholder Perspectives – the Case of the Spotted Owl
Victoria Derr
- Effectively reading in our discipline – focused on Text-Based Discussions
- Identifying and analyzing stakeholder perspectives
- Applying policy to understand stakeholder perspectives
[1] Schoenback, Ruth, Cynthia Greenleaf, and Lynn Murphy. 2012. Reading for Understanding: How Reading Apprenticeship Improves Disciplinary Learning in Secondary and College Classrooms. WestEd.org.
[2] Ibid.
Spanish for Heritage Speakers: Instructional Module #3
Gabriela C. Zapata
This is the third instructional module for the teaching of Spanish to heritage speakers at the intermediate level. The outcomes for this module are as follows:
1. Students will be able to understand the way in which a descriptive essay is organized and written;
2. Students will be able to continue applying the rules for the accentuation of palabras esdrújulas and agudas to improve their spelling;
3. Students will be able to understand the rules that govern the use of adjectives in Spanish, including the exceptions that break these rules;
4. Students will review the rules that govern the accentuation patterns for palabras llanas and hiatos, and they will apply these rules under instructor and peer guidance;
5. Students will apply the concepts learned to the development of a descriptive essay;
6. Students will apply the concepts learned to create a presentation on a cultural aspect related to their family Hispanic heritage;
7. Students will learn how to prepare an academic presentation, and they will implement this knowledge in the oral presentation of their work.
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