
Sandra Hise


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Sandra Hise is one of the original Auntie’s in the Auntie Sewing Squad. She’s done all sorts of work from being a Sewing and Care Auntie. She’s sewn, ran errands, shared materials, as well as provided support and tutelage to the new members. She is a retired high school English and Media Arts teacher from the Los Angeles Unified School District. She grew up in Los Angeles, California but made many trips back to the South to visit her family. It was in her teens that her mistrust for organized religion and zeal for social justice was born, as she lived through the radical and social unrest of the 1960s. Mutual aid and helping others is nothing new to Sandra Hise, so joining the Auntie Sewing Squad was a perfect fit.

Thematic Summary

This oral history was conducted by Caitlyn Vieira and Leila Henderson as they interviewed Sandra Hise, a member of The Auntie Sewing Squad (A.S.S.) that was created by Kristina Wong, who wanted to make masks for communities that were disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Hise shares her background (03:26) as she explains how she got involved in social justice and her influences. She delves into her role within the Squad (06:23), and how she got involved with A.S.S. in the first place (09:06). She continues to work on making new masks throughout the interview as she’s working on a deadline as the latest surge in the pandemic hits around Thanksgiving and in preparation for the winter holidays (12:31). Sandra also describes the process of making the masks (13:13). She openly discussed what she wishes she could change about the world today (16:35). She shares her thoughts on what will happen with the Auntie Sewing Squad in the future (23:26) as well as reviewing how the Sewing Squad has changed since she’s joined (25:35). And lastly, she explains how growing up in Southern California and visiting the South as she affected her (39:55).

Interview Date



Caitlyn Vieira; Leila Henderson

Interview with Sandra Hise



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