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Meloney Holguin Quady identifies as Mexican and Filipina and grew up as an army brat. She graduated from University of California Santa Cruz with a Bachelors in Studio Art and then went to Vermont College and received an MFA in Fine Arts. She now lives in southern Oregon and has a vineyard and winery with her family that she has been building since 2005. She joined the Auntie Sewing Squad in April of 2020.

Thematic Summary

(00:00) Holquin Quady begins with her background as a military brat and how that shaped her approach to the pursuit of college. (05:00) Then she shares about her etsy shop and how she approached paying it forward as part of the payment. Afterwards, she discusses how she became involved with the Auntie Sewing Squad. (15:00) Holguin Quady shares how the Auntie Sewing Squad sustained her mental health. (20:00) She highlighted how her mother was able to help her in making masks. (25:00) Holguin Quady reflects on interacting with Aunties online versus socializing in person.

Interview Date



Elizbeth Ceja; Liz Cruz

Interview with Meloney Holguin Quady



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