"Increasing Involvement and Utilization of Resources for South County F" by Ruby Morales Rodriguez



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services (CHHS)

First Advisor

Jose Francisco Hernandez Rivera


Special Kids Connect (SKC) is a non-profit agency serving children with special needs and their families in Monterey County. Through SKC’s Disparity Project, South Monterey County is a service target for SKC, and resource events hosted by SKC includes “Enhancing involvement and increasing utilization of resources for families”. The“macro-level” social problem that is related to this project is that families with a child or children with special needs face more service disparities. The “micro-level” problem Special Kids Connects is addressing with an outreach event is the low amount of accessible resources for families with children with special needs SKC hopes to connect families with agencies. The expected outcomes are to have more families connect with their case managers to see more local resources related to disabilities utilized. The next step is to continue advocating for families without case managers who are unaware of what services available for their child.

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