"Increasing Employment Outcomes for Individuals with Disabilities" by Sarah Bennett



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Andrea Ibessaine


The Santa Cruz City Schools (SCCS) Transition Program is designed to support students with disabilities with post-secondary planning. The employment rate for individuals with disabilities is too low. The California State Council on Developmental Disabilities (CSCDD) reports that in 2015, the employment rate of people with developmental disabilities was 13% and 33.9% for those with any disability; while the general population maintained an employment rate 75.7% (CSCDD, 2018). Researchers agree that the amount of education a person receives has an impact on one’s social, economic, and health status. In order to increase education and employment outcomes for those with disabilities, the Transition Program benefits from an online presence. Internet resources have become a predominant tool in classroom curriculum. Creating a webpage tailored to post-secondary curriculum aligned with current teaching and information gathering. The goal was to create a Transition Program webpage where teachers, staff, parents, and students may find resources and access transition planning activities.

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