Slavery Ain't Dead: Esclavitud no Está Muerto
In 1970s the state of Florida was hit by the typhoid epidemic like the rest of the country. The article touches on the health care challenges that farm workers faced and details various injustices. Unjust labor contracts, unequal access to educational opportunities, harmful pesticides and a typhoid crises to name a few of the obstacles that farm workers and working poor individuals faced.
Teamsters Claims Prove False & Emiliano Zapata: Las Afirmaciones de Teamsters Resultan Falsas y Emiliano Zapata
George G. Higgins, a clergyman, details the solidarity that was built to support farm workers' rights. He also provides his viewpoint on the efforts of the Teamsters union to undermine the efforts of Cesar Chavez, farm workers and volunteers to improve the working conditions of the working poor. Also included are the efforts of Emiliano Zapata, Mexican revolutionary, who to fought against police who treated farm workers with a high degree of violence.
Teamsters for Chavez: Teamsters por Cesar Chavez
Included are various events supporting both the opposition of the efforts of the United Farm Workers and those in favor.
Teamsters, Get Out: Teamsters, Fuera
On December 29th, 1973 the California Supreme Court overturned a decision by a lower court, which prevented farm workers and unions to protest unjust action of growers. It details the efforts of unions and farm workers fighting for better working conditions and lawful practices.
The Struggle: La Lucha
Farm workers in Coachella, California, went on strike to improve their working and living conditions. Additionally, they went up against growers unjust practices particularly the use of pesticides. Included are additional efforts of farm workers who fought for fair labor contracts and against unjust practices of growers and politicians. In addition, the writers incorporated a brief overview of Watergate and outlined the corrupt actions of United States and Mexico border patrol agents. Some of the charges against the agents included smuggling undocumented individuals to the United States, sale of documents, and abuse/harassment of undocumented individuals.
Union Contract: Contrato de Unión
One of the victories of the United Farm Workers took place in 1973 when the union signed a union labor contract that helped improve the lives of Freedman and Larsen workers. Included are some of the aspects of their acquired contracts.
United Farm Workers: Trabajadores Agrícolas Unidos
Art is a representation of the farm worker struggle and their resilience to fight for a better future.
Victory Through Despair, Cow Pies from the Growers & Far Workers Answer to Anti-Union Letter: Victoria a través de la desesperación, la respuesta de los cow pies de los cultivadores y trabajadores lejanos a la carta antisindical
Walter Williams was a union organizer for the state of Florida. He wrote an article describing the hardships that farm workers faced and why they fought to improve their lives. The article to the right was written by Jim Horga details arguments used to deter union organization. The article below focus on addressing anti-union rhetoric.
Violence: Violencia
Photograph was taken by Bob Fitch. The photograph on the left includes a quote by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Henry David Thoreau
We Demand a Congressional Investigation: Exigimos una Investigación del Congreso
Cesar Chavez wrote a letter to Senator Harrison A. Williams in 1973 demanding an investigation to Teamsters unions corruption and acts of violence.
We Demand: Nosotros Demandamos
Farm workers fought for fair labor contracts and strived to improve their working/living conditions. Outlined is a list of what they were fighting to obtain: unemployment compensation, paid vacation, and better wages to name a few.
We Will Fight 100 Years: Lucharemos 100 Años
Over 4,000 farm workers/supporters protested in various cities across California. They fought for fair labor contracts and to improve the livelihood of farm workers.
We Will Win: Nosotros Ganaremos
Farm workers outlined why they will succeed in their struggle for the betterment of their working and living conditions. Below is a comparison of contracts signed through the United Farm Workers union and those through the Teamsters union.
Why we Fight: Por qué Luchamos
Farm workers fought against inhuman treatment, low wages, violence, discrimination and so many acts of violence through nonviolent means. They outlined why they took part in a nonviolent resistance labor movement.
Working People Today: Trabajadores de Hoy
Included are quotes from labor activists/leaders: John Henning, Paul Hall, Bill Stoltero, Jimmy Herman, and Leonard Woodcock.
Wounded Knee: Rodilla Herida
United States Marshal committed acts of violence against the American Indians in Wounded knee, South Dakota. Included are various grievances that Native Americans within the reservation brought forth, which included high unemployment, leasing but knowing their own land, and the welfare of their communities.
You Cannot Stop People Who Will Not Be Stopped: No Puede Detener a Las Personas que no Serán Detenidas
The United Farm Workers fought against unjust laws/legislations within the United States. They supported those hindered by United States occupation. They also denounced the corruption of dictatorships and systems of oppression within the United States and abroad.
Buttes Oil & Guild Wine
Political cartoon highlighting the acts of violence against farm workers by growers.
Campesinos Celebran Independencia Mexicana Parando Máquinas Piscadoras y Campesinos en Idaho Denuncia Explotación por Rancheros de Cebolla: Farmers Celebrate Mexican Independence by Stopping Harvesting Machines and Farmers in Idaho Denounce Exploitation for Onion Rancheros
El 16 de Septiembre de 1972 en Selma, California, mexicoamericanos celebraron el Día de la Independencia de México. Celebraron con no trabajar en un sistema opresivo, en cambio protestaron por su derecho de obtener contratos laborales justos. El siguiente artículo describe las injusticias y la explotación que enfrentaron los trabajadores agrícolas en Ontario, Idaho, que trabajaban en los campos de cebolla. (Eng): On September 16th of 1972 in Selma, California Mexican Americans celebrated Mexican Independence Day. They celebrated by not working in an oppressive system, instead protested the right to fair labor contracts. The article below describes the injustices and exploitation that farm workers faced in Ontario, Idaho working in the onion fields.
Cesar Chavez Termina Su Ayuno de 24 Días: Cesar Chavez Completes a 24-Day Fast
En memoria de los activistas de los derechos civiles John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy y Martin Luther King y para reforzar su dedicación a mejorar las condiciones de trabajo y de vida de los trabajadores agrícolas en los Estados Unidos, César Chávez se sometió a un ayuno de 24 días. Después de su ayuno de 24 días, hubo una misa que se centró en animar a los trabajadores agrícolas para seguir luchando por contratos justos. (Eng): In memory of civil rights activists John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King and to reinforce his dedication towards improving the working/living conditions of farm workers throughout the United States, Cesar Chavez underwent a 24 day fast. After his 24 day fast there was a mass focused on encouraging farm workers and their support to continue to fight for fair labor contracts.
Cesar Chavez Tours de States Fighting Proposition 22: Cesar Chavez vista los Estados que Luchan Contra la Proposición 22
In 1972 Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers fought against proposition 22. Proposition 22 hindered the voice of the farm workers and what they stood for. If passed it would restrict most form of nonviolent resistance practices.
Coretta King & Joan Baez
Dentro del movimiento de derechos civiles se construyó la solidaridad entre los líderes. Se muestran imágenes de Coretta King y Joan Baez cuando visitaron a César Chávez durante uno de sus muchos ayunos. Demostraron su apoyo no sólo a César Chávez sino a la causa noble y humana por la que luchó el sindicato. (Eng): Within the civil rights movement there was solidarity built among leaders. Depicted are images of Coretta King and Joan Baez when they visited Cesar Chavez during one of his many fasts. They demonstrated their support not only for Cesar Chavez but the noble and humane cause that the union fought for.
El Malcriado se une a Lucha Contra la Proposición 22: El Malcriado Joins the Fight Against Proposition 22
El personal de El Malcriado se une a la lucha contra la propuesta 22. Reconocieron el estorbo que tales leyes harían a los esfuerzos de los trabajadores agrícolas y de todos los sindicatos. Se unieron a la lucha contra los cultivadores y las corporaciones. (Eng): Staff from El Malcriado joined the fight against proposition 22. They recognized the hindrance that such pieces of legislation would do to the efforts of farm workers and all labor unions. They joined the fight against growers, corporations and the wealthy.
Estampas de la Revolución Mexicana: Prints of the Mexican Revolution
Se incluyen varias imágenes y literatura de la Revolución Mexicana. (Eng): Included are various images and literature from the Mexican Revolution.
Farm Burro-Teamsters Conspiran Contra Unión: Farm Burro-Teamsters Conspire Against Union
Se incluye una imagen de la Vicepresidenta Dolores Huerta denunciando los esfuerzos del Sindicato de Camioneros que socavaron a los trabajadores agrícolas y los contratos justos. (Eng): Included is an image of Vice President Dolores Huerta denouncing the efforts of the Teamsters Union that undermined the farm workers and the fair labor contracts.
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