Fiesta de Solidaridad Renueva el Espíritu de Lucha Por la Justicia: Solidarity Party Renews the Spirit of Struggle for Justice
El 30 de julio de 1972 más de 600 personas se reúnen para celebrar sus esfuerzos por mejorar las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores agrícolas en la ciudad de Santa María, California. (Eng): On July 30th of 1972 over 600 individuals come together to celebrate their efforts in regards to the improvement of working conditions of farm workers in the city of Santa Maria, California.
Fight: Luchar
On July 1970 Cesar Chavez signed a union labor contracts with one of the biggest grape growers companies. Detailed are some aspects of the union labor contract.
In memory of Robert F. Kennedy: En Memoria de Robert F. Kennedy
En 1972 hubo una marcha y misa que se llevó a cabo en honor a los esfuerzos que hizo Robert F. Kennedy para mejorar la vida y las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores agrícolas. También marcharon como un compromiso renovado por la lucha y para orar por el bienestar de César Chávez. (Eng): In 1972 there was a march and mass that took place in honor of the efforts that Robert F. Kennedy did to improve the lives and working conditions of farm workers. They also marched as a recommitment to the struggle and to pray for Cesar Chavez well being.
La Causa Apoya el Movimiento de Indios Americanos y Un Ministro Tradicional Al Campesinado: The Cause Supports the American Indian Movement and a Traditional Minister to the Farmworker
César Chávez y el Comité Organizador de Trabajadores Agrícolas Unidos no solo lucharon por los derechos de los trabajadores agrícolas, sino que también lucharon con miembros del Movimiento Indígena Americano contra las injusticias cometidas contra los nativos americanos. El siguiente artículo se centra en cómo los medios crearon una narrativa antisindical. (Eng): Not only did Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee fight for the rights of farm workers, they also fought with members of the American Indian Movement against injustices committed against Native Americans. The article below focuses on how the media created an anti-union narrative.
Lettuce Growers in bed with Teamsters: Cultivadores de Lechuga en la Cama con los Teamsters
Una caricatura política que describe la relación entre Teamsters union y los cultivadores de lechuga. (Eng): A political cartoon describing the relationship between Teamsters union and lettuce growers.
Líderes Religiosos Apoyan el Ayuno y El Boicoteo de la Lechuga: Religious Leaders Support the Lettuce Boycott
Se incluyen cartas que se centran en los boicots. Detalla los esfuerzos de muchas personas y organizaciones. (Eng): Included are letters that focus on boycotts. It details the efforts of many individuals and organizations.
No a La Prpoposición 22: No to Proposition 22
La Proposición 22 fue apoyada por los productores y la corporación. La proposición si pasaba obstaculizaría los esfuerzos de los sindicatos. Prohibiría formas de resistencia no violenta (es decir, boicots). (Eng): Proposition 22 was supported by growers and corporation. The proposition if passed would hinder the efforts of labor unions. It would prohibit forms of nonviolent resistance (i.e. boycotts).
Violence & White River Farms Strike: Violencia y Huelga de Granjas de Río Blanco
Farm workers and union members faced numerous acts of violence. Depicted are images of one such actions and below is an image of the White River Farm Strike.
Bishops Seek Further Talks: Obispos Buscan más Conversaciones
Catholic Bishops were a critical part of the labor movement led by Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta and Larry Itliong. They helped convince growers to come to the table to negotiate fair labor contracts. Even though growers where part of the negotiations they refused to acknowledge collective bargaining.
Canada Revels on National Grape boycott Day: Canadá Celebra el Día Nacional del Boicot de la Uva
Images were taken during the National Grape Boycott Day in Canada. The article describes the events that took place on May 30th, 1970. Furthermore, it reinforces the power and hard work of the United Farm Workers Union led by Cesar Chavez.
Cesar Chavez & Lookout Reagan: César Chávez y Cuidado Reagan
The United Farm Workers Organizing Committee led by Cesar Chavez engaged in nonviolent resistance practices. They fought against wealth and powerful individuals through protesting unjust laws and actions. The photographs included are those of protestors confronted with violence at the hands of formen and the police.
Children of Farm Laborers & Demands: Hijos de Trabajadores Agrícolas y Demandas
Included is an image of children waiting for their parents to finish working in the fields. Farm workers worked under difficult working conditions. They worked under all weather climates, long hours, and low wages. Some of their demands included job security, decent hours, and fair wage. They strived to improve their current working conditions.
Cold Storage Up: Shipments, Prices Down & The Delano Grape Strike & Boycott: Almacenamiento en frío al alza: envíos, precios a la baja y la huelga y el boicot de la uva de Dalano
The images shared are those taken during the Grape Boycott from United States and Canada. The article presents an overview of the boycott and how it impacted the industry. There was a decline in consumption of grapes in the United States and Canada.
English Dock Workers Refuse to Handle Grapes & Rain of Death and Sickness: Trabajadores Portuarios Ingleses se Niegan a Manejar Uvas y Lluvia de Muerte y Enfermedad
The article details the growth and impact of the Grape Strike. It outlines the international solidarity built by United Farm Workers Association and workers in the British Isles. It also describes the harmful effects of the pesticides used by growers. Cesar Chavez describe the the symptoms of pesticides as the "walking dead." Many farm workers health was negatively impacted by DDT. The lack of regulation on pesticides and herbicides caused many mothers to demand regulations because they were causing birth defects and harming their newborns.
Farm Workers General Strike: Huelga General de Trabajadores Agrícolas
Political cartoon depicting United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, the Teamsters union and campecinos.
Farm Workers in America: Profile of Poverty: Campesinos en América: Perfil de Pobreza
All farm workers regardless of race fought for equal and humane treatment. They demanded fair labor contracts and better working conditions. They fought for the United States government to not turn a blind eye to the discriminatory, unjust and inhumane treatment that they faced. They wanted to be acknowledged and to help create laws and policies that helped farm workers escape chronic poverty.
From the Fields to the Picket Line: Del Campo a la línea de piquete
Image include those of Jessica Govea and Carolina Vasquéz (boycott organizers). The article describes the rational of Mrs. Govea and Mrs. Vasaquéz to join the frontlines. Furthermore, the writers of El Malcriado acknowledge the critical role that women took to help create a successful boycott. The United Farm Workers Union had organized over 300 boycott centres throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Hong Kong.
Grapes of War & Cotton Subsidy: Uvas de Guerra y Subsidio al Algodón
The article on the left centered around the politics around grape prices, United States Department of Defense, growers, United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, and the war in Viet Nam. The article on the right dives into the politics surrounding farm subsidies and the the power and growth of corporate farms and the decline of small farmers.
Huelga: Strike
The images include are of Dolores Huerta who was the vice president of the United Farm Workers in the 1960s & 1970s. It also includes an image of Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa (revolutionary leaders). The article names a few songs that were iconic during the Great Delano Grape Strike.
I. Q. Testing, Teaching Fantasy & Farm Workers Children: Pruebas de Coeficiente Intelectual, Enseñanza de Fantasía y Niños Trabajadores Agrícolas
The misclassification of bilingual children hindered their intellectual development. Children who had farm worker parents underwent I.Q. tests that were primary in english which left them in a grave disadvantage. They were usually classified as unintelligent, however, when they took the exams a second time by a bilingual tester there scores went higher than the highest scores in the district. The article below was written by Bill McClinton where he describes the experience of Debra Rojas a fourth grader at the time. Debra Roja's highlights the misrepresentation of her and her families lived experiences in the fields and those that are depicted in the literature in her fourth grade class.
Legal Struggles & Improving Working Conditions: Luchas Legales y Mejora de las Condiciones de Trabajo
Detailed is the negotiations that took place between farm workers, United Farm Workers Union and the Pickle Company led by Keller Weller. Farm workers fought to uphold the union labor contract that stipulated a wage increase and an improvement in their working conditions.
Moratorium Police Riot: Disturbios Policiales de Moratoria
The images depicted may be difficult to see. They depict the hardships and violence that Chicanós and BIPOC individual faced in the fight for a better life. On August 29th, 1970 a march took place to support the end of the war in Vietnam, freeing of political prisoners, and providing an opportunity for solidarity. The editors and writers of El Malcriado recognized all injustices that directly impacted the wellbeing of their communities.
New Contracts: Nuevos Contratos
Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee fought to have union labor contacts with various corporations some were Tenneco Corporation and S.A. Camp. The image is of Cesar Chavez signing a union labor contact with Jim Camp of S.A. Camp.
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