National Farmworkers Association: Contract in Action: Asociación Nacional de Trabajadores Agrícolas: Contrato en Acción
The article provides a details on the implementation of the labor contract that was signed by Schenley Industries corporation and their employees with the support of the United Farm Workers union.
National Farmworkers Vs. Teamsters
En un lado tiene una imagen que representa el Sindicato Teamsters y en el otro lado tiene el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Agrícolas. (Eng): On one side you have an image depicting Teamsters Union and on the side you have the National Farmworkers Union.
Pilgrimage & How the Boycott was Won: Peregrinación y Como Hagámos
Farm workers, the United Farm Workers union and their supporters engaged in a 320 mile pilgrimage. Included is an article focused on the effectiveness of boycotts
Que es la Asociación? What is the Association?
El artículo explica qué es el sindicato/asociación y por qué están luchando. (ENG): The article explains what the union/association is and what they are fighting for.
Strike Continues Against Other Grape Growers: Continúa la huelga contra otros viticultores
Details of the effectiveness of strikes and boycotts.
Texans on the March: Texanos Marchan
Texan farmworkers in 1966 began to demand better wages and living conditions. Those efforts lead them to complete several pilgrimages throughout the state of Texas. The longest was a 400 mile march to state capital.
The Ugly Face of Delano: La Cara Fea de Delano
Image is an example of the police treatment that many farm workers faced.
Thoughts about the Pilgrimage: Pensamientos Sobre la Peregrinación
A pilgrimage made to California's state capital. The pilgrimage was approximately 300 miles.
Victory in the Grape Strike Schenley Gives Up: Victoria contra Schenley
Cesar Chavez signed a union labor contract with the Schenley Industries corporation.
Violence: Violencia
Image of Dolores Huerta and her statement why they strike. One of the articles explains that major growers signed labor agreements with Cesar Chavez and the union.
Workers in Wisconsin: Trabajadores en Wisconsin
Article describes how a solidarity movement was born in 1966 across the United States. A movement that fought for better working conditions for farmworkers.
La Iglesia Contra la Injusticia: Church Against Injustice
El artículo explica por qué la iglesia apoyó el movimiento de los trabajadores agrícolas. (ENG): Article explains why the church supported the farmworkers movement.
Un Crimen Contra todos los Campesinos de California: A crime against all farmworkers in California
El artículo incluye una carta al gobernador Brown para exigir una investigación sobre los actos violentos cometidos contra los trabajadores agrícolas que estaban en huelga. (ENG): Article includes a letter to governor Brown to demand an investigation against violent acts committed against farm workers who were striking.
Welfare Como Controlar La Gente? How the welfare system controls the population?
El artículo se enfoca en las personas que trabajan 12 a 14 horas al día y todavía tienen hambre. La creación del sistema de bienestar brinda un incentivo para los empleadores. Ellos mantienen los salarios bajos y el gobierno compensa el costo que los empleadores no pagan. (Eng). Article shed light that individuals who work 12 to 14 hours a day are still hunger. The creation of the welfare system provides an incentive for employers to keep their wages low and have the government offset the cost.
Women on the frontlines: Mujures parte de la unión
La imagen muestra a mujeres que formaron parte del movimiento. (ENG): Image depicts women who were part of the movement.
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