We remember Robert Kennedy: Recordando a Robert Kennedy
Images are of Robert Francis Kennedy who was an ally of the labor movement and the efforts of United States Farm Workers Association. Similar to President Kennedy his brother was a champion of better working conditions and human laws/treatment for workers. He was a champion of civil rights until he was assassinated on June 5, 1968.
Why we Struggle by: Gustavo Gutierrez: Por qué Luchamos por: Gustavo Gutierrez
Images depict farm workers engaged in hard labor. In this article Mr. Gutierrez describes why they struggle and acknowledge the efforts that began in Delano, California. He not only recognized the huge strides that the workers in California had made but also the fact that the contracts that they signed should and could be replicated across the country.
Christian Brothers: Hear your Pope: Hermanos Cristianos: Escuchen a su Papá
Faith was an integral part of the labor movement led by Cesar Chavez. The article discusses Pope John XXIII's role within labor movement and his support for the vital work that farmworkers did.
Crime: They Color it Black & Enemy of the Farmworker
El Malcriado newspaper not only highlighted the struggles of those fighting for better wages and working conditions, but they also shed light on a number of injustices against BIPOC individuals. The article captures the violence against young African Americans that continues to this day. The writers also include detailed accounts that directly impact the BIPOC community. The struggles and issues that the National Farmworkers Association focused on might be different then those of Martin Luther King Jr., however they are similar in the sense that they are fought oppressive and justice system through non-violence means. The articles demonstrated the solidarity between the movements.
Farm Workers Killed by a Train: Trabajadores Agrícolas Asesinados por un Tren
La tragedia golpeó a la comunidad de trabajadores agrícolas en Thompsonville, Michigan. (Eng): Tragedy struck the farm worker community in Thompsonville, Michigan.
Foreign Leaders Show Interest in the Strike: Líderes Extranjeras Muestran Interés en la Huelga
The National Farm Workers Association efforts were recognized on a international scale. Cesar Chavez meet with labor leaders in Ghana and Mexico.
Robert F. Kennedy in Texas & Two Border cops Officers Killed: Robert F. Kennedy en Texas y Dos Oficiales del Portal Fronterizo Asesinados
Robert F. Kennedy fue un defensor de los derechos civiles y de los trabajadores agrícolas. En 1967, él y César Chávez visitaron Texas para abogar por políticas y legislaciones que apoyaran a los trabajadores agrícolas. Al lado de ese artículo hay uno de tragedia. Dos oficiales de la patrulla fronteriza fueron encontrados muertos 75 millas al norte de la frontera con México. (Eng): Robert F. Kennedy was a champion of civil and farm workers rights. In 1967 he and Cesar Chavez visited Texas to advocate for policies and legislations that would support farm workers. Next to that article is one of tragedy. Two border patrol officers were found dead 75 miles north of the Mexican border.
The Law of the Blackjack: La Ley del Blackjack
Article includes letter to the editor on a variety of topics ranging from views on the police, teamsters, the struggle to faith.
They Govern Only to Rob the Poor: Ellos gobiernan solo para robar a los pobres Sea
Image of Nasario Trevino during a strike in Rio Grande City, Texas . He walked approximately 100 miles. The article that follows focuses on the scab workers in the fields.
Two Poems: Dos Poemas de la Raza
Se incluyen dos poemas escritos por Epifanio Camacho que permiten visualizar las vivencias de los trabajadores del campo. (Eng): Included are two poems written by Epifanio Camacho that provide a glimpse to the experiences of farm workers.
300 milias:Peregrinación de los Campesinos: 300 miles: Farmworkers Pilgrimage
El artículo destaca a los trabajadores agrícolas que marchan 300 millas hasta Sacramento. El artículo incluye un mapa de su tremendo viaje de 300 millas. (ENG): Article highlights farmworkers march of 300 miles to Sacramento. The article includes a map of their tremendous journey.
A Man of Dedication: Un Hombre de Dedicación
Article focuses on Larry Itliong one of the labor activists who dedicated his life to help improve the working conditions of all farm workers.
Basta! La Historia de Nuestra Lucha: Enough! The Tale of our Struggle
La imagen representa a un trabajador agrícola en el trabajo.(Eng): Image depicts a farmworker at work.
Cartas al Director y La Violencia: Letter to the editor and Violence against National Farmworker Union
La imagen incluye cartas al editor. Una de ellas es una carta de un individuo que odiaba César Chávez, el sindicato y lo que ellos estaban luchando por. Además, hay imágenes de la violencia que enfrentaron los campesinos y sindicalistas. (Eng): Image includes letters to the editor. One of those is a letter from an individual who hated what Cesar Chavez and the union were fighting for. Furthermore, there are images of the violence that farm workers and union members faced.
César Chávez y trabajadores de Schenley: Cesar Chavez and Farm Workers from Schenley
El artículo explica las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores agrícolas que trabajan para Schenley. (Eng): Article explains the working condition of farm workers working for Schenley.
Chicanos in Colorado: Chicanos en Colorado
Image of Corky Gonzales (civil rights activist), Cesar Chavez and members of the union. In addition it explains the symbolism behind the National Farmworkers Association flag.
El motivo de la Huelga: Why we strike
La imagen muestra a quienes el movimiento se esfuerza a proteger y se enfocan a mejorar las condiciones de trabajo. (ENG): Image depicts who the movement strived to protect by creating better working conditions, thus increasing their livelihood.
Farmworkers Win Digiorgio Elections: Campesinos Ganán Election de Digiorgio
Article explains the efforts of farmworkers to win a victory against a DiGiorgio corporation.
Horrible Suceso en Nueva York: Horrible Event in New York
El artículo describe las condiciones de vida inhumanas de los trabajadores agrícolas y lo que las corporaciones clasifican como accidentes fueron actos de tremenda violencia contra seres humanos. (Eng): Article describes the inhumane living conditions of farmworkers and what corporations classify as accidents were acts of tremendous violence against hard working human beings.
How Much Can a Man Give & The Ugly Face of Delano: Cuánto Puede dar un Hombre y La Cara Fea de Delano
The article on the left-side highlights the events that took place prior to the formation of the United Farm Workers union. The article on the right brings to light examples of confrontations with the police.
Justice: Election. Justicia y Elecciones
Article describes the voting process. How votes are casted with privacy and anonymity.
Los Trabajadores Dicen "Viva Pat Brown" y Otros Políticos: The workers say "Long Live Pat Brown" and Other Politicians
El artículo destaca la perspectiva política de los trabajadores agrícolas con respecto al gobernador Brown vs. Reagan. (Eng): Article highlights farm workers political perspective regarding governor Brown vs. Reagan.
National Farmworkers Association, AFL-CIO: Asociación Nacional de Trabajadores Agrícolas, AFL-CIO
Image of members of the National Farmworkers Association and AFL-CIO.
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