Theses from 2015
Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) Habitat Associations: Implications for Conservation and Management, Megan Bassett
Motile Cryptofaunal Invertebrate Assemblages in Catalina Island's Rhodolith Beds in Relation to Physical Structure and Live Rhodoliths, Kristin Meagher Robinson
Multiscale Predictive Modeling of Wave Velocity and Its Distribution Across a Rocky Intertidal Landscape, Daniel Orr
Participation of Latino Spanish-Speaking Families in the IEP Process, Guadalupe Zamora
Raising Teachers’ Cultural Knowledge of Middle Eastern Students in The Classroom, Hassan J. Alnawar
Science Curriculum Development with Next Generation Standards: Meeting the Needs of In-Service Teachers, Laura Arnow
Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Interrtuptus) Use of the Intertidal Zone at a Santa Catalina Island MPA in Southern California, Sean C. Windell
Teacher Perspectives on the Factors Influencing Content Literacy Implementation, Julie Gallegos
Teaching Vocational Gardening Skills To An Adolescent With Severe Autism, Sun Kim Garcia
The Development of English and Chinese Oral Language through Drawing for Primary Grade Students, Minzhi Yu
The Effects of Direct Speech Instruction on English Language Learners for the CELDT 4-Picture Narrative, Alexander Salazar
The Gender Gap in Math – Incorporating Gender Equity in the High School Mathematics Classroom, Ryan Sullivan
The Impact and Implications for Teacher Induction Programs, Miriam A. Lopez
The Parental Involvement of Non-English Speaking Latino Parents in Secondary Education, Bianca M. Andrade
Use of Specific Praise with Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities in an After School Program, Jamie Gandara
Utilizing Mobile Computer Devices in Urdu / Hindi Language Programs to Enhance Language Learning, Shagufta Khan
Theses from 2014
An examination of how SIOP strategies can increase second language acquisition in the secondary science classroom, Kyla Plumlee
Assessing transitions from elementary to middle school for students with mild to moderate disabilities, Jonathan Stowers
Building investigative skills and critical thinking for middle school students through inquiry based science lessons, Kelly L. Hatteberg
Educator Perceptions: The Impact of Male Elementary School Teachers, Rod Matthew Garcia
Embedding a unit on environmental education into a fourth-grade curriculum, James Mimosa
Estimating Environmental Conditions Affecting Protozoal Pathogen Removal in Wetland Systems Using a Multi-Scale, Model-Based Approach, Miles Eric Daniels
Habitat associations and predictive distribution models of commercially important rockfish species along California's Central Coast, Heather Marie Bolton
Habitat Associations and Predictive Distribution Models of Commercially Important Rockfish Species Along California's Central Coast, Heather Marie Bolton
Infusing visual arts with elementary school curriculum to promote student equity and academic performance, Celeste Ward
Limitations on Nitrogen Removal by Treatment Wetlands Under Maritime Climatic Conditions, Gwen Miller
Limitations on Nitrogen Removal by Treatment Wetlands Under Maritime Climatic Conditions, Gwen Miller
Listening and hearing the voices of parents with children with autism : a phenomenological study, Nicole Perez
Meiofauna community composition at three whale-fall sites in Monterey Bay, California, Gillian Louise Rhett
Parents and teachers working together to enhance student success in the classroom, Marisela Santana
Peer coaching and its effect on teacher efficacy, Edi L. Porter
Promoting understanding of special education procedural safeguards through a parental workshop, Alejandra Revilla-Rico
Social studies in the elementary grades : a child's right, Aimée Mizuno
Supporting general education teachers in the inclusive classroom with students with autism that display challenging behaviors, Maria Elena Ayala
The Effectiveness of the Critical Friends Model for Teacher Collaboration, Johanna Miller
The Effect of High School Athletics On Academics Success For Students From Disadvantaged Backgrounds, Gregory S. Daniels Jr
The impact of behavior-specific praise on student engagement, Evelyn Soto
The impact of REWARDS on reading skills of students with learning disabilities, Catherine M. Butler
The relationship of social, personal, and academic growth between theatre and non-theatre arts students : a comparative study, Kristy Burchard
Theses from 2013
An Alternative Compliance Framework for Stormwater Management in the Central Coast Region, Violetta Pristel
Analysis of Environmental Factors Affecting Fruit Quality for the 2007 Growing Season in a California Vineyard, Sean Castorani
A study of instructional experiences of students with learning disabilities in co-taught and solo-taught inclusive classrooms, Lowella Beverly B Merana
Combining self-monitoring procedures and video modeling instruction as a positive behavior intervention, Faith Sterling
Effects of adapted assessment and instructional tools to improve academic success in mild-moderate special education students, Holly Emilia Hollingsworth
Effects of Landscape Covariates on the Distribution and Detection Probabilities of Mammalian Carnivores on the Former Fort Ord, California, Bartholomew Lukas Kowalski
Effects of peer mediated pivotal response training on social skills for children with autism, Josh Kayne
Environmental Factors Associated with Toxic Cyanobacteria in Pinto Lake, a Coastal Lake in the Monterey Bay Area, Erin Stanfield
Fine-Scale Behavior of Coral Reef Fishes in a Small Floridian Marine Reserve, Jessica Watson
Impact of homework on academic achievement of students with severe emotional disabilities in a non public school setting, Reena Sharma
Museums as school : collaborative exhibit survey development for high school teachers, Deborah Silguero
Optimization and characterization of the bulk FDA viability assay to quantify living planktonic biomass, Brian N. Maurer
Readers theater : effect of fluency, comprehension, and attitudes toward reading in middle school students with mild-to-moderate disabilities, Nancy Ames Swan
Supporting students with learning disabilities in the general education classroom, Vivian Moe Michaele
The Academic and Motivational Impact of California Gateways and Lexia Reading on English Language Learners with Disabilities, Rebecca Hayley Wilner
The effects of collaborative strategic reading on high school students in a special day class, Benjamin K. Walker
The impact of the whole to part graphic organizer on written recalls for students with learning disabilities in a high school special day class, Michael C. Royster
Transition handbook for parents and students exiting special education services, Lorraine M. Gonzales Ramirez
Use of technology to increase expressive communication skills of students with autism, Catherine McMinn
Using functional assessment procedures and behavior intervention strategies for students with severe disabilities, Abigail Williams
Video modeling as a strategy for independent living skill acquisition among adults with autism spectrum disorder, Ricardo Lopez
Theses from 2012
Applied policy analysis report : a solar garden for the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District: an applied analysis of solar power, Debra Gramespacher
Assessing Pesticide Reduction in Constructed Wetlands Using a Tanks-in-Series Model Within a Bayesian Framework, Pamela Krone-Davis
Examining teacher practice using instructional conversation in a third grade classroom with English language learners, Heather Bellue
Life skills curricula and community based instruction for students with moderate disabilities, Tari Johnson
Linking Habitat Heterogeneity to Genetic Partitioning in the Rocky Subtidal Using Black Surfperch (Embiotica Jacksoni), Scott Robert Williams Toews
Steelhead Habitat Assessment of Three Small Coastal Central California Streams, Colin L. Nicol
Using TouchMath to increase math skills of young English language learners with mild to moderate disabilities, Anamaria Covarrubias
Using video modeling and role playing activities to teach social skills to middle school students with intellectual disabilities, Alyce Avenell
Theses from 2011
An assessment of control methods for cape ivy in coastal riparian ecosystems, Jennifer Stern
An Assessment of Control Methods for Cape Ivy in Coastal Riparian Ecosystems, Jennifer Stern
Applied synectics to teach community development for living and learning communities to resident advisors and community assistants at California State University Monterey Bay, Christina Sierra-Jones
Combining a token economy and escape extinction to treat food selectivity in students with autism, Jessica Raders
Curious food procurement in the eastern North Pacific Kyphosidae, Clinton J. Moran
Detecting Change in Benthic Communities at San Cristobal Reef in La Parguera, Puerto Rico, 2007-2009, Jeremy M. Kerr
Effects of video modeling and self-monitoring on the social language skills of preschoolers with speech and language impairments, Karen Serrano
Evaluating the effects of functional communication training for preschool children with autism, Jane Bambrick
Hypoxic and low pH water in the nearshore marine environments of Monterey Bay, California : characterizing a decade of oxygen and pH, and drivers of variability, J. Ashley Tomer Booth
Implementing literature circles with English language learners, Jennifer Wrighton
Lottia Gigantea Size and Density Differences in Rocky Intertidal Communities near Monterey Bay, California, Shae Mitchell
Marine Debris in Central California: Quantifying Type and Abundance of Beach Litter in Monterey Bay, CA, Carolyn Rosevelt
Nitrate transport to coastal Monterey Bay : investigating source inputs from Elkhorn Slough, Tanya Novak
Patterns in the Temporal Variability of Temperate Reef Fishes and the Implications for Sampling Frequency in Citizen Science Monitoring Programs, Chelsea Parrish-Kuhn
Reducing delayed echolalia in children with low incidence disabilities, Pamela Ardith April
Rippled Scour Depressions Add Ecologically Significant Heterogeneity to Soft Sediment Habitats on the Continental Shelf, Todd Russell Hallenbeck
Supporting English language learners in reading : a project for increasing phonemic awareness skills, Ernestina CantuÌ-Gutierrez
Teacher perceptions of including students with moderate to severe disabilities in non-academic courses at the secondary level, Samuel T. Sauer
Teaching daily living skills to young adults with autism : the creation of a curriculum guide for special education teachers, Stephanie Iwanciow Haas
The effects of behavioral skills training on implementation of mand training teaching components, Laura Jean Noland
The effects of direct positive feedback for increased classroom performance, Jennifer L. Post
The effects of standardized testing on second grade students, Heather C. Goin
The impact of primary language support on the math skills of English language learners with learning disabilities, Peter Brian Fleming
Using Vessel-Based LiDAR to Quantify Coastal Erosion During El Niño and Inter-El Niño Periods in Monterey, CA, Steven Quan
Using video modeling to teach conversational skills to high school students with autism spectrum disorder, Breton R. Gardner