Theses from 2010
Annual sediment retention and hydraulic residence time variability in a riverine wetland receiving unregulated inflow from agricultural runoff, Randall W. Holloway
Annual Sediment Retention and Hydraulic Residence Time Variability in a Riverine Wetland Receiving Unregulated Inflow from Agricultural Runoff, Randall W. Holloway
A study of storm-induced variations in the littoral sediment transport patterns of central Monterey Bay, Jeremiah J. Brower
Black Elk speaks says so : elders on telling about traditional tribes, James A. Starkewolf
Effectiveness of RIVPACS Predictive Models to Evaluate Diatom Response to Nutrient Stress in Coastal California Streams, Charles Ritz
Evaluating the quality of individual transition plans for students receiving special services at the secondary level, Roxana Piña-Donat
Exploring the impact of a CD ROM on Arabic language learners' acquisition of the Arabic language and culture, Abdelhak Bouhaja
Factors that affect fathers' participation in parent training for children with autism spectrum disorders, Mark W. Wenzler
Historic genetic diversity of the endangered white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni), Heather L. Hawk
Preventing absenteeism for students with disabilities : a handbook for classroom teachers, Cynthia Jean Charfauros
Socratic seminars : fostering an environment of critical thinking and self-confidence in the classroom, Loretta E. Bernasconi
Stakeholder perceptions of California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) requirements for students with learning disabilities, Dolores Rodriguez
Still waters run deep : exploring the impact of teacher support of young shy students in creative dramatics class, Maria L. Dawson
Strategies to support general education teachers serving students with mild to moderate disabilities, Bruce La Monte Baker
The effects of environmental enrichment and problem-solving on the brain and behavior of Octopus rubescens, Erin Kristine Jensen
Training paraprofessionals to use constant time delay to teach sight word reading to students with autism and other developmental disabilities, Melissa E. Ross
Training paraprofessionals to use the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) with high school students with moderate to severe disabilities, Tania De LeoÌn
Trophic interactions of Bathyraja trachura and sympatric fishes, Mariah Dawson Boyle
Twenty-Nine Years of Geomorphic Change at Elkhorn Slough, California, Brian James Spear
Theses from 2009
Abiotic Factors Related to Accrual of Common Filamentous Macroalgae in California's Central Coast Streams, Lisa Dillon
Age, growth and reproduction of the Bering skate, Bathyraja interrupta (Gill & Townsend, 1897), from the eastern Bering Sea and Gulf of Mexico, Shaara Michiko Ainsley
Analysis of Baseflow Trends Related to Upland Groundwater Pumping for Las Garzas, San Clemente, Potrero, and San Jose Creeks, Zachary Croyle
A Predictive Habitat Model for Endangered White Abalone Restoration Planning in Southern California, Shinobu Okano
Bilingual parental involvement in the education of their special-needs children, Cleide Maciel
Carmel Bay : oceanographic dynamics and nutrient transport in a small embayment of the central California coast, Dustin Carroll
Changes in cover and use of Zostera marina habitat in Elkhorn Slough, California, Nora Elaine Grant
Effective motivation and instructional strategies for 9th grade Latino students, Theresa Gonzales
Function-based behavior support for automatically reinforced self-stimulatory and self-injurious behavior, Reina Cabigting
Great expectations : a study of how collaborative action research influences teacher philosophies and pedagogy for stimulating intrinsic motivation, Jordana D. Henry
Inclusion : development of a manual to guide an inclusion model program, Susan Schreuder Sonnthal
Increasing initiations and social responding during play for children with autism, Kristyne Ruth Jolly
Instruction in a clinical phlebotomy class using a problem-based learning approach, Karen Carmon
Kid's Community Corner : a project to demonstrate how educational television can be made better, Jennifer Flores
Latino Family Literacy Project : a means to parent empowerment, Cristin Martinez
Life history of two Bering Sea slope skates : Bathyraja lindbergi and B. maculata, Jasmine Rae Fry Maurer
Perceptions of general educators regarding the inclusion of students with severe disabilities, Jasona Prowse
Perceptions of students with learning disabilities participating in a classroom-based token economy, Will Cobley
Second language learners : incorporating culture and heritage in effective early childhood education practices, Karen Rossi
Self-study of teaching practice : metacognitive strategies that enhance student learning, Julia A. Turner
Self-study of teaching practice : using the arts to teach English language users, Dora A. Yuga
Storage and abiotic regulation of investment in vegetative vs. sexual reproduction in the clonal kelp, Laminaria sinclairii, Kyle William Glenn
Teaching the unifying theory of biology : a curriculum unit on evolution, Nell Blankfort
The role of culture in foreign language curriculum design and teaching as a tool for promoting cultural awareness, Arwa Ghazi Alghusain
Trends in abundance surveys of nearshore rocky reef fishes in central California 1959-2007, Thomas Wadsworth
Theses from 2008
Age, growth, and reproduction of the Aleutian skate, Bathyraja aleutica, from Alaskan waters, Diane Lee Haas
A self examination of coaching practices for middle school children, Jamie Weiler
A series of trainings for paraprofessionals : instructional strategies for supporting students with autism spectrum disorder, Alison M. Hoff
Biogeochemical characteristics of internal wave driven sediment and nutrient resuspension in Monterey Bay : implications for global new production, Lauren Murray Sassoubre
Characterizing dispersal patterns of marbled murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) with genetic population assignments, Laurie Anne Hall
COâ‚‚ effects on marine phytoplankton : inhibition of photosynthetic processes, Matthew Peter Huber
Cueing procedures in combination with self-monitoring procedures for use with learning disabled students who exhibit attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavioral symptoms, Renee Granier Keasey
Deconstructing the construct : the development of college level curriculum, which explores the educational history of African Americans, Terry T. Simon
Evaluating River Restoration Success Using the California Rapid Assessment Method, Cara Clark
Gang culture within the classroom, Susan Peoples
Initial Assessment of the Department of Water Resources Urban Streams Restoration Program, Jason Maas-Baldwin
Life history, abundance, and distribution of the spotted ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei, Lewis Abraham Kamuela Barnett
Radiometric age validation and spatial distribution of the Antarctic Toothfish, (Dissostichus mawsoni) : implications for a deep-sea Antarctic fishery, Cassandra M. Brooks
Response to intervention : establishing effective introductory training, Sandra K. Mettler
Support of student self-efficacy in the public school classroom, Mary O. Lesher
The role of technology in overcoming disability : an individualized technology plan for students with dyslexia, Kris J. Hill
Theses from 2007
A 300-year geochronological assessment of atmospheric mercury depostition in California, Rhea D. Sanders
An analysis of the use of evidence-based practices for handling aggressive behavior in special education classrooms, Megan Lavengood
Characterizing sedimentary bedforms as habitat for fishes and invertebrates in the San Juan Archipelago, Washington, USA, and the Georgia Basin, British Columbia, Holly Linda Lopez
Diet and ecomorphology of the sandpiper skate, Bathyraja kincaidii (Garman, 1908) from the eastern North Pacific, Christopher Scott Rinewalt
Exploring equity, Monique Colon
In slow motions : the democratic process in critical-liberatory pedagogy, Michaelia Morgan
I want to speak English like you : one woman's experience teaching English to adults in Senegal, Jenny F. Webster
Middle school teacher teams, David Brandau
Molecular, histological, and behavioral differences in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and topsmelt (Atherinops affinis) exposed to methylmercury, Daphne Gehringer
The biogeography and distribution of megafauna at three California seamounts, Lonny J. Lundsten
The effect of graphic organizers on the teaching of reading comprehension skills of special education students, Julie L. Carothers
What primary grade teachers need to know about speech and language, Evanthia Argyriou
Theses from 2006
Age, growth, and reproduction of the Roughtail Skate Bathyraja trachura (Gilbert, 1892) from the eastern North Pacific, ChanteÌ Davis
A political profession : motivating pre-service teachers to participate in our democracy, Jennifer Cottle
California State University, Monterey Bay Student-Athlete Handbook : action thesis ..., Abrahm P. Pedroza
Defying the dragon : stories of three generations of Japanese American struggle against racism on the Monterey Peninsula, Thomas P. White
Dragon or worm : educational aspirations of DLI Chinese teachers for their adolescent children, Shu Mian Wang
Educating about eating disorders : examining body image curriculum and policy at a small private school, Marita Priya Diaz
Food habits of the Longnose Skate, Raja rhina (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880), in central California waters, Heather Joan Robinson
Involvement of Head Start parents in their child's preschool education, using science activities as a tool, Marbella RodriÌguez-Chavira
Learning enforcement : the influence of No Child Left Behind on the fourth grade language arts curriculum in a public school, Yolanda E. Diaz
Mercury methylation in sediments from coastal and Sierra watersheds : implications for methylmercury mitigation in the San Francisco Bay-Delta complex, Tom Stewart Kimball
Multicultural curriculum development in English as a foreign language literature for the fifth grade of Greek elementary school, Athanasia Tasiopoulou
Onanistic feminism -- a feminist perspective : a case study of Indonesian feminist media, Meike Bhariana
Parental empowerment through involvement : presented to ..., Anneliese Neitling
Subversive beauty : reading and creating culture, Normi Burke
Technology as a tool for inclusion in multicultural classrooms, Kristina Hamill
The importance of career exploration to at-risk middle school students : a thesis ..., Craig Panzer