Capstones/Theses from 2019
Nematostella Vectensis Resistance to Their Own Neurotoxin: Exploring the Coevolutionary Resistance of Ion Channels to Neurotoxins in Venomous Animals, Daniel Olivares-Zambrano and Timothy Jegla
Capstones/Theses from 2016
Promoting Sustainable Transportation with Campus Car Policies and Public Outreach, Michelle dela Cruz, Stephanie Samos, Kelcey Tern, and Nathaniel Todd
Safe and Sustainable Commutes, Mariana Del Valle Prieto Cervantes, Ian DeVille, Darlenne Guerra, Giovanni Ibarra, Victoria McClellan, and Rebecca Ortega
Developing a Bike-Share Program for Salinas and CSUMB, Brittany Whalen, Ryan Blackman, Monica Mata, and Madi Hare
Capstones/Theses from 2011
Assessing the Invasiveness of the Non-Native Kelp Undaria pinnatifida in Monterey Harbor and Implications for Its Management, Sarah Jeffries
Capstones/Theses from 2010
An integrated surface water-groundwater interaction model for the Carmel River, Jonathan Frame
Capstones/Theses from 2009
Assessment of endangered beach layia (Layia carnosa) on the Monterey Peninsula, Michael E. Johns
A policy evaluation of Hawaii's coral reef management strategies, Jennifer Linney
Capstones/Theses from 2008
Monitoring seasonal surface water quality variability in the Carmel River, Monterey County, Trevor Weidner-Holland
Capstones/Theses from 2007
Understanding Gilia tenuiflora ssp. arenaria population fluctuations and community relationships, Brianne Bieschke
Predicting areas at risk of invasion by cape ivy (Delairea odorata) on the Glen Deven Ranch, Big Sur, California, Dana M. DeVries
The cost and effectiveness of small-scale control methods on fennel, Foeniculum vulgare, in Natividad Creek Park, Salinas, CA, Abigail Gwinn
Increasing the diversion of solid waste generated from the Science Academic Center at California State University Monterey Bay, Alana Rivadeneyra
Capstones/Theses from 2006
Capstones/Theses from 2005
Developing an educational portfolio and survey for the new Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Visitor Center : a capstone project ..., Tera Farnsworth
Policy analysis of invasive species regulations in Sydney Harbour and San Francisco Bay, Alexis Radovich and Christina Schmunk
Characterization of fog water collection potential at Fort Ord and Glen Deven Ranch near Big Sur, Gregory Ruiz
Capstones/Theses from 2004
Geomorphology, sediment analysis and restoration plan for an incised urban creek : Don Dahvee Creek, Monterey, California, Kimberly Anne DeRenzo
Science and policy : the California Market Squid Fishery, Monica C. Diaz
Increasing Fort Ord groundwater supply by use of recharge basins, Emily Rose Roth
Spatial distribution of coast and dune buckwheat (Eriogonum latifolium & E. parvifolium) in a restoration site on the Fort Ord dunes of California, Heather Wallingford
Capstones/Theses from 2002
[The Akumal (Mexico) coral reef monitoring program 1994-2001], Liz Dries
A look at crab monitoring in the Elkhorn Slough, Jennifer Everly
A spatial and temporal analysis of trichloroethylene contamination in the aquifers under the former Fort Ord landfill, Kristy J. Meyer
A protocol for MPA data collection and comparison : case studies in temperate and tropical oceans, Marnie Meyer
My backyard wildlife : creating and teaching rabies curriculum using California Standards for Science Education, Deborah Schacker
Capstones/Theses from 2001
Evaluation of solar cells as a potential power source for shallow subtidal instrumentation, Nathaniel Atherstone
Is the Science Academic Center a sustainable building?, Meryka Blumer
Examining the natural history and biogeography of an endemic timberline pine (Pinus balfouriana), Michael Bogan
Rates of erosion and habitat loss in the Elkhorn Slough, Jeremiah Edward Brantner
How does land use effect sediment loads in Gabilan Creek?, Joel Casagrande
Construction, application, and discussion of a homemade bridge-based stream sediment and discharge sampling system, Wright Cole
Saving the sharks : using education to promote awareness of Triaskis [i.e. Triakis] semifasciata (leopard shark) in Elkhorn Slough, Chanté Davis
Return of the natives : cycle of restoration curriculum, Jon Detka
Spatial and temporal trends in nitrate contamination of groundwater in the Salinas Valley, Angela Dickeson
Respiratory rates of captive California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), Jennifer Ellsworth
How land-use affects sediment yields and surface runoff in a small semi-arid watersheds [sic] : a case study of the El Toro Watershed, Bronwyn Feikert
An assessment of coral reef conservation programs : towards a community-based approach, Adam Howard Feldman
Examination of the invasive green crab, Carcinus maenas, population in the Elkhorn Slough, Karen Flores and Susan Miller
A model to determine success of juvenile steelhead, Roy Foster
Alternative bedding sites for grazing sheep on Ft. Ord, Kevin Ghalambor
An evaluation of steelhead habitat and population in the Gabilan Creek Watershed, Julie Hager
Effects of waterfowl on a city pond's water quality : case study of Locke-Paddon Park Pond in Marina, California, Kendia Herrington
Diversity and abundance of plankton in an artificial wetland, Tottino Ponds, Samuel M. Hulme
A cost/benefit [i.e. cost-benefit] analysis of soil test kits designed to improve fertilizer management, Matthew P. Johnson
Sedimentology, resource conservation methods and environmental policy of irrigated row crop agriculture in the Salinas Valley, Don Kozlowski
Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) habitat assessment along the Arroyo Seco River, Brian Londquist
How anchoring locations can be changed to minimize damage to sensitive habitats near Monterey Harbor, Holly Linda Lopez
The use of geographic information systems in understanding invasive species in the Big Sur Weed Management Area, Marc Mungaray
Survey for carnivore species detection on Fort Ord public lands, Jodiah J. Nelson
An assessment and management protocol for Arundo donax in the Salinas Valley Watershed, Alana J. Oakins
Monterey-Seaside quadrangles : earthquake fault zones and the local building policy, Chris Pilson
Stream depletion by a shallow well, Charles Pugh
Integration of depth data onto a video camera backpack for use with California sea lions, Sarah Ann Radloff
Least wanted! : Elkhorn Slough Invasive Species Prevention Project, Danielle Renoud
Evaluation of an automated method to measure water potential in California oaks (Quercus Spp.), Dana Kristen Riggs
Sustainability and photovoltaic technology in Nicaragua, Benjjamin Rudd
The design of specialized hardware to anchor sampling instruments on rocky subtidal substrates, Paulo Serpa
Protected species of amphibians and reptiles : does human visitation to parks have an impact?, Jackie Shick
A valuation of the Pleasure Point Surf-Zone in Santa Cruz, CA using travel cost modeling, Charles Francis, Tilley
Mapping microhabitats defined by water flow velocity in the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, Mary A. Wackerman
GIS a display tool for fishery management : an analysis on the sablefish fishery for California central coast, Gina D. Wade
Capstones/Theses from 2000
California sea lion and harbor seal marks on salmonids : can they be used to estimate relative predation?, Melissa Allen
Correlating taxa diversity with pool area at the vernal pools of Fort Ord near Monterey, California, Sandy Ayala
Monitoring urban sprawl in Salinas city (1985 to 1999) : using remote sensing techniques, Bryant Bertrand
Monitoring Eriogonum populations on the coastal dunes of the former Fort Ord for the reestablishment of Euphilotes enoptes var. smithi, Carol A. Bowman
Depth and substrate preferences of preadult cabezon (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus) in Point Lobos Marine Reserve, Michael Ross Castleton
The importance of meeting the needs of captive dolphins and the benefits of establishing a successful training program, Jennifer DePaolo
Emerita analoga (Stimpson) -- possible new indicator species for the phycotoxin domoic acid in California coastal waters, Maria E. Ferdin
Assessing economic impacts of marine protected areas through GIS, Paul G. Garcia
Lead exposure analysis of the Fort Ord Deconstruction Project, David Johnston
Organic farming, agriculture and our food system : science, words and art, Zachary Knapp
The demographics of childhood lead poisoning in Monterey County, Darcie Loth
Emerita analoga (Stimpson) as an indicator species for paralytic shellfish poisoning toxicity along the California coast, Talitha J. Manouki
Crustacean diversity in the vernal pools and permanent ponds of Fort Ord, Erin Mitchell
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in action : the use of science and policy to assess environmental impacts, Kathy Nitayangkul
Coral reef conservation science, Rachel Oshry
The use of GIS to analyze and visualize the source and extent of mercury contamination in the sediments of the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento Delta watershed system, David C. Rosenow
An analysis of the growth of Penaeus vannamei shrimp at the Aquafuture Corporation, Heather Stahr
The sea around us : improving ocean awareness for students through education that links classrooms and the community, Tyana Denali Thayer
The effects of human activity on the foraging behavior of sanderlings (Calidris alba), Kate Thomas
Educating the public on dangers posed by northern elephant seals via an interactive map, Kristi West
Capstones/Theses from 1999
Promoting public awareness about natural lands : a self-guided nature trail brochure, Thor N. Anderson
The CDROM, GIS data of the Monterey Bay : inception, application, implementation, Randolph Bucciarelli
Development, economics, and policies surrounding the use of DNA probes for harmful algal bloom monitoring programs, Saundra Butcher
Modeling the Gabilan Creek Watershed with KINEROS, Mitchell Brian Fadem
Costs to China of implementing the Kyoto Protocol, Charlotte Hadley
Monitoring Fort Ord dune restoration, Mike Hall
Using ecosystem process modelling to estimate a fire danger index rating in Monterey, California, Gina Lee Hamilton