This electronic archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses is aimed at gathering the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students. The student authors of these Capstone projects and Master's theses have chosen to make their work publicly available.
To view capstones and theses from 2017 and later, please visit Capstone Projects and Master's Theses (all submissions)
Capstones/Theses from 2006
Learning styles affecting student learning in online based education systems, Christina Schmunk
Teaching young children how to read : phonics vs. whole language, Kelly Waldo
Broken contract : : a people's history of CSU Monterey Bay, 1994-2004 ..., Mark Weirick
Defying the dragon : stories of three generations of Japanese American struggle against racism on the Monterey Peninsula, Thomas P. White
Visiting Nurse Association marketing plan : meningitis disease awareness program targeting adolescents and young adults, Kristen Yahn
Capstones/Theses from 2005
Explicit instruction in context : writing in a first grade bilingual classroom, Liliana Batista-Rodriguez
Students perceptions of curriculum and pedagogy in a newcomer program, Felicia Billey
The Voices and Choices Project : empowering adolescent readers, Jennifer L. Bouder
The invisible minority : lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender college students, Yesenia CalderoÌn
Cognitively guided instruction (CGI) for mathematics at the elementary school level, Henry, Cho
Developing an educational portfolio and survey for the new Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Visitor Center : a capstone project ..., Tera Farnsworth
Healthy eating and physical activity curriculum, Adriana Gallegos
Domestic violence public service announcement : the Women's Crisis Center, Dennise Garcia
Multimedia animation outsourcing : capstone proposal ..., Emily L. Garnero
Inking an identity, Heather Johnson
Greek parents' perceptions of technology in children's education, Chrysoula Kargioti
Promoting first-generation college student success : establish a connection, eliminate confusion and build confidence, J. David Levyssohn
Greek parents' attitudes towards the academic and career choices of their children, Florentia Mareta
Community patterns in geothermally influenced sediments, Aroon Melwani
The flexible grouping workshop : an inquiry into effective facilitation in a collaborative professional development setting for teachers, Peggy Morrison
Age, growth, and reproduction of the sandpaper skate, Bathyraja kincaidii (Garman 1908) in the Eastern North Pacific : a thesis ..., Colleena Rae Perez
Community college and the re-entry student : addressing obstacles that affect the success of non-traditional female students, Mary Helen Porter
Policy analysis of invasive species regulations in Sydney Harbour and San Francisco Bay, Alexis Radovich and Christina Schmunk
Current educational practice of alternative schools for misbehaved students in China, Xina Ruheng
Characterization of fog water collection potential at Fort Ord and Glen Deven Ranch near Big Sur, Gregory Ruiz
Topographic complexity and benthic community variability within a kelp forest in Monterey Bay, CA : a thesis ..., Eric J. Sandoval
Patterns and causes of variability in the cover, biomass, and total abundance of Ulva spp. in Elkhorn Slough, California, Timothy J. Schaadt
Discovering alternative visual art programs for California schools, Angela Marie Schiaffo
Discovery, cloning, and analysis of novel fluorescent proteins from various color morphs of Corynactis californica, Christine E. Schnitzler
Prevention/intervention programs for students with or at-risk of emotional disturbances : a thesis ..., Mack Smith
Character education : early intervention, Dianne Thompson
Global phylogeography of thresher sharks (Alopias spp.) inferred from mitochondrial DNA control region sequences : a thesis ..., Tonatiuh Trejo
Capstones/Theses from 2004
Internet banking history and strategies : a case study of U.S. and Greek banks, Despoina Anesti
Family to Family community outreach, Kimberly Char
Rising above : Rising Eagle Youth Services (REYS) outcomes measurement, Jesus Clemente Ruiz
Geomorphology, sediment analysis and restoration plan for an incised urban creek : Don Dahvee Creek, Monterey, California, Kimberly Anne DeRenzo
Science and policy : the California Market Squid Fishery, Monica C. Diaz
Tell a Friend : a program designed to help women get mammograms, Erin Kristine Finley
The Geology, Geochemistry and Ecology of a Shallow Water Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Bahía Concepción, Baja California Sur, México, Matthew J. Forrest
No direct translation : the other immigrants in a Mexican community at an American school, J. Eric Gross
The use of manipulatives and education materials to teach young children about science and conservation, Jenny F. de la Hoz
Walkable communities of Salinas, California, Jessica Hunt
Creating an anti-bias children's book, Leslie Ian Stewart Jenkins
Monterey County volunteer agencies, Alice Mitchell
Beyond the classroom : learning through field trips, Diane Nugent
Learning days : shifting identities through collaborative action, Ryan Richard Oliver
Commercialization of public education : voices of academics and educators on corporate involvement in the schools, Oriana Parenti
The Linkages Program, Mark Perez
How we help our children : Mexican immigrant parents of high-achieving students, Katharine Neumann Richman
Increasing Fort Ord groundwater supply by use of recharge basins, Emily Rose Roth
Analysis and critique of existing Greek elementary schools' 4th grade language textbook : proposal of guidelines for the development of an inclusive multicultural language curriculum, Effrosyni Sakaloglou
Towards an assessment of reading volunteer performance : four case studies of Monterey County Reads reading volunteers, Lucas Salazar
Marine geology and potential rockfish habitat in the southwestern San Juan Islands, Washington, Janet E. Tilden
How can the educational needs of homeless youth be better served?, Andrea Vandom
Spatial distribution of coast and dune buckwheat (Eriogonum latifolium & E. parvifolium) in a restoration site on the Fort Ord dunes of California, Heather Wallingford
Capstones/Theses from 2003
Inviting soul into the public school classroom, Natalie Bernasconi
Empowering African American women to use their voices, Debra Bolger
Hollister, California : birthplace of the American biker, Sarah Capulli
The poverty of language in education : a social class perspective on an unequal institution, Julio J. Cardona
Nuclear intron phylogenies and evolution of clonality among Northeastern Pacific Anthopleura species, Laurie J. Fitzgerald
Aprendemos letras y sus sonidos : Learning letters and their sounds : an interactive experience, Diana M. Flores
Domoic acid in the benthic food web of Monterey Bay, California, Judah D. Goldberg
The distribution and abundance of marine birds in nearshore waters of Monterey Bay, California, Laird A. Henkel
Veteran Transition Center's Coming Home Program, Kelly Hieger
A new bottom line : the ethics of profitability through environmental sustainability, Aaron W. Hull
Dance as identity, resistance and power : danza indiÌgena de La Huasteca, MeÌxico, Janet Rachel Johns
Iraq War stories : how newspapers covered the first days of the war, Brian M. Kees
The influence of dissolved copper on the production of domoic acid by Pseudo-nitzschia species in Monterey Bay, California : laboratory experiments and field observations, Nicolas Christopher Ladizinsky
Sediment accumulation and sedimentary diatom abundance on the continental shelf of central California, Roger C. Lewis
Exploring the importance of incorporating the visual and creative arts into elementary school curriculum, Emily McDaniel
Core curriculum in Chad : a case study, Nouracham Niam
Teachers using computers in successful, effective and meaningful ways, Juanita Perea-Jimenez
Bullying affects on children and prevention strategies, Elizabeth Rada
Because you can : a contextual autobiography, Lisa Marie Underdown
Dynamic assessment and reading instruction, Lori Voogd
Monitoring harbor dredging and sedimentary changes in coastal habitats of the Santa Cruz Bight, California, Steven G. Watt
The ethics of sport : moral guidelines for effective coaching, Jennifer Lynne Whitemore
Capstones/Theses from 2002
A Greek perspective of EFL (English as a foreign language) : tracing linguistic difficulties, concerns and issues that Greek native speakers encounter, when they acquire English as a foreign language in the Greek educational system, Anastasia Anagnostopoulou
Barbed wire and bars, Chandra Apperson
The North American Free Trade Agreement, as an example of regional economic integration, and the challenges of democracy in developing economic policy, Antonio Arellano
Deals and crumbs : a novella depicting child sex slavery, Graham Blake
Identity education in conflict resolution, Mathew De Cristo
Edifying and strengthening English literacy for Latino second-language learners through the use of their native language : a language arts curriculum, Maria Isabel DiÌaz
[The Akumal (Mexico) coral reef monitoring program 1994-2001], Liz Dries
Equal pay, comparable worth and the wage gap : from Rosie the Riveter to the presen, Aimee Edwards-Altadonna
A look at crab monitoring in the Elkhorn Slough, Jennifer Everly
HIV/AIDS education and prevention outreach program for women, Catrina Flores
Character education at juvenile detention facility, Raymond Lee, Fox
Gang membership or post-secondary learning : how Silvana Mexican/Latinos make the choice, Jesus D. Galindo
Minority representation among National Board certified teachers, Ronna L. Gilani
Proyecto uno, dos, uno, dos : parents helping their kindergartners with patterning, Delia Silva GoÌmez
Dietrich Bonhoeffer : applying his ethic to contemporary U.S.--responding to 911, David Michael Hensler