This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
To view capstones and theses separately, please see the links below:
Capstones/Theses from 2005
Capstone Project: Cultural diversity of golf : practical and professional ethics a capstone project ..., Jason Tunila
Capstone Project: Developing an educational portfolio and survey for the new Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Visitor Center : a capstone project ..., Tera Farnsworth
Capstone Project: Domestic violence public service announcement : the Women's Crisis Center, Dennise Garcia
Capstone Project: For the record : portfolio, Sabrina Hill
Capstone Project: Gateway Center Walkers Club : senior capstone project, Tony Burciaga
Capstone Project: Healthy eating and physical activity curriculum, Adriana Gallegos
Capstone Project: Inking an identity, Heather Johnson
Capstone Project: Living ruins : : capstone portfolio, Matthew Noah Ulrich
Capstone Project: Never said goodbye, Christian A. Cázares
Capstone Project: Observations on five coral diseases and coral bleaching along the north and west coasts of Dominica, West Indies : a capstone project ..., Jeremy Kerr
Capstone Project: Policy analysis of invasive species regulations in Sydney Harbour and San Francisco Bay, Alexis Radovich and Christina Schmunk
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Deanne Knippenberg, Adrian Kerrihard, and Christian A. Cázares
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Ruben Reynaga
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Tessa Babcock
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Dan Preiser and Sabrina Hill
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Ashley Christine Beem
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Rebecca F. Peña
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Bryan Cooper, Brennan Tiffany, Amber Khteian, and Ruben Reynaga
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Cory Bruce
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Phillip Fraser, Adrian Kerrihard, and Ruben Reynaga
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Christine Haller
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Adrian Kerrihard
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Amber Khteian
Capstone Project: [Portfolio], Steve Schirner, Amber Khteian, and Ruben Reynaga
Capstone Project: Portfolio : gypsy skydiver, Jack Lawton
Capstone Project: Pre-portfolio, Noah Wilson
Capstone Project: Pre-portfolio, Chris Stamey and Amber Khteian
Capstone Project: School garden : senior capstone project, Christela Castro
Capstone Project: Sound of silence : portfolio, Leonardo Lucas
Capstone Project: The sound of silence : portfolio, Griffin Childers
Capstone Project: Water resources on the Monterey Peninsula : how the efficient use of water through increased conservation, water reuse, and aquifer storage and recovery can help to meet water demands in the urban sector : a capstone project ..., Jessica Sharkey
Master's Thesis: Age, growth, and reproduction of the sandpaper skate, Bathyraja kincaidii (Garman 1908) in the Eastern North Pacific : a thesis ..., Colleena Rae Perez
Master's Thesis: Community college and the re-entry student : addressing obstacles that affect the success of non-traditional female students, Mary Helen Porter
Master's Thesis: Community patterns in geothermally influenced sediments, Aroon Melwani
Master's Thesis: Current educational practice of alternative schools for misbehaved students in China, Xina Ruheng
Master's Thesis: Discovering alternative visual art programs for California schools, Angela Marie Schiaffo
Master's Thesis: Discovery, cloning, and analysis of novel fluorescent proteins from various color morphs of Corynactis californica, Christine E. Schnitzler
Master's Thesis: Explicit instruction in context : writing in a first grade bilingual classroom, Liliana Batista-Rodriguez
Master's Thesis: Feminist art history and theory at California State University Monterey Bay : a descriptive case study of a new course : action thesis ..., Judith Swartz
Master's Thesis: Global phylogeography of thresher sharks (Alopias spp.) inferred from mitochondrial DNA control region sequences : a thesis ..., Tonatiuh Trejo
Master's Thesis: Greek parents' attitudes towards the academic and career choices of their children, Florentia Mareta
Master's Thesis: Greek parents' perceptions of technology in children's education, Chrysoula Kargioti
Master's Thesis: Improving a community college conversation club : helping adult ESL learners to develop oral communication skills : action thesis, JesuÌs Ochoa-Villicaña
Master's Thesis: Multimedia animation outsourcing : capstone proposal ..., Emily L. Garnero
Master's Thesis: Patterns and causes of variability in the cover, biomass, and total abundance of Ulva spp. in Elkhorn Slough, California, Timothy J. Schaadt
Master's Thesis: Prevention/intervention programs for students with or at-risk of emotional disturbances : a thesis ..., Mack Smith
Master's Thesis: Promoting first-generation college student success : establish a connection, eliminate confusion and build confidence, J. David Levyssohn
Master's Thesis: Students perceptions of curriculum and pedagogy in a newcomer program, Felicia Billey
Master's Thesis: Teaching environmental justice through literature, Kari Serpa
Master's Thesis: The flexible grouping workshop : an inquiry into effective facilitation in a collaborative professional development setting for teachers, Peggy Morrison
Master's Thesis: The invisible minority : lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender college students, Yesenia CalderoÌn
Master's Thesis: The Voices and Choices Project : empowering adolescent readers, Jennifer L. Bouder
Master's Thesis: Topographic complexity and benthic community variability within a kelp forest in Monterey Bay, CA : a thesis ..., Eric J. Sandoval
Capstones/Theses from 2004
Capstone Project: Catholic Charities of the Monterey Diocese and Parishes, Maha Salmoun
Capstone Project: Child obesity and attitudes towards nutrition, Katie Barnes
Capstone Project: Diabetes and Obesity Health Fair, Sonia S. Cruz
Capstone Project: Evaluation of the Strengthening Families Program, Alma Martinez Rocha
Capstone Project: Family to Family community outreach, Kimberly Char
Capstone Project: Geomorphology, sediment analysis and restoration plan for an incised urban creek : Don Dahvee Creek, Monterey, California, Kimberly Anne DeRenzo
Capstone Project: Increasing Fort Ord groundwater supply by use of recharge basins, Emily Rose Roth
Capstone Project: Mal de Ojo, MaximoÌn, and the social practice of healing Guatemala : an ethnographic encounter, Stacey L. Moss
Capstone Project: Monterey County drug court assessment, Sandra Rodriguez
Capstone Project: Monterey County volunteer agencies, Alice Mitchell
Capstone Project: Police service technician job analysis, Simonne Robidoux
Capstone Project: Rising above : Rising Eagle Youth Services (REYS) outcomes measurement, Jesus Clemente Ruiz
Capstone Project: Science and policy : the California Market Squid Fishery, Monica C. Diaz
Capstone Project: Securing accurate child support orders, Maria Bravo
Capstone Project: Social marketing research on teenage pregnancy prevention among Latino parents : a case study, Kate Murphy
Capstone Project: Spatial distribution of coast and dune buckwheat (Eriogonum latifolium & E. parvifolium) in a restoration site on the Fort Ord dunes of California, Heather Wallingford
Capstone Project: Suicide's bitter melody : existing review of professional and published works on suicide's connection to music, Sean Scully
Capstone Project: Tell a Friend : a program designed to help women get mammograms, Erin Kristine Finley
Capstone Project: The Linkages Program, Mark Perez
Capstone Project: The manual for Alisal Healthy Start, Antonio Barajas
Capstone Project: Towards an assessment of reading volunteer performance : four case studies of Monterey County Reads reading volunteers, Lucas Salazar
Capstone Project: Walkable communities of Salinas, California, Jessica Hunt
Master's Thesis: A model of a professional development program with an emphasis on serving typically underserved populations for educators working with gifted and talented students, Sandra Shephard
Master's Thesis: Analysis and critique of existing Greek elementary schools' 4th grade language textbook : proposal of guidelines for the development of an inclusive multicultural language curriculum, Effrosyni Sakaloglou
Master's Thesis: Beyond the classroom : learning through field trips, Diane Nugent
Master's Thesis: Bilingual preschool education : an anti-bias social activist approach, Luz Marina Cardona
Master's Thesis: Commercialization of public education : voices of academics and educators on corporate involvement in the schools, Oriana Parenti
Master's Thesis: Creating an anti-bias children's book, Leslie Ian Stewart Jenkins
Master's Thesis: Dual language immersion : the educational practices that contribute to the success of English only kindergarten students in learning Spanish, Shari Nacht
Master's Thesis: Early introduction to English literacy instruction for bilingual students : does it facilitate or hinder success?, Carolina Evans-Roman
Master's Thesis: Economic empowerement of women through higher level technology training, Jenipher Achieng Owuor
Master's Thesis: How can the educational needs of homeless youth be better served?, Andrea Vandom
Master's Thesis: How we help our children : Mexican immigrant parents of high-achieving students, Katharine Neumann Richman
Master's Thesis: Internet banking history and strategies : a case study of U.S. and Greek banks, Despoina Anesti
Master's Thesis: Learning days : shifting identities through collaborative action, Ryan Richard Oliver
Master's Thesis: Low oral communication and communication apprehension in the high school classroom, Christi A. Crutchfield
Master's Thesis: Marine geology and potential rockfish habitat in the southwestern San Juan Islands, Washington, Janet E. Tilden
Master's Thesis: No direct translation : the other immigrants in a Mexican community at an American school, J. Eric Gross
Master's Thesis: The Geology, Geochemistry and Ecology of a Shallow Water Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Bahía Concepción, Baja California Sur, México, Matthew J. Forrest
Master's Thesis: The use of manipulatives and education materials to teach young children about science and conservation, Jenny F. de la Hoz
Capstones/Theses from 2003
Capstone Project: A new bottom line : the ethics of profitability through environmental sustainability, Aaron W. Hull
Capstone Project: Because you can : a contextual autobiography, Lisa Marie Underdown
Capstone Project: Bullying affects on children and prevention strategies, Elizabeth Rada
Capstone Project: Exploring the importance of incorporating the visual and creative arts into elementary school curriculum, Emily McDaniel
Capstone Project: Feminism and science fiction, Emily Garton
Capstone Project: Gender bias in our school system and its effect on career choices for females, Les Stuart
Capstone Project: Hollister, California : birthplace of the American biker, Sarah Capulli