This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
To view capstones and theses separately, please see the links below:
Capstones/Theses from 2003
Capstone Project: Iraq War stories : how newspapers covered the first days of the war, Brian M. Kees
Capstone Project: Mi programa radial : the effects of Spanish morning radio programs on the Latino community, RociÌo Palacios AlmodoÌvar
Capstone Project: The ethics of sport : moral guidelines for effective coaching, Jennifer Lynne Whitemore
Capstone Project: The poverty of language in education : a social class perspective on an unequal institution, Julio J. Cardona
Capstone Project: Veteran Transition Center's Coming Home Program, Kelly Hieger
Master's Thesis: Aprendemos letras y sus sonidos : Learning letters and their sounds : an interactive experience, Diana M. Flores
Master's Thesis: Core curriculum in Chad : a case study, Nouracham Niam
Master's Thesis: Dance as identity, resistance and power : danza indiÌgena de La Huasteca, MeÌxico, Janet Rachel Johns
Master's Thesis: Dismantling the master's house : using whose tools? : a critical analysis of the experiences of University Service Advocates at the Service Learning Institute of California State University, Monterey Bay, Judith Flores
Master's Thesis: Domoic acid in the benthic food web of Monterey Bay, California, Judah D. Goldberg
Master's Thesis: Dynamic assessment and reading instruction, Lori Voogd
Master's Thesis: Empowering African American women to use their voices, Debra Bolger
Master's Thesis: Examining multiage education : what teaching strategies and practices best support the academic and social needs of students in multiage classes?, Mary Lisa Kelley
Master's Thesis: Inviting soul into the public school classroom, Natalie Bernasconi
Master's Thesis: Lesson study : the school garden as an integrating context for science and language learning, Karen Nordstrom
Master's Thesis: Monitoring harbor dredging and sedimentary changes in coastal habitats of the Santa Cruz Bight, California, Steven G. Watt
Master's Thesis: Nuclear intron phylogenies and evolution of clonality among Northeastern Pacific Anthopleura species, Laurie J. Fitzgerald
Master's Thesis: Sediment accumulation and sedimentary diatom abundance on the continental shelf of central California, Roger C. Lewis
Master's Thesis: Teachers using computers in successful, effective and meaningful ways, Juanita Perea-Jimenez
Master's Thesis: The distribution and abundance of marine birds in nearshore waters of Monterey Bay, California, Laird A. Henkel
Master's Thesis: The influence of dissolved copper on the production of domoic acid by Pseudo-nitzschia species in Monterey Bay, California : laboratory experiments and field observations, Nicolas Christopher Ladizinsky
Master's Thesis: To what extent can regional art and literature serve as an academic framework to connect CSUMB freshmen to their off-campus housing?, Lila Staples
Capstones/Theses from 2002
Capstone Project: A celluloid history of Blacks in America, Ana Maria Zoellin
Capstone Project: A look at crab monitoring in the Elkhorn Slough, Jennifer Everly
Capstone Project: Anything less than a man : race, manhood, and insurgency in the US military, 1970-1974, Kevin Miller
Capstone Project: A protocol for MPA data collection and comparison : case studies in temperate and tropical oceans, Marnie Meyer
Capstone Project: Artway to academics, Jane Cohen
Capstone Project: A spatial and temporal analysis of trichloroethylene contamination in the aquifers under the former Fort Ord landfill, Kristy J. Meyer
Capstone Project: Assets of a multicultural curriculum in high school English classrooms, Kelley Ghione
Capstone Project: A women's script : individual recognition through created community, Laurel Hunter
Capstone Project: Barbed wire and bars, Chandra Apperson
Capstone Project: Beyond "Pesticides and Beyond" : the partnership of creative writing and service learning in engendering and perpetuating social activism, Paul David Tuff
Capstone Project: Building on the dynamics of youth violence, Noah V. Solis
Capstone Project: Camouflaged : domestic violence and the military family, Mary Porter
Capstone Project: Continuous academic improvement : a case study comparison of private and public school, Shannon Wheelan
Capstone Project: Counseling Mexican American high school students, Juanita Lopez
Capstone Project: Deals and crumbs : a novella depicting child sex slavery, Graham Blake
Capstone Project: Developing a policy that would permit California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA) to obtain Cal OSHA certification to complete field inspections, Tamara Murphy
Capstone Project: Dietrich Bonhoeffer : applying his ethic to contemporary U.S.--responding to 911, David Michael Hensler
Capstone Project: Equal pay, comparable worth and the wage gap : from Rosie the Riveter to the presen, Aimee Edwards-Altadonna
Capstone Project: Ethics for a global economy : in the wake of 9-11, Karen Monica Patty
Capstone Project: Evaluation of recruitment methods, Jennifer Tennyson
Capstone Project: Examining the "skin trade" : a cultural and juridical analysis of the Internet's perpetuation of the sex tourism industry, Janelle Sanders
Capstone Project: Fairy tale females : what three Disney classics tell us about women, Debbie Mead
Capstone Project: Female entrepreneurs, Elizabeth Ross
Capstone Project: Filling in the blanks : IHSS desk reference and Power Point presentation, Christina Witkowski
Capstone Project: Finding potential linkages between age, severity, and water stress in pitch canker, Fussarium circinatum, infested Monterey pines in Asilomar State Park, Monterey, California, Dave Contreras
Capstone Project: From braceros to amnesty grantees : three generations of immigration history, LuiÌs MeÌndez M.
Capstone Project: Healing from rape without prejudice : an advocate's struggle, Tiffani Mychelle Jessup
Capstone Project: HIV/AIDS education and prevention outreach program for women, Catrina Flores
Capstone Project: How probation caseload size variations affect performance, Ian Titus
Capstone Project: Hunger and homelessness awareness week, Tamara John
Capstone Project: Identity education in conflict resolution, Mathew De Cristo
Capstone Project: Inspiring women to vote : what would it take?, Courtney Kuhn
Capstone Project: Jewel of the Delta : Mound Bayou, Mississippi, Charles C., Stringer
Capstone Project: Language planning to construct power, inequality, and hegemony, Arturo Ruelas
Capstone Project: Learning to fight dragons : finding creative writing in low-income and high-minority schools, Erin Marie Soos
Capstone Project: Multicultural literature through the eyes of the reader, Marie Elizabeth Ricco
Capstone Project: My backyard wildlife : creating and teaching rabies curriculum using California Standards for Science Education, Deborah Schacker
Capstone Project: One thousand cups of tea : exploring the social & personal effects of women & travel, Rachael Snow
Capstone Project: Opening minds : a working multicultural high school literature curriculum, Amber Bowles
Capstone Project: Preppin' for prison : the criminalization of youth of color in American public schools, Viana-Tlanecilo Torres
Capstone Project: Senior nutrition screening initiative, Linder Nesbitt
Capstone Project: Standardized testing : curriculum manipulation and student learning, Adam Bumgardner
Capstone Project: [The Akumal (Mexico) coral reef monitoring program 1994-2001], Liz Dries
Capstone Project: The blurring of sex and sexuality : the roll [i.e. role] music videos and popular icons play in the influence of sexual identification and activity in teenage girls, Megan Grundbrecher
Capstone Project: The North American Free Trade Agreement, as an example of regional economic integration, and the challenges of democracy in developing economic policy, Antonio Arellano
Capstone Project: Weaving resistance : : feminist narrative in struggle for social justice, Jade Minkin
Capstone Project: Who's face is it anyway?, Maya Banda
Master's Thesis: A course of independent study for English speakers of Chinese after intermediate level at California State University, Monterey Bay, Wei Xu
Master's Thesis: A developmentally appropriate visual art program for K-1 students, Maria Vasilaki
Master's Thesis: A Greek perspective of EFL (English as a foreign language) : tracing linguistic difficulties, concerns and issues that Greek native speakers encounter, when they acquire English as a foreign language in the Greek educational system, Anastasia Anagnostopoulou
Master's Thesis: Beneath the surface : middle school students and diversity, Terri Pipes
Master's Thesis: Breeding poverty or teaching sexual health? : education for preventing teen pregnancy and issues of class, culture and gender equity, Keresha J. Durham
Master's Thesis: Bringing voices out of the hall : the Voices Project, Nancy Newsom
Master's Thesis: Building effective arts programs that reflect and include our community, Gina RodriÌguez
Master's Thesis: Character education at juvenile detention facility, Raymond Lee, Fox
Master's Thesis: Culturally congruent critical pedagogy for preschool children, Joya L. Chavarin
Master's Thesis: Determining marine particulate and dissolved material properties from measurements of their inherent optical properties in situ, Eufemia Palomino
Master's Thesis: Edifying and strengthening English literacy for Latino second-language learners through the use of their native language : a language arts curriculum, Maria Isabel DiÌaz
Master's Thesis: Gang membership or post-secondary learning : how Silvana Mexican/Latinos make the choice, Jesus D. Galindo
Master's Thesis: Minority representation among National Board certified teachers, Ronna L. Gilani
Master's Thesis: Proyecto uno, dos, uno, dos : parents helping their kindergartners with patterning, Delia Silva GoÌmez
Master's Thesis: Teacher evaluation as professional development, Cynthia Suverkrop
Master's Thesis: Using curriculum-based measurement to measure progress in oral reading fluency and expressive writing, Jean P. Bye
Capstones/Theses from 2001
Capstone Project: A cost/benefit [i.e. cost-benefit] analysis of soil test kits designed to improve fertilizer management, Matthew P. Johnson
Capstone Project: Alternative bedding sites for grazing sheep on Ft. Ord, Kevin Ghalambor
Capstone Project: A model to determine success of juvenile steelhead, Roy Foster
Capstone Project: An assessment and management protocol for Arundo donax in the Salinas Valley Watershed, Alana J. Oakins
Capstone Project: An assessment of coral reef conservation programs : towards a community-based approach, Adam Howard Feldman
Capstone Project: An evaluation of steelhead habitat and population in the Gabilan Creek Watershed, Julie Hager
Capstone Project: A valuation of the Pleasure Point Surf-Zone in Santa Cruz, CA using travel cost modeling, Charles Francis, Tilley
Capstone Project: Construction, application, and discussion of a homemade bridge-based stream sediment and discharge sampling system, Wright Cole
Capstone Project: Diversity and abundance of plankton in an artificial wetland, Tottino Ponds, Samuel M. Hulme
Capstone Project: Drama as a strategy for the social development of special needs students, Mack Smith
Capstone Project: Effects of waterfowl on a city pond's water quality : case study of Locke-Paddon Park Pond in Marina, California, Kendia Herrington
Capstone Project: Evaluation of an automated method to measure water potential in California oaks (Quercus Spp.), Dana Kristen Riggs
Capstone Project: Evaluation of solar cells as a potential power source for shallow subtidal instrumentation, Nathaniel Atherstone
Capstone Project: Examination of the invasive green crab, Carcinus maenas, population in the Elkhorn Slough, Karen Flores and Susan Miller
Capstone Project: Examining the natural history and biogeography of an endemic timberline pine (Pinus balfouriana), Michael Bogan