This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
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Capstones/Theses from 2007
Master's Thesis: Molecular, histological, and behavioral differences in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and topsmelt (Atherinops affinis) exposed to methylmercury, Daphne Gehringer
Master's Thesis: Teaching and assessing grammar in the collaborative college composition classroom : a study of my own pedagogy in the teaching of writing at California State University Monterey Bay, John Swanson
Master's Thesis: The biogeography and distribution of megafauna at three California seamounts, Lonny J. Lundsten
Master's Thesis: The effect of graphic organizers on the teaching of reading comprehension skills of special education students, Julie L. Carothers
Master's Thesis: What challenges the Arabic language learners, and what pedagogical techniques/practices would enhance learning and best motivate the learners, Amna S. Ahmed
Master's Thesis: What primary grade teachers need to know about speech and language, Evanthia Argyriou
Capstones/Theses from 2006
Capstone Project: Access to justice : legal assistance for low-income people in California, Cecilia Arias-Deniz
Capstone Project: Broken contract : : a people's history of CSU Monterey Bay, 1994-2004 ..., Mark Weirick
Capstone Project: Creativity, Rebecca Ross
Capstone Project: Downtown redevelopment and homeless services : history and factors of the Soledad Street controversy, Aaron Nousaine
Capstone Project: Early and appropriate remediation and accommodation for dysgraphic students, Denise Phipps-Craig
Capstone Project: From fists to words : a revolutionized awareness based on peace, Kristen Ana LaFollette
Capstone Project: Growing up with migration : impacts on Oaxacan youth culture and identity, Natalie Hudson
Capstone Project: Improving independent living skills training for youth exiting foster care in Monterey County, Christy Ann Scaife
Capstone Project: Learning styles affecting student learning in online based education systems, Christina Schmunk
Capstone Project: Media violence and its impact on society and teenagers, Irina Reissler
Capstone Project: Recidivism among juveniles on probation, Rosalba Garcia
Capstone Project: Same-sex marriage : Right or wrong? Past, present, and future, Jessica Hannibal and Summer Snell
Capstone Project: Second Harvest (SH) prepares for the next big disaster, Timothy Inglish
Capstone Project: Senior capstone : the intellectual precepts for the Iraq war, Neil Amos
Capstone Project: Teaching young children how to read : phonics vs. whole language, Kelly Waldo
Capstone Project: The effects of nutrition on the cognitive skills of students from kindergarten through third grades, Rebecca Lorentz
Capstone Project: Transsexual individuals’ experiences in psychotherapy : a partial replication, Elizabeth Ehrmann
Capstone Project: Veterans Transition Center (VTC) resource guide, Matthew Ryan
Capstone Project: Visiting Nurse Association marketing plan : meningitis disease awareness program targeting adolescents and young adults, Kristen Yahn
Capstone Project: Water quality monitoring for suitable juvenile Steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) habitat in the Carmel River Lagoon during minimal fresh water inflow : a capstone project ..., Eric M. Lumas
Master's Thesis: Age, growth, and reproduction of the Roughtail Skate Bathyraja trachura (Gilbert, 1892) from the eastern North Pacific, ChanteÌ Davis
Master's Thesis: A political profession : motivating pre-service teachers to participate in our democracy, Jennifer Cottle
Master's Thesis: California State University, Monterey Bay Student-Athlete Handbook : action thesis ..., Abrahm P. Pedroza
Master's Thesis: Defying the dragon : stories of three generations of Japanese American struggle against racism on the Monterey Peninsula, Thomas P. White
Master's Thesis: Dragon or worm : educational aspirations of DLI Chinese teachers for their adolescent children, Shu Mian Wang
Master's Thesis: Educating about eating disorders : examining body image curriculum and policy at a small private school, Marita Priya Diaz
Master's Thesis: Food habits of the Longnose Skate, Raja rhina (Jordan and Gilbert, 1880), in central California waters, Heather Joan Robinson
Master's Thesis: Involvement of Head Start parents in their child's preschool education, using science activities as a tool, Marbella RodriÌguez-Chavira
Master's Thesis: Learning enforcement : the influence of No Child Left Behind on the fourth grade language arts curriculum in a public school, Yolanda E. Diaz
Master's Thesis: Mercury methylation in sediments from coastal and Sierra watersheds : implications for methylmercury mitigation in the San Francisco Bay-Delta complex, Tom Stewart Kimball
Master's Thesis: Multicultural curriculum development in English as a foreign language literature for the fifth grade of Greek elementary school, Athanasia Tasiopoulou
Master's Thesis: Onanistic feminism -- a feminist perspective : a case study of Indonesian feminist media, Meike Bhariana
Master's Thesis: Parental empowerment through involvement : presented to ..., Anneliese Neitling
Master's Thesis: Rethinking the "G" word : grammer as a tool for empowerment : a curriculum development project for a hybrid Grammar Through Writing course : a thesis ..., Janice Coury
Master's Thesis: Subversive beauty : reading and creating culture, Normi Burke
Master's Thesis: Teaching collaboration for the performing arts : program design that creates a bridge between Monterey Peninsula College and California State University, Monterey Bay while giving the community voice, Steven Retsky
Master's Thesis: Technology as a tool for inclusion in multicultural classrooms, Kristina Hamill
Master's Thesis: The importance of career exploration to at-risk middle school students : a thesis ..., Craig Panzer
Master's Thesis: The importance of early intervention for students with or at-risk for emotional disturbance or conduct disorder, Jesse, Richards
Master's Thesis: Trace element concentrations in the Pacific harbor seal, Phoca vitulina richardii, in central and northern California : a thesis ..., Tiffini Jo Brookens
Master's Thesis: Transition services in special education : What is working? What are the challenges? : a thesis ..., Sharon Duty
Capstones/Theses from 2005
Capstone Project: Blues with Stu, Vanessa Sandoval
Capstone Project: Capstone portfolio, Anna Falcon, Tessa Babcock, and Rebecca F. Peña
Capstone Project: Character education : early intervention, Dianne Thompson
Capstone Project: Characterization of fog water collection potential at Fort Ord and Glen Deven Ranch near Big Sur, Gregory Ruiz
Capstone Project: Cognitively guided instruction (CGI) for mathematics at the elementary school level, Henry, Cho
Capstone Project: Cultural diversity of golf : practical and professional ethics a capstone project ..., Jason Tunila
Capstone Project: Developing an educational portfolio and survey for the new Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Visitor Center : a capstone project ..., Tera Farnsworth
Capstone Project: Domestic violence public service announcement : the Women's Crisis Center, Dennise Garcia
Capstone Project: For the record : portfolio, Sabrina Hill
Capstone Project: Gateway Center Walkers Club : senior capstone project, Tony Burciaga
Capstone Project: Healthy eating and physical activity curriculum, Adriana Gallegos
Capstone Project: Inking an identity, Heather Johnson
Capstone Project: Living ruins : : capstone portfolio, Matthew Noah Ulrich
Capstone Project: Never said goodbye, Christian A. Cázares
Capstone Project: Observations on five coral diseases and coral bleaching along the north and west coasts of Dominica, West Indies : a capstone project ..., Jeremy Kerr
Capstone Project: Policy analysis of invasive species regulations in Sydney Harbour and San Francisco Bay, Alexis Radovich and Christina Schmunk
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Amber Khteian
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Ruben Reynaga
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Dan Preiser and Sabrina Hill
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Tessa Babcock
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Ashley Christine Beem
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Rebecca F. Peña
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Bryan Cooper, Brennan Tiffany, Amber Khteian, and Ruben Reynaga
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Cory Bruce
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Phillip Fraser, Adrian Kerrihard, and Ruben Reynaga
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Christine Haller
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Adrian Kerrihard
Capstone Project: Portfolio, Deanne Knippenberg, Adrian Kerrihard, and Christian A. Cázares
Capstone Project: [Portfolio], Steve Schirner, Amber Khteian, and Ruben Reynaga
Capstone Project: Portfolio : gypsy skydiver, Jack Lawton
Capstone Project: Pre-portfolio, Noah Wilson
Capstone Project: Pre-portfolio, Chris Stamey and Amber Khteian
Capstone Project: School garden : senior capstone project, Christela Castro
Capstone Project: Sound of silence : portfolio, Leonardo Lucas
Capstone Project: The sound of silence : portfolio, Griffin Childers
Capstone Project: Water resources on the Monterey Peninsula : how the efficient use of water through increased conservation, water reuse, and aquifer storage and recovery can help to meet water demands in the urban sector : a capstone project ..., Jessica Sharkey
Master's Thesis: Age, growth, and reproduction of the sandpaper skate, Bathyraja kincaidii (Garman 1908) in the Eastern North Pacific : a thesis ..., Colleena Rae Perez
Master's Thesis: Community college and the re-entry student : addressing obstacles that affect the success of non-traditional female students, Mary Helen Porter
Master's Thesis: Community patterns in geothermally influenced sediments, Aroon Melwani
Master's Thesis: Current educational practice of alternative schools for misbehaved students in China, Xina Ruheng
Master's Thesis: Discovering alternative visual art programs for California schools, Angela Marie Schiaffo
Master's Thesis: Discovery, cloning, and analysis of novel fluorescent proteins from various color morphs of Corynactis californica, Christine E. Schnitzler
Master's Thesis: Explicit instruction in context : writing in a first grade bilingual classroom, Liliana Batista-Rodriguez
Master's Thesis: Feminist art history and theory at California State University Monterey Bay : a descriptive case study of a new course : action thesis ..., Judith Swartz
Master's Thesis: Global phylogeography of thresher sharks (Alopias spp.) inferred from mitochondrial DNA control region sequences : a thesis ..., Tonatiuh Trejo
Master's Thesis: Greek parents' attitudes towards the academic and career choices of their children, Florentia Mareta
Master's Thesis: Greek parents' perceptions of technology in children's education, Chrysoula Kargioti
Master's Thesis: Improving a community college conversation club : helping adult ESL learners to develop oral communication skills : action thesis, JesuÌs Ochoa-Villicaña
Master's Thesis: Multimedia animation outsourcing : capstone proposal ..., Emily L. Garnero
Master's Thesis: Patterns and causes of variability in the cover, biomass, and total abundance of Ulva spp. in Elkhorn Slough, California, Timothy J. Schaadt
Master's Thesis: Prevention/intervention programs for students with or at-risk of emotional disturbances : a thesis ..., Mack Smith
Master's Thesis: Promoting first-generation college student success : establish a connection, eliminate confusion and build confidence, J. David Levyssohn
Master's Thesis: Students perceptions of curriculum and pedagogy in a newcomer program, Felicia Billey