This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
To view capstones and theses separately, please see the links below:
Capstones/Theses from 2018
Capstone Project: Ready Set Involved: The Power of Parents, Abigail Cuevas
Capstone Project: Teaching Kindergarteners about Unhealthy and Healthy Foods, Brittany Young
Capstone Project: Tertiary Education for Refugees: The challenges refugees face in gaining access to higher education, Adriana Ramirez Altamirano
Capstone Project: The History and Development of House Music as a Genre, Brandon Avila
Capstone Project: The International Movement of Companies and Investments; A Case Study of Reverse Mergers and Takeovers, James Krauskopf
Capstone Project: The Major Determinates of Female Immigrant Wages, Mirla M. Ramirez
Capstone Project: The Role of Bilingual Education at the Elementary School Level, Maria Ortiz
Capstone Project: U.S. cultivated, con Origen Mexicano: Exploring The Identity Formation of Returned Migrants, Alejandra Martinez
Master's Thesis: Accelerated Reader Implementation and Student Reading Attitudes, Alexander Schenck
Master's Thesis: Computer Simulations with Developing and Using Models in the NGSS Curriculum, Tiana Mohondro
Master's Thesis: Effectiveness of System 44® as an Intervention for Students with Learning Disabilities, Christopher K. Alreck
Master's Thesis: Effects of Behavior Management Training with Paraprofessionals in a Special Day Class, Leslie Castro
Master's Thesis: Effects of Guided Reading on Third-grade Students' Reading Ability, Stella Ugonnaya Etumnu
Master's Thesis: Effects of Hypoxia on the Behavior and Physiology of Juvenile Stage Temperate Reef Fishes (Genus: Sebastes), Evan Gilman Mattiasen
Master's Thesis: English Language Learners and Reading Comprehension: Exploring the Role of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Mind (SCT), Brad Bauer
Master's Thesis: Examining the Effect of Flipped Learning on English Language Learner Mathematics Achievement, Kimberlee Margosian
Master's Thesis: Implementing Multisensory Techniques when Teaching Letter Knowledge, Franciska Karpovich
Master's Thesis: Increasing Chinese Character Recognition Using Incremental Rehearsal with a Morphological Component, Lan Chen
Master's Thesis: Increasing On-Task Behavior of Students with Autism using Classical Music, Amanda Greenleaf
Master's Thesis: Intercultural Communicative Competence of Novice-Level Japanese Learners, Minako Kamimura
Master's Thesis: Middle School Students’ Confidence in Public Speaking, Kimberly Kellam
Master's Thesis: Multiplication Automaticity for Students with Learning Disabilities, Sandra G. Barton
Master's Thesis: Peer-mediated Communication Skill Instruction in the Reverse Mainstreaming Environment for Students with Autism, Rachel Gross
Master's Thesis: Phenology and the Response to Disturbance of the Fucoid, Stephanocystis osmundacea, Cody Dawson
Master's Thesis: Population Density and Spatial Distribution of Abyssal Epibenthic Holothurians Using Fine Scale Time Series Imagery (2007-2017), Larissa Lemon
Master's Thesis: Promoting Appropriately Engaged Behavior in the Classroom with Student Self-Monitoring and Teacher Feedback, Julia Jensen
Master's Thesis: Reducing Disruptive Behaviors in Students With Emotional and Behavior Disorders, Diego Ortega
Master's Thesis: Shifting Species Boundaries: Mytilus Spp. on the Pacific Coast, Melinda Kathleen Wheelock
Master's Thesis: The Effectiveness of Recasts in Improving the Understanding of English Possessive Pronouns, Malalai Popal
Master's Thesis: The Effect of WhyTry on Student Motivation, David Garrison
Master's Thesis: The Effects of Simultaneous Prompting and Instructive Feedback For Individuals with Autism, Brandie S. Rankin
Master's Thesis: The Impact of a Social Skills Curriculum on School Connectedness for Students with Disabilities, Riley Glenn
Master's Thesis: The Impact of Listening to Preferred Music on Behavior for Students with Disabilities, Angela Telles
Capstones/Theses from 2017
Capstone Project: 250 Words of I don't Understand: Reading Struggles for Freshmen College Students, Alicia Bushey
Capstone Project: Addressing Social Issues Affecting Vulnerable Populations in San Benito County through Community Events, Lucila Alvarez
Capstone Project: A Discussion Regarding Various Animals' Abilities to Make Music and Move Rhythmically to Songs, Emilie R. Bufford
Capstone Project: Advocate Resource Manual CASA Voices for Children, elvia perez
Capstone Project: A Forgotten Demographic: Low-Income First-Generation College Students, Ryan Joseph-Lee Haynes
Capstone Project: Almost Home: An Interim Solution to Homelessness, Daleen M. Pearse
Capstone Project: And The Beat Goes on: The Story of the Drum Machine, Ismael Medina
Capstone Project: Blooming Relationships: Increasing Communication Between Parents and Teachers, Jasmine Negrete
Capstone Project: Bridging the Literacy Gap: A Critique of Computer-Based Instruction, Savannah Lee Trudeau
Capstone Project: Bright Futures; Teaching Parents the importance of well child checkups, Estefania Lopez
Capstone Project: Building a Bridge: Challenging the Negative Perceptions of School Resource Officers, Angel Estrada
Capstone Project: CalFresh: Examining Barriers of Low Participation Rates in Santa Cruz County, Yesenia Sanchez
Capstone Project: Caring for Humanity: Non-Profit Elderly Law, Sierra Samp
Capstone Project: Chinatown Landscape Analysis, Juliana Saldana
Capstone Project: Climate Change: Why Is a Positive School Climate Imperative To Learning?, Lindsay C. Frias
Capstone Project: Coming into Understanding, Myka Menard
Capstone Project: Court Appointed Special Mentor (CASMs) Instructional Manual, Mounia R. Munsinger
Capstone Project: Creating a more Proficient Food Process Allowing more Teaching Time for Children, Laura P. Pacheco
Capstone Project: Creating a Multiracial Lesson Plan, Clayton Davis
Capstone Project: Creative Outlets Empowering At-Risk Youth: Cultural Expressions through Recording Technology and Multimedia Productions, Gregory Jeffery
Capstone Project: Dream Variations: Fictional Views of the School to Prison Pipeline, Kierstin R. C. Anderson
Capstone Project: Eco-Friendly and Efficient: Redesign of Friends Outside’s Intake System, Nolan Balaam
Capstone Project: Empowering Families to Achieve Secondary Education, Guadalupe Flemate
Capstone Project: Ending Homelessness: Progress in Santa Cruz County, Pilar Marin-Stein
Capstone Project: Engineers Throughout Jazz History, Alex Declet
Capstone Project: English Only? Enrichment of English Language Learner Education, Laura R. Hinton
Capstone Project: ESL and ELL Program Effectiveness: Providing Academic Success for Students, Maria Gonzalez-Herrera
Capstone Project: Finding the Needs for Filipino Seniors in Salinas, Delna Fenton
Capstone Project: Fitspiration: Social Media's Fitness Culture and its Effect on Body Image, Makenzie Norton
Capstone Project: Fixing a Problem; Serving a Solution, Di Anna M. Alvarez
Capstone Project: Food Transitions: How Food Symbolizes Another Chapter, Josiah Peralta
Capstone Project: Foster The Future, Gabriela Zuno
Capstone Project: Friends Outside New Program Feasibility, Monica Miramontes-Valadez
Capstone Project: Gear Up & Beyond, Stephanie Sanchez
Capstone Project: Get Out: Preparing Families for Emergencies, Megan Fletcher
Capstone Project: Get them Moving: Increasing Physical Activity in the Classroom, Elizabeth G. Balcom
Capstone Project: Getting Somewhere: People v. Turner (2016) and the Efficacy of Survivor Narratives, Gheorghe L. Williams
Capstone Project: Healthy Choices For Healthy Teens, Veronica Leon Vega
Capstone Project: Healthy Lifestyle at Headstart in Monterey County, Leticia Manriquez
Capstone Project: Healthy teeth: Building Dental Health Awareness among Head Start Parents, Marisol Cruz
Capstone Project: IHSS My Source, Daisy Meza
Capstone Project: Integrating Ethnic Studies in Social Studies Curriculum, Alyssa Denise Hernández
Capstone Project: Interns Matter: Maximizing Integration of Interns into Community Agencies, Valerie Garcia
Capstone Project: It is a Win-Win for Both: Cross-Age Peer Tutoring, Lisa Cardenas
Capstone Project: It Pays to Behave: Investigating Effective Classroom Management, Rei Massie
Capstone Project: Latino Parents Struggling With Different Barriers With it Came to Engage in their Children Education, Maria Parra
Capstone Project: Legal Discrimination, Jeena D. Tanks
Capstone Project: Let’s Talk: Increasing Communication in the Dual-Immersion Setting, Iliana Izquierdo
Capstone Project: Let's Talk: Increasing Communication With Dual- Immersion Parents, Carmina Tirado
Capstone Project: Life As I Know It: My Story Told Through Poetry, Leah T. Montoya
Capstone Project: Millennial Communication in the Workplace: A Cautionary Tale about Social Media, Samantha Rangel
Capstone Project: Monterey Bay Charter School, a school worth investing in!, Diana Munoz
Capstone Project: Monterey County Behavioral Health - "Transition To Integrated Care", Jose Francisco Barajas Chavez
Capstone Project: Music Therapy’s Impact on Substance Abuse Recovery, Justin Bishop-Williams
Capstone Project: Not so “free”: Increasing elementary children’s free time, Annie Santos
Capstone Project: Padres Activos, Ninos Creativos/Active Parents, Creative Children 2017, Judith Aguilera
Capstone Project: PBIS: Moving Beyond a Focus on Behavior to Relationships, Sylvia Chavez
Capstone Project: PBIS: Moving Beyond a Focus on Behavior to Relationships, Flor Gomez
Capstone Project: Planned Parenthood: Defend or Defund?, Jasmine M. Lopez
Capstone Project: Play it Forward: Cooperative Learning and Structured Play, Mary Rossi and Tyler Elwin
Capstone Project: Play it Forward: Cooperative Learning & Structured Play During Recess, Tyler Elwin and Mary Rossi
Capstone Project: Play it Forward: The Importance of Cooperative Learning & Structured Play During Recess with a Focus in Special Education, Juan Lopez
Capstone Project: Reclaiming Childhood: Effects of Homework on Elementary Students, Alyssa Bomarito
Capstone Project: (Re)painting Self: Art Therapy and Ontological Security in Refugee Children, Domonique Jimerson
Capstone Project: Role Model Stories That Unite Children of Oaxacan Immigrants, Erica Juarez Lopez
Capstone Project: San Benito County Parents Learning about Drugs and Alcohol in Spanish, Nancy Zermeno
Capstone Project: Sharing the Burden, Robert Livingston