This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
To view capstones and theses separately, please see the links below:
Capstones/Theses from 2019
Capstone Project: Increasing Employment Outcomes for Individuals with Disabilities, Sarah Bennett
Capstone Project: Increasing Involvement and Utilization of Resources for South County Families, Ruby Morales Rodriguez
Capstone Project: Increasing Mixteco and Triqui Parental Involvement in their Children's Education, Zuleima Pantoja
Capstone Project: Increasing Parent Involvement in Kindergarten Readiness, Dalila Velasquez
Capstone Project: Kids Korner: A Nurturing Place, Jenifer Mendez
Capstone Project: Lack of Substance Abuse Resources and Community Outreach in Monterey’s South County Rural Region Leads to Unexplored Resources, Maria Ramirez
Capstone Project: Let’s Chat: Changing Parent-Teacher Communication, Jasmin Duran
Capstone Project: Mental and Emotional Health at San Benito High School, Kimberly Garcia-Sauceda
Capstone Project: Monterey County District Attorney’s: A Technology Based Policy & Procedure Manual, Karina Cerqueda
Capstone Project: Preliminary survey: Accessibility of the Emergency Alert and Warning for People with Disabilities, Access, and Functional Needs, Kryzza Zeijnali
Capstone Project: Promoting Social-Emotional Development in Transitional Kindergarten, Alvin Santiago
Capstone Project: Satisfaction of Services at Salud Para la Gente, Patricia Montejano
Capstone Project: Socialization Through Harmony, Kylah Rincon
Capstone Project: Student Opportunity: Inequalities in High School Academic Tracking, Melissa Chavez Morales
Capstone Project: Substance Use Treatment Support Group For Youth, Daisy Lopez
Capstone Project: Teaching Mindfulness to At-Risk Youth, Esther Rios
Capstone Project: Understanding The Benefits Of Early Autism Detection That Lead To Early Intervention, Iris Ortega Brambila
Capstone Project: Using Technology to Support Students with Developmental Disabilities, Liliana D. Garcia
Master's Thesis: Acute Effects of Elevated pCO 2 and Hypoxia on Blue Rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) Gene Expression and Metabolic Enzyme Activity, Andrew Jacob Cline
Master's Thesis: A Developing Superpower: Using Graphic Novels to Increase Reading Motivation, Andrés Antúnez
Master's Thesis: Assessing High-Frequency Variability of a Beach Adjacent to a Submarine Canyon (Moss Landing Beach, Monterey Bay, CA), Tyler Barnes
Master's Thesis: ATP as a Quantitative Proxy for Living Microbial Biomass: Cellular ATP Content Under Stress, Natalia Yingling
Master's Thesis: Beneficial or Not: Flipped Learning in an Elementary Mathematics Classroom, Nicole Jackson
Master's Thesis: Calm and Focused: Reducing Test Anxiety Among Elementary Students, Alicia M. DeRollo
Master's Thesis: Chlorophyllide a: Fact or Artifact - Resolution of the Chlorophyllide a Problem in the Routine Measurement of Planktonic Chlorophyll a, Sierra Claire Helmann
Master's Thesis: Contributions of Wind- and Wave-Induced Transport to Nearshore Phytoplankton Variability in Northern California, Patrick C. Daniel
Master's Thesis: Development of Biological Indicators for the Dry Phase of Non-Perennial Rivers and Streams, Matthew D. Robinson
Master's Thesis: DNA Metabarcoding of Meiofaunal Communities Along the California Coast and Potential Abiotic Drivers of Distribution, Amanda Elizabeth Heidt
Master's Thesis: Effectiveness of Semantic Mapping in Increasing Reading Comprehension for English Language Learners, Laura M. Maccagno
Master's Thesis: Effects of Matrix Training on Generative Language in Young Adults with Autism, Elizabeth Weissman-Young
Master's Thesis: English Language Learners and the Effectiveness of Flipped Learning in Middle-School Science, Stephen Elliott
Master's Thesis: Geographic and Habitat-Based Variation in Lingcod (Ophiodon Elongatus) Demography and Life-History Along the U.S. West Coast, Laurel Szeche Lam
Master's Thesis: Morphological Variability Within Dictyoneurum californicum and Dictyoneurum reticulatum Along a Wave Exposure Gradient on the Monterey Peninsula, Elizabeth G. Ramsay
Master's Thesis: Physical and Biological Consequences of Giant Kelp (Macrocystis Pyrifera) Removals Within a Central California Kelp Forest, Steven Ryan Cunningham
Master's Thesis: Project-Based Learning with Student-Developed Models in the NGSS Curriculum, Constance Reeves
Master's Thesis: Reduction of Stress in High School Freshman Through Mindfulness Practice, Jacob L. Arveson
Master's Thesis: Reproductive Strategies of the Big Skate (Beringraja Binoculata) with Evidence of Multiple Paternity, Jessica Ja-Jei Jang
Master's Thesis: Teaching Vocational Skills: Use of Video Prompting for Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Matthew T. Gallegos
Master's Thesis: The Biogeochemical Behavior and Speciation of Mercury in the Sea Surface Microlayer: Implications for Transport to Watersheds via Fog, Alexander J. Olson
Master's Thesis: The Effect of Operational Sex Ratio on the Reproductive Biology of Two Sex-Changing Fish (Rhinogobiops Nicholsii and Lythrypnus Dalli), Stephen Pang
Master's Thesis: Using Culturally Responsive Visual Aids to Increase English Learners' Speaking Assessment Scores, Eric A. Martin
Master's Thesis: Using Math Manipulatives with Students of Color, Karin Zandakis
Capstones/Theses from 2018
Capstone Project: A Battle of Values Global Trends of Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in Education Paradigms, James Drennen
Capstone Project: Academic and Social Effects of Waldorf Education on Elementary School Students, Christian Zepeda
Capstone Project: Accelerating an Opioid Safety Collaborative’s Efforts in Addressing Opioid Use and Misuse, Norma Cabriales Gutierrez
Capstone Project: Addressing the Lack of Awareness Regarding the Various Resources to Finance a College Education, Corin Rau
Capstone Project: A Healthy Body, A Healthy Mind, Marlen Bonilla Amador
Capstone Project: An Exploration and Analysis of 3D Audio, Bradley Peppmuller
Capstone Project: A Survey of Three-Dimensional Sound and its Applications, Andrew Topping
Capstone Project: Barriers From Youth Participation in Monterey County, Erika Ramirez
Capstone Project: Barriers to Citizenship and the Impact on Immigrant Integration, Daniela Escamilla
Capstone Project: Behavior Management Interventions for Effective Classroom Management in Alternative Education, Ashton Plette
Capstone Project: Benefits of Educational Services for Students with Disabilities, Miguel Zazueta-Ruiz
Capstone Project: Benefits of Instructional Models for Teaching Elementary English Language Learners, Alanna Elder
Capstone Project: Beyond Borders: Accessing Healthcare for Migrant Farmworkers, Aubrey Correa
Capstone Project: Breaking Through the Echo Chamber: Teaching Students to Use Technology for College Research and Global Citizenry, Kaitlin Drake
Capstone Project: Bringing Meaning Back: Adding Significance to Arts Curriculum, Arturo Ortiz
Capstone Project: Buddies Matter: Student Helper Preparedness in a Reading Assistance Program, Rosa Munoz Villegas
Capstone Project: Building a Recording-Specific Amplifier Cabinet, John Livingston
Capstone Project: Bullying Prevention Among Elementary School Students, Nancy Perez Zamora
Capstone Project: Bullying Prevention through Kindness, Anissa Childers
Capstone Project: Career Exploration for At-Risk Youth, Diana A. Tinajero Pacheco
Capstone Project: Child Neglect Awareness Educational Workshop, Lizette Escobar and Courtney R. McCrary
Capstone Project: Children's Mental Health: Reimagining Teacher Preparation, Karolina Camacho
Capstone Project: College & Career Exploration, Karina Medina
Capstone Project: Colonial Legacies in Morocco’s Urban Spaces: Policies of Modernization and Preservation, Christina Gnedash
Capstone Project: Community Outreach for Diabetes Awareness, Brendan Greer Louthen
Capstone Project: Conozca sus Derechos Como Rentero, Maria Melgoza-Gaytan
Capstone Project: Core Advocate Training Information, Paola Sauceda
Capstone Project: Corrupting Roots: The Impact of Neoliberalism and Seed Patent Laws on the Mapuche People of Chile, Callahan Powell
Capstone Project: Creating Access with Technology, Guadalupe Lopez
Capstone Project: Creating a Kind and Just World: The Power of Literature to Create Hope for Foster Youth, Heather Pezel
Capstone Project: Creating Healthy Calming Strategies for Young Children, Taylor McWhorter
Capstone Project: Dementia Knowledge Among Hispanic Family Caregivers, Carmen Hernandez Gomez
Capstone Project: Developing Life Skills to Eliminate Negative Behaviors Among Foster Youth, Karen Swezey
Capstone Project: Diversification of Resources in Rural King City, Laura Martinez
Capstone Project: Effectiveness of for Students Missing Credits at Greenfield High School, Alfredo Diaz
Capstone Project: Effects of Las Comadres on Latino Parental Involvement, Karla Ortiz
Capstone Project: Effects of Mobile Technology on Students in the Classroom, Jose Rodriguez
Capstone Project: Empowering Hispanic English Language Learners For Academic Success, Tanya Navarro
Capstone Project: Entendiendo las Calorias/ Understanding Calories, Lorena Santana
Capstone Project: Equal Education for all: Myth of Reality? Creating Teachers Who Care, Maya Ramirez
Capstone Project: Expanding Kindergarten Students’ Understanding of Family Types, Kaitlyn Kroneman
Capstone Project: Experience Bobo Experience, Sara Smith
Capstone Project: Exploitation and Social Reproduction in the Japanese Animation Industry, James Garrett
Capstone Project: Father Engagement, Marisa Morales
Capstone Project: First-Generation Students’ Satisfaction with The CSUMB Academic Advising Program, Daniela Zaragoza
Capstone Project: Forbidden Citizens: The Chinese Diaspora of Monterey Bay, Veronica Sanchez
Capstone Project: Forming a New Reality Through Art, Lorena Alvarez
Capstone Project: Fostering the Concept of Autonomy in School-aged Children, Michelle Newcombe
Capstone Project: Foster Youth Mentorship Program, Adriana Anaya
Capstone Project: Free Trade and Corporate Social Responsibility: Ethical Dilemmas in Global Economic Development, Sarah Papion
Capstone Project: Friends of Walnut Avenue, Elena Owens
Capstone Project: Future VS Past Development Goals: The SDG’s VS the MDG’s, Osvaldo Espinoza
Capstone Project: Gearing Up for College, Beatriz Amy Huerta
Capstone Project: GeNiUS: ScIe-NCe AcCeSS for UNde-RePReSeNTe-D UNiVErSiTY PArTiEs, Kaitlin Palmer
Capstone Project: Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable: Developing Students' Interpersonal Skills, Mariah Lambert
Capstone Project: Global Climate Change, The Political Economy, and Development A Case Study: The Kingdom of Tonga, Demonte Simon
Capstone Project: Guide to Naloxone, Andrew Zhu
Capstone Project: Has anything changed? Racial Disparity in Incarceration, Olivia Warren