This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
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Capstones/Theses from 2019
Capstone Project: Monterey County District Attorney’s: A Technology-Based Policy & Procedure Manual, Manuel Correa
Capstone Project: Motivating Foster Youth to Become Activist within the Legislative Process, Haley Nelson
Capstone Project: Motivating Students with Learning Disabilities to Succeed in Education, Ana Reyes-Ortiz
Capstone Project: Multicultural Education Implemented in Elementary Schools, Angelica Villegas
Capstone Project: Music from Trinidad and Tobago, Vanessa Tuttle
Capstone Project: "Name Her Reiko!": The Ikemiya Diaspora, Morgan Ikemiya
Capstone Project: Napoleon Ricardo Miranda's Mexican American Diaspora, Napoleon Miranda
Capstone Project: Negative Effects of Standardized Testing, Brianna Brown
Capstone Project: Nematostella Vectensis Resistance to Their Own Neurotoxin: Exploring the Coevolutionary Resistance of Ion Channels to Neurotoxins in Venomous Animals, Daniel Olivares-Zambrano and Timothy Jegla
Capstone Project: New Opportunities for Monterey County Children's Health Outreach for Insurance, Care and Enrollment, Cynthia Merrie Lopez
Capstone Project: No Habla Espanol: Are Monolingual Teachers Getting the Support They Need?, Rosa I. Castillo-Rocha
Capstone Project: No Habla Espanol: Are Monolingual Teachers Getting the Support They Need?, Cristina Benavides
Capstone Project: No Habla Espanol: Are Monolingual Teachers Getting the Support They Need?, Megan Ehrhardt
Capstone Project: No Habla Espanol: Are Monolingual Teachers Getting the Support They Need?, Selena Banuelos
Capstone Project: No Habla Espanol: Are Monolingual Teachers Getting the Support They Need?, Alisha Miranda
Capstone Project: No Habla Español: Are Monolingual Teachers Getting the Support They Need?, Natalie Correa
Capstone Project: Nothing Down About It: Decreasing the Fear of the Unknown for Mothers’ expecting a child with Down Syndrome, Alexandra E. Greenburg
Capstone Project: Obesity in Monterey County, Ruth Gamino
Capstone Project: Offering Healthy Foods in Food Trucks, Karina Arvizu Vazquez
Capstone Project: Open Mind and Open Heart: You Matter and Together We Can Overcome Adolescent Mental Health, Susana Hernandez
Capstone Project: Out of County Advocacy for Foster Youth, Desiree N. Carmona
Capstone Project: Outreach and Education on Traffic Safety, Jaclyn Caraveo
Capstone Project: Outside the Gender Binary: A Workshop on Gender Identity and Being an Ally, Jelea Kai Glover
Capstone Project: Parent Involvement in Elementary Schools, Maria Miramontes
Capstone Project: Participants of the Diabetes Prevention Program Not Completing the Program, Armando Politron
Capstone Project: Perception of Music in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Jason Torres
Capstone Project: Preparing Youth With Job Readiness Skills, Jennifer Islas
Capstone Project: Prevention of Cyberbullying in Adolescents, Ashley Ellcessor
Capstone Project: Project-Based Learning: Projects for Academic Excellence, Griselda Avila
Capstone Project: Promoting Awareness of Postpartum Mood Disorders, Alexandra Beleche
Capstone Project: Promoting Social and Emotional Competency in Toddlers, Giana Hamilton
Capstone Project: Providing Resources for Probationers, Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse, Crystal Rangel
Capstone Project: #queer: Community, Communication, and Identity in the Digital Age, Margaret Allen-Young
Capstone Project: Racial Theory in Sports, Connor Caspersen
Capstone Project: Raising Awareness in King City about Sun Street Centers Outpatient Services, Stephanie Madrid
Capstone Project: Reading Rainbow: Give Hope to Struggling Readers, Celia Higer
Capstone Project: Reducing Recidivism Rates, Oscar Padilla
Capstone Project: Rest for the Heart: Respite Care Training for Interns, Victoria Rose Weatherford
Capstone Project: Role of Culture in Cultivating a Sense of Self with Responsibility Towards the Community, Jonathan T. Reyes-Carranza
Capstone Project: Salud a la Salud Mental (A Toast to Mental Health), Arturo Rodriguez
Capstone Project: Segregation and Inequality Within the Education System, Jordan Linss
Capstone Project: Self-Advocacy For Students With Disabilities, Adriana Garcia-Rojas
Capstone Project: Serving Youth in Santa Cruz County, Lorena Torres-Alvarez
Capstone Project: Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing, Esmeralda Contreras-Heredia
Capstone Project: Social Interaction and Reaction Among Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Kayla Chapman
Capstone Project: Start the Conversation: Teaching High School Students Mental Illness and Stigma, Maria Espinoza
Capstone Project: Stranger In a Foreign Land, Yasmin Mays
Capstone Project: Strange Vibrations: The Evolution of the Theremin, Kasey Mathew
Capstone Project: Stressful Music: A Look into the Challenges of Life as a Career Musician, Andrew Derek Heinzman
Capstone Project: Successful Elementary Bilingual Education Programs in Tri-County Area, Katrina Herrera-Agosti
Capstone Project: Suicide Prevention Efforts in High Schools, Ariana Whitmer
Capstone Project: Supporting Art in Low-Income Education, Gina Buckley
Capstone Project: Supporting Healthier Eating Habits for Monterey County Employees, Brenda M. Ortiz
Capstone Project: Supporting Pet Ownership of Vulnerable Populations, Victoria Bunch
Capstone Project: Teaching 4th Grade Students about Nutrition, Raquel Gaytan
Capstone Project: Teaching College Foster Youth How to Use Mindfulness to Cope with Stress, Jiovana Xasel Vallejan Lugo
Capstone Project: Teaching Early Prevention of Substance Abuse, Maria G. Camacho
Capstone Project: Teaching Emotion Coaching to Teachers of Toddlers, Anna Colosi
Capstone Project: Teaching Emotions in Early Childhood, Rocio Anaya
Capstone Project: Teaching Empathy, Sarah Parenteau
Capstone Project: Teaching High Schoolers About Colorism, Charenee LaChelle Brown
Capstone Project: Teaching in a Digital Age: Internet Safety Education, Christina Putnam
Capstone Project: Technology in Education, Hannah Greenelsh
Capstone Project: The Benefits of Art Integration in Schools, Amy Le
Capstone Project: The Impact Zero-Tolerance Policies Have on High School Students, Elsa Guillen
Capstone Project: The Importance of Multicultural Literature for Biracial Students, Haley Maldonado
Capstone Project: The Importance of Physical Activity, Alexis Azevedo
Capstone Project: The Influence of Film Music on Emotion, Alyssa d'Artenay
Capstone Project: The Migrant Times, Jessenya Guerra
Capstone Project: The Movement and Culture of African Americans in California, Kale Leach
Capstone Project: The SATURATION Trilogy: The Importance of the Vocal Mix, Nicholas Roa
Capstone Project: The Silent Struggle: Mexicana Mothers Balancing Education and Being A Madre, Yisel Chavarin
Capstone Project: The Southern Dream, Ryan Shephard
Capstone Project: Trauma on the Border: Immigrant Children In Detention Centers, Yosseline Pacheco
Capstone Project: Traumatic Experiences Through the Queer Lens, Holden Guckenberg
Capstone Project: Understanding Barriers to Attending Food Distributions, Janell Jimenez
Capstone Project: Using Pop Culture to Improve Teacher-Student Relationships, Jacob Baxter
Capstone Project: Using Social-Emotional Learning to Help Behavioral Problems, Hannah Taylor Byrd
Capstone Project: Video Game Audio Techniques Applied to Board Game Companion Applications, Jaydon Osborn
Capstone Project: Video Game Music and Legitimacy, Jaycie Sundiam
Capstone Project: Waldorf-Inspired Yoga in the Classroom, Brooke Street
Capstone Project: Waste Reduction at La Isla, Alexandria Rangel
Capstone Project: "What Is An MC If He Can't Rap?", Dominique Jimmerson
Capstone Project: Women Faculty of Color, Higher Education, and Sociocultural Change, Luz Areli Medina
Capstone Project: YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program, Jennifer Aparicio-Sandoval
Capstone Project: YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program: Grad Program, Catrina M. Cruz-Reyes
Capstone Project: Your Body is Amazing: Teaching TK Students about Body Positivity, Natalie Wynne
Capstone Project: Youth Education Program, Venessa Villa-Martin
Capstone Project: Youth Empowerment Summit (YES), Laura Wright
Capstone Project: A Drop of Golden Sun: Arts Integration in the Inclusive Classroom, Vicki M. Blaszczak
Capstone Project: Benefits of Field Trips on Elementary School Students, Katrina Medrano
Capstone Project: Bullying In and Out of the Classroom: How Teachers Can Help, Krysta Leilani Banes
Capstone Project: Decreasing Stress in Youth, Celissa Serrano Banuelos
Capstone Project: Developing School-Age Students' Tolerance and Knowledge of Gender Stereotypes, Kyana Morris
Capstone Project: Escapando Las Trampas: Teacher Preparation for Mexicanas, Irma Gomez
Capstone Project: Fostering Resilience in Kindergarteners Through Emotional Competency, Anaiis los de los Santos
Capstone Project: Gilroy Strong, Trevor Nicholson
Capstone Project: High Rates of Homelessness in Chinatown, Juanita Ayala
Capstone Project: Impact of Teacher Support for Elementary English Language Learners, Angelica Villegas
Capstone Project: Increasing Awareness of the Negative Health Risks for Family Caregivers of Chronically Ill Elders, Pamela Oliva-Camacho