This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
To view capstones and theses separately, please see the links below:
Capstones/Theses from 2024
Capstone Project: Nutrition Among 5th Grade Students, Nicholas Villanueva
Capstone Project: Obesity: Influencing Behavioral Consumption Through Meal Kit Distribution, Alejandro Hernandez
Capstone Project: Parental Involvement in Supporting Inclusive Elementary School Classrooms, Marisol Aldama Hernandez
Capstone Project: Parenting a Child Who Has an Autistic Sibling: Effects on Adjustment and Mental Health, Jess Del Mundo
Capstone Project: Parenting with Grace, Eva Nelson Cole
Capstone Project: Pedestrian Safety: Crossing Language Barriers, Monica Corral
Capstone Project: Political Accountability and the Censure or Rep. Tlaib, Mabel Cummings
Capstone Project: Preventing Homeless Provider Burnout, Airam Gutierrez
Capstone Project: Production Process of Music Videos and Significance of Understanding Music, Amanda Grace Dalmacio
Capstone Project: Reimagining Inclusion: Shaping the Future of Special Education Engagement, Selena Rodriguez
Capstone Project: Reimagining Inclusion: Shaping the Future of Special Education Engagement, Sulema Fernandez-Castillo
Capstone Project: "Say What You Can't" by Nick Oliveri, Nicholas Oliveri
Capstone Project: Self-Care Techniques to Decrease Special Education Teacher Burnout, Carrie Frost
Capstone Project: Sexual Wellness Across Abilities: Reimagining Education for Adults with Disabilities, Damiana Kelsey
Capstone Project: Socio-Emotional Learning Interventions for Student Achievement, Alexis Campos
Capstone Project: Sonidos de Aztlán: A Historical Analysis of Chicano Music, Alejandro Gomez
Capstone Project: Strategies for Helping Collegiate Athletes Cope with Mental Health and Financial Issues, Alexis Sanchez
Capstone Project: Strategies To Help Young Children Obtain Healthy Social-Emotional Development, Alma Fuerte-Jauregui
Capstone Project: Stronger Together: Boys of New School and CostaNoa, Analupita Ramirez-Cortes
Capstone Project: Stronger Together: Uniting Parents, Educators, and Professionals for Enhanced Social-Emotional, Leslie Montiel
Capstone Project: Supporting Preschoolers Social Emotional Development, Gladiola Peinado
Capstone Project: Supporting Self-Regulation in Elementary School Students with Disabilities, Jessica Guerra
Capstone Project: Teaching 6-7 Year Old Children the Importance of Being Kind, Jazmin Mendez
Capstone Project: Teaching First Graders About Emotional Self-Regulation, Nayeli N. Garcia Salinas
Capstone Project: Teaching Future Educators How To Support Students with ADHD, Rachel Schweikhard
Capstone Project: Teaching New Mothers the Importance of Prenatal and Postnatal Nutrition, Brisa Villa
Capstone Project: The Effects of Physical Education on the Well-Being and Academics of Elementary School Students, Maria Melendez
Capstone Project: The Forgotten S.O.P., Kamille Stevens
Capstone Project: The Forgotten Subject: PE and the Power of People, Shea Franklin
Capstone Project: The Good, the Bad, and the in Between: The Effects of Covid-19 and Remote Learning, Samantha Anastasio
Capstone Project: The Good, the Bad, and the in Between: The Effects of Covid19 & Remote Learning, Samantha Rivera
Capstone Project: The Impact of Parental Involvement on Academic Achievement and Self-Concept of Elementary School Students, Alexis Randall
Capstone Project: The Impact of Single Parent Households on Middle School Students, Erik Puga
Capstone Project: The Importance of an Operations Manual, Richard Schlotthauer
Capstone Project: The Importance of Maintaining Healthy Relationships in Middle Childhood, Hailey Oyoque
Capstone Project: The Importance of Mental Health in Children, Haide Batres
Capstone Project: The Importance of Nutrition Education In Early Childhood, Alexi Larios
Capstone Project: The Need for Mental Health Resources in Migrant Farm Working Families, Juliana Cecilia Garcia
Capstone Project: The Need For Volunteer Engagement, Brittney Portillo
Capstone Project: The Outdoor Classroom: Integrating the Outdoors into the Classroom, Wendy Ramirez
Capstone Project: The Role of Fitness Influencers in Shaping Hegemonic Masculinity Among Young Men, Ali Al Zamle
Capstone Project: The Startup Spotlight: Chronicles of Innovation (2016-2023), Dawn Hightree
Capstone Project: The Viral Spread of Xenophobia: Analyzing the Influence of Far-Right Politics on Anti-Asian Sentiment Expressed on Social Media During Covid-19., Robert F. Arnold III
Capstone Project: The Vital Role of School Bus Drivers in Supporting Students with Special Needs, Georgina Solano Zepeda
Capstone Project: Transitioning Coordinated Family Support Services from the For-Profit to the Nonprofit Sector, Yesenia Zavala
Capstone Project: Unchecked Consumption? The Unbridled Access to Processed Foods in America, Jordan Perry
Capstone Project: Voices from the inside: Enhancing Co-Teaching experiences through Student Perspectives at 'Small University', Hope Brightman
Capstone Project: Voices from the inside: Enhancing Co-Teaching experiences through Student Perspectives at 'Small University', Nina Cruz
Capstone Project: Whispers of Thyme: Echoes of Herbal Wisdom, Gianna Constantine
Capstone Project: Will The Future of Video Game Music Require Real Composers?, Nathan Barrett
Capstone Project: Youth Mental Health First Aid Training Tracker, Anthony Homami
Capstone Project: Adapting Fundraising to Fit the Needs of Modernized Philanthropy, Allie Heinz
Capstone Project: Addressing Behaviors to Prevent Unhealthy Relationships among Adolescents, Evelyn Paez
Capstone Project: All Things: A Poetic Herstorical Compendium, Georgia Roripaugh
Capstone Project: Benefits of Implementing Environmental Education Programs in Special Education Classrooms, Victoria Rudolph
Capstone Project: Blueprint for Wellness: Assessing Blue Zones Impact in Monterey County, Charlene Salinas
Capstone Project: Bridging the Gap with Personalized Case Management Support, Claudia Sanchez
Capstone Project: Building Paths to Housing Stability, Rosa Gonzalez Mojarro
Capstone Project: Developing Kids' Activities for Everyone's Harvest, Mitzi Camacho
Capstone Project: Effects of Afterschool Programs on Elementary School Students’ Behaviors, Social Interactions and Learning, Sierra Shaver
Capstone Project: Effects of Smartphone Use on the Learning of Middle School Students, Elizabeth Quezada
Capstone Project: Effects of Teachers’ Bias on Students’ Post-Secondary Education Choices, Melody Oliveros
Capstone Project: Equipping Educators: Solutions for Overcoming Classroom Scarcity of Materials, Juan Pablo Rodriguez
Capstone Project: Feria de Salud, Linda A. Sanchez
Capstone Project: Impact of African American Teachers as Role Models for Improving Education for African American Students, Nina Faumuina-Eze
Capstone Project: Impact of Parental Involvement on the Academic Performance of Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Syndrome (ADHS) in Elementary Schools, Nancy K. Cerna
Capstone Project: Impact of Social Emotional Development From Early Childhood on Elementary School Students, Alyssa Pantoja
Capstone Project: Importance of Diverse Curriculum Among Preschool-Aged Children, Rebecca Mejia
Capstone Project: Improving Emotional Regulation Skills in Elementary School Children, Jeanette Garcia
Capstone Project: Increasing College Readiness and Awareness Among Hispanic/Latino High School Students, Daisy Gonzalez
Capstone Project: Increasing Emotional Development in Preschool Students, Emily Gordo
Capstone Project: Increasing Emotional Regulation for First Graders, Jasmine Tang
Capstone Project: Increasing Emotion Regulation in Preschool Children, Maritza Calvillo
Capstone Project: iPhone and Android Phone Manual, Aleen Arno
Capstone Project: Justice in Education: Examining the Discipline Disparities Approached by AB2598, Kiyara Molina
Capstone Project: Matching people struggling with mental health and homelessness to resources, Jaleesa Barnum
Capstone Project: Navigating Mental Wellness: Guide to Santa Clara County Resources, Yazmin Vallejo-Gonzalez
Capstone Project: Pathways To Stability: Comprehensive Workshops for Young Adults Facing Homelessness, Briana Rosales
Capstone Project: School-based Intervention Programs for Preventing Obesity and Promoting Physical Activity for School Students, Nancy Anaya-Delgado
Capstone Project: Social-Emotional Development of First Graders, Elijah Withrow
Capstone Project: The Importance of Social-Emotional Learning in Young Children, Jeanine Valencia
Capstone Project: The Positive Impacts that Volunteers Have on Hospice Patients, Daniela Ruiz
Capstone Project: Unleashing Creativity, Nurturing Young Minds: The Power of Arts Education, Allison Domino
Capstone Project: Using Children's Literature to Teach Kid's With Autism, Amanda Rose
Capstone Project: Youth Mental Health, Cynthia Jaramillo
Master's Thesis: Cultivating Confidence: The Impact of Goal Setting and Self Assessment on Self- Efficacy Among At-Risk Secondary Students in English Language Arts, Stevie Marie Miles Gonzales
Master's Thesis: Determining the influence of environmental factors on amphibian road presence near the Fort Ord National Monument in Monterey County, California, Joshua Beasley
Master's Thesis: Developing Metrics of Ecological Integrity for Wetlands on the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation, Rebecca Baggott
Master's Thesis: Drivers Of Intertidal Purple Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) Reproductive Capacity Along The Central Coast Of California and Implications For Kelp Forest Recovery, Isaak Haberman
Master's Thesis: Effectiveness of Aerial Monitoring of Spatial and Temporal Changes of Santa Catalina Island Rhodolith Beds, Charnelle Wickliff
Master's Thesis: Evaluating Ecological Conditions of the Salinas River After the Removal of Arundo donax During Wet and Dry Years, Savannah Y. Saldaña
Master's Thesis: Examining Internesting Habitat Use of Northwest Atlantic Leatherback Sea Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea), Christina I. Mauney
Master's Thesis: Examining The Effects of Externally Mounted Biologgers On At-Sea Behavior And Reproductive Success In Adult Female Northern Elephant Seals, Mirounga Angustirostris, Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Kali N. Prescott
Master's Thesis: Modeling Threatened California Red Legged Frog (Rana draytonii) Habitat with MaxEnt Using Environmental DNA Presence via Quantitative PCR, Charley Abernathy
Master's Thesis: Multi-tissue Analysis of Combined Fluctuating Environmental Stressors in Juvenile Copper Rockfish, Sebastes Caurinus, Arie Dash
Master's Thesis: Population genetic analysis informs dispersal capacity in representative marine trematodes from Family Microscaphidiidae and Family Paramphistomatidae, Randi Leigh Barton
Master's Thesis: Raising Middle School Students' Awareness of Relationship Risks Associated with Technology, Reda Gerges
Master's Thesis: Spatial and Temporal Variability in Nutritional Physiology of Pyropia perforata, Matthew S. Elliott
Capstones/Theses from 2023
Capstone Project: Academy Based Learning: The High School Education You Wish You Had, Derek Gomez
Capstone Project: Academy-Based Learning: The High School Education You Wish You Had, Marion Ramos