This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
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Capstones/Theses from 2023
Capstone Project: Increasing Awareness on Different Types of Cyberbullying for Early Adolescents, Cristela Aviles
Capstone Project: Increasing Awareness on Unhealthy Romantic Relationships for High School Students, Daisy Gonzalez Tena
Capstone Project: Increasing College Students' Awareness of Healthy Coping Strategies to Manage Stress, Evelyn Gallegos
Capstone Project: Increasing College Students Awareness of Technologies Impacts in their daily lives, Melissa Gutierrez
Capstone Project: Increasing Coping Skills to Reduce First-Generation College Students’ Stressors, Stephanie Lopez
Capstone Project: Increasing Curriculum on Emotions and Emotional Regulation in Elementary School Children, Sindy Navarro Pineda
Capstone Project: Increasing Emotional Regulation in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bryana Arias
Capstone Project: Increasing High School Students’ Awareness of the Risks of Gang Violence, Kyla Castaneda
Capstone Project: Increasing Nutrition Education For Collegiate Athletes, Alexandra Diaz
Capstone Project: Increasing Pre-Kindergarten Students' Emotional Awareness and Regulation, Mildred Garcia
Capstone Project: Increasing Science Curriculum in Preschool, Sandra Rogel
Capstone Project: Increasing Social and Emotional Competencies Among Special Education Preschoolers, Alix Li Katz-Polowitz
Capstone Project: Increasing Social and Emotional Development in Preschoolers, Alondra Susana Cardenas Martinez
Capstone Project: Increasing Social-Emotional Skills for First-Graders, Rebecka Baxter
Capstone Project: Increasing the Emotional Intelligence of College Students, Katie Montejano
Capstone Project: Increasing Third Grade Students' Awareness of Healthy Nutrition, Daisy Cole
Capstone Project: Informing Adolescents From Latino Immigrant Families About The Effects of Their Family Responsibilities, Roxanna Emigdio Hernandez
Capstone Project: Informing Low-Income Parents about Financial Aid, Jennifer Lopez-Rubio
Capstone Project: Instructional Teaching Strategies for Special Education Students with Moderate to Severe Disability, Austin Self
Capstone Project: Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Curriculum For Teens, Oscar Plascencia-Herrera
Capstone Project: Isolation at Junsay Oaks California State University, Monterey Bay, Betsy Oropeza
Capstone Project: Language Influences younger generations: Social Media affects students in more ways than one, Charlie Torrecillas
Capstone Project: La Ropa Sucia Se Lava En Casa: ADHD in the Latinx Community, Jennifer Arcia
Capstone Project: Life Review Workbook, Iris Garcia Estrada
Capstone Project: Media Analysis and Journalistic Applications, Jose Villasenor Cervantes
Capstone Project: Mental Health and Self Care Workshops, Elizabeth Palmerin
Capstone Project: Mental Health Awareness for Low-Income Families in Santa Cruz County, Mayra Castillo
Capstone Project: Mental Health in Substance Abuse Clinics: Illuminating the Importance of Mental Health in the Behavioral Health and Human Services Field, Janette Amezcua Alcala
Capstone Project: Middle School Children's Leadership Development, Cottrell Ealey
Capstone Project: Needs Assessment, Rosemonique Hernandez
Capstone Project: Opioid Use:True Colors, Maira A. Rodriguez
Capstone Project: Oral Health Program Assessment, Jacqueline Quintero
Capstone Project: Out of Sight Out of Mind: Collateral Damage in Chronic Absences, Amaya Menezes
Capstone Project: Parental Involvement: Breaking Barriers for Immigrants in (K-12) Education, Noe Tinajero
Capstone Project: Parental Involvement: Breaking Barriers for Immigrants in (K-12) Education, Maribel Cruz
Capstone Project: Parent Workshop on Young Children's Emotional Development, Margarita Camacho
Capstone Project: Pathways to Success: A Career Insights Event for Youth and Parents, Kendall Perez
Capstone Project: Permanent Local Housing Allocation Grant, Angela Goncalves
Capstone Project: Police and their Relationship with the Public, Kevin Hebri
Capstone Project: Preparing Teachers for Integrating Visual Arts for Academic Success of Elementary School Students, Jennifer Roux
Capstone Project: Preschool Children Learn About Regulating Emotions, Elisa Camacho
Capstone Project: Prevalence of Diabetes in Monterey County, Irenee Judith Flores-Morgado
Capstone Project: Prevention of Mental Health Problems in K-8 Students, Kaylee Bays
Capstone Project: Project Emerald : Youth and their ability to shine, Lupita Rocha-Fernandez
Capstone Project: Project Emerald: Youth and Their Ability To Shine, Johnatan Portillo Ventura
Capstone Project: Project No Voice Left Behind: Youth in Santa Cruz County, Melissa Rodriguez
Capstone Project: Promoting Differences: A Kindergarten Curriculum, Gina Blanchard
Capstone Project: Raising Awareness of Bullying with Elementary Students, Karoleen Bebawy
Capstone Project: Raising Cyberbullying Awareness Among Middle School Students, Beshoy Bebawi
Capstone Project: Reluctancy in Monterey County to get COVID-19 Vaccine, Kyle Silim
Capstone Project: Road To Success: Weekly Self-Assessment, Alfonso Morelos
Capstone Project: Role of Teachers In Empowering Migrant Students in Their Education, Maricruz Fragosa
Capstone Project: Seat of Choice: The Advantages of Flexible Seating, Maddison DeMatteo
Capstone Project: Secondhand Smoke: An Examination of the Public Health Issue in Marina, Eric J. Tallman
Capstone Project: Self-Care Through Nature for Adolescents, Sumiko Strachan
Capstone Project: Self-Regulation in a Preschool Classroom, Karen Ruby Vasquez
Capstone Project: Social and Emotional Effects of Distance Learning on Elementary School Students During and After COVID-19, Kelsey Clark
Capstone Project: Social Media Effects on Adolescent Social Skills and Mental Health, Precious Kol
Capstone Project: Socioeconomic Vulnerability: Qualitative Findings from Climate Change Data in California, Evan Martinez
Capstone Project: Stories of a Queer Femme, Parker Jones
Capstone Project: Substance Abuse Prevention Workshop For Youth, Daniella Cuevas
Capstone Project: Substance Use Education for Youth, Lizet Borrayo
Capstone Project: Success Over Stress Support Group, Sophia Pescador-Torrance
Capstone Project: Super STEM Women: Empowering Women to Seek Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Fields, Camille Prendergast
Capstone Project: Support Families’ Increased Access to Dental Care, Carmen Barron
Capstone Project: Supporting English Language Learners in California K-12 Classrooms, Emma Borrelli
Capstone Project: Supporting Social Development in Students with Disabilities, Elyzabeth Andersen
Capstone Project: Survivors of Domestic Violence: Reclaiming their Freedom, Flor Icel Ortega
Capstone Project: Taxonomic Analysis of Video Game Instrument Usages, Jack Madison
Capstone Project: Tech Support Workshops for Seniors: Bridging the Digital Divide, Ana Huerta
Capstone Project: Teen Youth and the Need for Secure Housing, Demetrius Mikell
Capstone Project: The Benefits of Using the Bible as a Historical Reference to Teach History and Literature, Anne Auringer
Capstone Project: The Chicken’s Too Fat to Cross the Road: Ethical Issues and Dangers Pertaining to Factory Farms, Michael J. Martinus
Capstone Project: The Colors Around Us: Stories of the Love of Family, Alanah Hunsdorfer
Capstone Project: The Decline in African-American Players in Major League Baseball, Marissa Ibarra Dorr
Capstone Project: The Effects of Gender on Students’ Learning, Savannah Mansfield
Capstone Project: The Hidden History of Chicanx Literature and the Importance of Incorporating Chicanx Literature in the Curriculum, Lucia Gonzalez-Gonzalez
Capstone Project: The Impact of COVID-19 on Elementary School Students' Academic Achievement, Kourtney Ashlee Baze
Capstone Project: The Impact of Hands-on Environmental Science Lessons on Middle School Students Learning, Molly Mansfield
Capstone Project: The Impact of the Migrant Education Program on the Children of Seasonal Farmworkers, Lorrie Lynn M. Sizemore
Capstone Project: The Importance of Teaching Social-Emotional Skills to Young Children, Stephanie Valdez
Capstone Project: The Need for Community Outreach and Collaboration When Connecting Vulnerable Seniors with In-Home Services, Melissa West Kevan
Capstone Project: The Peninsula Influence: Monterey’s Musical Legacy and its Effects on the Current Music Scene, Reace Niles
Capstone Project: The Pinocchio Boy: A collection of queer creative written work, Lucas Olvera
Capstone Project: The Social Dilemma: The Effects of Social Media on Learning in High School Classrooms, Bailey Goswick
Capstone Project: The Study and Application of Studio Design for the Home Studio, Paul Gutierrez
Capstone Project: The Variability of Age Between Townhouse and Residential Burials for Cherokee of the Southern Appalachian Region, Madeline Lopez-Elwell
Capstone Project: Too Many Seniors in Santa Cruz County Are Food Insecure, Erica Santoyo
Capstone Project: Transforming Monterey Counties Food Environment, Geovanni Miron Solis
Capstone Project: Umbrella of Mental Health Resources in Schools, Jennifer Ortiz- Jarquin
Capstone Project: Understanding and Preventing Burnout Among Behavioral Health Workers, Jafar Almukdadi
Capstone Project: Unstable Housing for Former Foster Youth in Santa Cruz County, Mariah Alanis
Capstone Project: Utilizing Social Media to Promote Services, Deysi Castillo
Capstone Project: Valuable Resources for Spanish-Speakers & Non-Residents of Monterey County in Addiction Recovery, Analaura Perez
Capstone Project: Victims of Crime: System Navigation, Ashley R. Chesney
Capstone Project: Volunteer Effectiveness on Nonprofit Organizations, Brianna Yanice Mariscal
Capstone Project: What’s the Goal: Increasing Sports Opportunities for Youth from Low Socioeconomic Communities, Nayeli Sandoval Gallo
Capstone Project: When Fish Climb Trees: Discovering Resources for Students With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Mary Black
Capstone Project: Workforce Housing Needs in Monterey County, Charlie Rosales
Capstone Project: Your Country Needs You (And Also your Resources) Britain and her Colonies During and Shortly After WW2, Anthony-Noel Cepe