This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
To view capstones and theses separately, please see the links below:
Capstones/Theses from 2022
Capstone Project: Watsonville Police Activities League: Raising Awareness of Drugs Disguised as Candy Parental Workshop, Jorge Rubio
Capstone Project: Why It’s Important to Have a Growth Mindset Over a Fixed Mindset, Erin Palafox
Capstone Project: You Matter: Finding School Based Support For Children Dealing with Mental Health Challenges, Jaelyn Agbayani
Capstone Project: You Matter: Finding School Based Support For Children Dealing with Mental Health Challenges, Melissa Machuca
Capstone Project: Addressing Technological Barriers in Santa Cruz County Through Educational Workshops, Sabrina Victoria Ramirez Rodriguez
Capstone Project: A Positive Thinking Self Help Group at Interim Inc. - OMNI, Vanessa Gonzalez
Capstone Project: Awakening Prosocial Behavior and Kindness in First Graders, Juliann Deverie Gomez
Capstone Project: Beyond Bored: Increasing Student Engagement in the Classroom, Guadalupe Montoya
Capstone Project: Bringing Awareness of the Effects of Social Media, Alynna Hernandez
Capstone Project: Building Friendships Within the Community Partnership for Youth Program, Cassandra Bartoli Hawkins
Capstone Project: Experiential Environmental Education and Its Effects on 5th Grade Students, Cristy E. Aroche
Capstone Project: Exploratory Research on Restorative Justice in the Education Setting, Shala Velasquez-Tapia
Capstone Project: Importance of Emotion Regulation in First Grade Students, Adriana Gavilan Aguilera
Capstone Project: Importance of Integrating Multicultural Literature for Elementary School Students, Ashley Ramirez
Capstone Project: Importance of Parental Involvement in Helping Elementary Students Achieve Academic Success, Erick Alvarez
Capstone Project: Improving College Students' Awareness on The Importance of Time Management, Domonique Hill
Capstone Project: Improving Emotion Regulation Skills in Preschool Children, Esra Dalmis
Capstone Project: Improving Social and Emotional Skills Among Toddlers, Marely Villalba Flores
Capstone Project: Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Julia Carrera
Capstone Project: Increasing Awareness of Mental Health Among Adult English Language Learners, Citlaly Ramirez
Capstone Project: Increasing Digital Literacy Skills Among School-Aged Children, Haleigh Steiner
Capstone Project: Increasing Preschoolers' Understanding of Emotions, Guadalupe Chavez
Capstone Project: Increasing Third Graders' Awareness of Living a Healthy Lifestyle, Anabertha Melgoza-Vasquez
Capstone Project: Math Readiness: Preschoolers Transitioning to Kindergarten, Itzayana Arias
Capstone Project: Radical Transformational Leadership (RTL) Spanish Translation Project, Johanna Salinas
Capstone Project: Research of Trauma Recovery Center for Future Implementation in Santa Cruz County, Ashly Banos
Capstone Project: Safe Space for Newcomer Students, Dulce M. Lizarraga-Chagolla
Capstone Project: Self Care Workshop: Techniques for Coping with Depression, Adriana Montejano
Capstone Project: Sound It Out: Increasing Reading Comprehension with Science-Based Approaches, Laura Overfelt
Capstone Project: Student Membership to Promote Civic Engagement and Professional Development, Emily Rangel
Capstone Project: Teaching Vocabulary Skills to Bilingual Students, Maria Corona
Capstone Project: The Benefits of Later School Start Times on Middle School Students, Raquel Zempoalteca Roman
Capstone Project: The Marketing Project, Ruben Martin Del Campo
Capstone Project: Volunteer Training Workshop to Improve Companionship Care in Hospice Home Visits, Daisy Vargas
Capstone Project: Who Cares? Creating Engaging After School Programs, Chelsea L. Palmer
Master's Thesis: Developing a Molecular Diet Analysis, and Characterizing the Intestinal Microbiota of Wild Juvenile Coastal Rainbow Trout/Steelhead in California, Bryan Van Orman
Master's Thesis: Effects of Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia on Stress and Growth Hormone Responses in Juvenile Blue Rockfish (Sebastes mystinus), Hannah L. Bruzzio
Master's Thesis: Estimating Natural Background Water Quality in California Rivers, Emma A. Debasitis
Master's Thesis: Evidence for Particle Dilution and Dispersion as the Strongest Effects on Reach-Scale Salmonid eDNA Sampling Outcomes in Mediterranean-Climate Rivers and Streams, Shawn A. Melendy
Master's Thesis: Factors Affecting Seasonal Variation of Surf Zone Assemblages in Central California, Gammon Koval
Master's Thesis: Measuring the Impact of Thermal Stress on Coral Resilience in Hawai'i Using Large-Area Imagery, Caroline Rodriguez
Master's Thesis: Physiological Responses to Hypoxia in Juvenile Flatfishes, Juliana Cornett
Master's Thesis: Redescription of Southwestern Indian Ocean Guitarfishes Rhinobatos (Rhinopristiformes: Rhinobatidae), Rachel Aitchison
Master's Thesis: The Distribution of Microplastics in Marshlands Surrounded by Agriculture Fields- Elkhorn Slough, CA, Victoria Dickey
Master's Thesis: The Genomics of Imidacloprid-Remediating Bacteria, Rahil Ryder
Master's Thesis: The Impacts of Climate Change on Blackeye Goby, Rhinogobiops nicholsii, Stress Responses, Reproduction, and Offspring Fitness, Alora Yarbrough
Master's Thesis: The Mock IEP For Educator Training, Matthew Kurkjian
Master's Thesis: Using Formative Assessments to Motivate Students in English Language Arts, Kelsey Brown
Capstones/Theses from 2021
Capstone Project: Academically and Mentally Exhausted: Looking Through the Challenges Caused by Distance Learning, Guadalupe Gonzalez
Capstone Project: Access to Public Assistance Benefits & Services Outreach, Maria Saucedo
Capstone Project: A Classroom Without Four Walls? Paving the Way for More Outdoor Education, Sandra Anaya-Zamora
Capstone Project: Adaptive Music in Video Games and How It Impacts Player Satisfaction, Scott Lloyd
Capstone Project: Addressing Common Misperceptions About Palliative Care, Katya Blandino
Capstone Project: Agreement Success Plan, Miranda Holtz
Capstone Project: Alternative to Suspension: Decreasing Suspension Rates for Minority Students, Alyssa Galindo
Capstone Project: An In Depth Analysis: Following the Potential Long-Term Effects of Loss of Engagement on Students, Stephanie Zavala
Capstone Project: A Plan for Your Pets: Education and Outreach through the Perpetual Care Program, Tatyanna Horoszko
Capstone Project: Appreciation Day for Clinical Staff at VNA Hospice, Melody Nguyen
Capstone Project: Are you Listening Students? It’s me, Zoom: Engaging High School Students During Distance Learning, Sally Ryan
Capstone Project: Are You Really Okay?: The Truth and Reality Behind Mental Illness in Middle School Students, Genesis M. Amaro
Capstone Project: A Soul's Shape is Beautiful, Alondra Orozco
Capstone Project: A video to empower and engage youth in Santa Cruz County, Marisol Cisneros
Capstone Project: A Workshop on Re-negotiating Parent-Child Relationships When Living Together, Deena Aguiar
Capstone Project: Being the Voice for the Voiceless, Marina Lemus
Capstone Project: Benefits of Music Education, Lauren Rafter
Capstone Project: Big Community in Little Chinatown: How Asian Americans (Re)Present Their Community Today, Meghan Morrison
Capstone Project: Breaking Into the American Mainstream - Korean Pop's Expansion and American Influences, Christopher Cobb
Capstone Project: Building Better Relationships with College Aged Students, Morgan Kennedy
Capstone Project: Building Capacity for Evidence Representing Qualitative and Quantitative Data of Monterey County’s Child Welfare Services, Devin Dunn
Capstone Project: Building Community, Amanda Contreras
Capstone Project: Cannabis Education Training for Monterey County, Pregnant & Lactating Mothers, Ciara L. Vernon
Capstone Project: Captain and Stoker: Exploring Tandem Performance Through New Instrument Design and Implementation, Matthew Spady
Capstone Project: Care and Compassion, Daisy Cuevas
Capstone Project: Care and Compassion, Daisy Cuevas
Capstone Project: Career Guidance at Central Coast High School, Max Termotto
Capstone Project: College Students Are Often Unaware of How to Maintain a Healthy Romantic Relationship, Giselle Saavedra
Capstone Project: College Students Rape Myth Acceptance and Men's Objectification of Women, Samantha Dunlap and Devyn Fries
Capstone Project: Commercial Impacts of the FIFA Soundtrack Effect for Artists, Cesar Uriel Rios Garrido
Capstone Project: Community Gardening & Nutrition Education Event to Improve Healthy Living, Silvia Yunuen Torres Ochoa
Capstone Project: ¿Cómo le va a mi estudiante en clase?: Increasing Parent Involvement For Latinx Elementary Students, Lisset Ochoa
Capstone Project: Covid-19 Prioritization Triage Tool, Topanga Cheeves
Capstone Project: Creating Safe Spaces: LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Schools, Stephanie C. Talavera
Capstone Project: Cultivating Healthy Relationships Between Parents and Students, Dulce Montano
Capstone Project: Destigmatize Addiction through Education, Miranda Martinez
Capstone Project: Developing Better Study Habits Through Peer Mentoring, Desteney Garcia
Capstone Project: Digital Divide in Monterey County, Vanessa Diaz
Capstone Project: Doers Not Dreamers: Supporting Un-DACA-mented Students After College, Fatima Perez Murguia
Capstone Project: Domestic Violence and Suicide Prevention Awareness Lesson Plan, Alet Martinez
Capstone Project: EAHS: Demystifying the Wellness Center for Student Social Emotional Support, Natalie Zamora
Capstone Project: Early Childhood Speech and Language Delays in Mexican Immigrant Families, Alicia Cobos
Capstone Project: Educating Asian American College Students on the Importance of Community and Mentorship, Jeah Limbag
Capstone Project: Educating Elementary Children on Prosocial Behaviors, Sylvia Vega
Capstone Project: Educational Intervention for the Chinatown Homeless Community to Stay Safe from COVID-19, Guillermina Martinez
Capstone Project: Educational intervention on the Use of Zoom for Spanish speaking Families, Lundi Barroso
Capstone Project: Education Inequities in South Monterey County: No English Learner Left Behind, Alejandra Zavala
Capstone Project: Effectiveness of Digital Literacy Classes, Beatriz Perez-Haro
Capstone Project: Engaging Santa Cruz County Employers, Jayne Prieto
Capstone Project: Enhancing Youth Awareness of Protecting the Environment: What We Save, Saves Us, Alexa Hanson
Capstone Project: Equal Education for All?: Equity Issues Impacting Physical Education and Physical Activity During COVID-19 Pandemic, Gianna Pinotti
Capstone Project: Estudiantes Exitosos, Erik Estrada