This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
To view capstones and theses separately, please see the links below:
Capstones/Theses from 2015
Capstone Project: Special Education: Empowering Parents in the Latino Community, Corina Venegas
Capstone Project: Stop Bullying through Self-Efficacy and Early Intervention, Kristin Lockridge
Capstone Project: Swim for Fun: The Importance of Open Swim for Children with Special Needs, Sarah K. Lowes
Capstone Project: Teacher Perspectives on the Educational Experience of English Learners: A Case Study of Three Monterey Country Schools, Brianna Skinner
Capstone Project: Technology in the Elementary School Classrooms: Are Cell Phones a Beneficial of Harmful Tool for Educational Purposes?, Liliana Perez-Ordaz
Capstone Project: The Benefits of Physical Education on Elementary School Students’ Learning, Amanda Shenton
Capstone Project: The Changing Role Of Technology at the Elementary School Level, Jenna Kaysen
Capstone Project: The Impact of Technology on Primary Education, Kathryn Holt
Capstone Project: The Rise of Reactive and Interactive Video Game Audio, Joey Pendergrass
Capstone Project: The Role of the Producer, Steven Burschinger
Capstone Project: The Struggles of Life on a Playground: Bullying in Middle Schools and the Effectiveness of Anti-bullying Programs, Justine Morales
Capstone Project: Transitional Kindergarten Awareness, Danielle Caltabiano
Capstone Project: Urban School Districts & Mass Incarceration of Young Black Males, Simone Hollomon
Capstone Project: Using Themes Such as Motorsports as an Avenue to Incorporate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Into Classrooms, Tyler Agan
Capstone Project: Variety for Vocalists, Jonathan Morgadinho
Capstone Project: Visual Arts Matter in Elementary School Curriculum, Michelle Lopez
Master's Thesis: A Teacher’s Toolbox for Building Communication - Among Professionals Who Service Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities, Bingta E. Francke
Master's Thesis: Awareness Intervention for Students with Behavioral Challenges- Mindfulness in the Classroom, Gian Michael Sarabia
Master's Thesis: Deposition, Persistence, and Utilization of Kelp Wrack Along the Central California Coast, Jarred Klosinski
Master's Thesis: Developing Pre-Service Teacher Identity with Respect to Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Tessa Nicole Mauro
Master's Thesis: Effective Integration of Technology in a High School Beginning Japanese Class, Yo Azama
Master's Thesis: Effects of Teaching Materials on the Development of Receptive Identification Skills for Students with Autism, Jennifer Parra
Master's Thesis: Enhancing Student Engagement Through Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Ashley Hannah Lawrence-Pine
Master's Thesis: Fading Student-Learned Scaffolding in Middle School Science Classrooms, Amanda J. Nutt
Master's Thesis: High School Students with Learning Disabilities: Self-advocacy Skills in the General Education Classroom, Adam P. Castro
Master's Thesis: Impact of Individual and Population-Scale Dynamics on Growth and Reproduction of Two Morphologies of Macrocystis in Central California, Sarah Jeffries
Master's Thesis: Implications of a Reverse Inclusion Program for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities, Linda Kaempfer Baker
Master's Thesis: Incorporating Literacy Strategies in High School Courses: Implications for Implementing Common Core Standards, Bethlehem Cayetano
Master's Thesis: Large-Scale Patterns in Marine Fish Habitat Use as Determined From a Meta-Analysis of Acoustic Telemetry Studies, Allison Cramer
Master's Thesis: Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) Habitat Associations: Implications for Conservation and Management, Megan Bassett
Master's Thesis: Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) Habitat Associations: Implications for Conservation and Management, Megan Bassett
Master's Thesis: Motile Cryptofaunal Invertebrate Assemblages in Catalina Island's Rhodolith Beds in Relation to Physical Structure and Live Rhodoliths, Kristin Meagher Robinson
Master's Thesis: Multiscale Predictive Modeling of Wave Velocity and Its Distribution Across a Rocky Intertidal Landscape, Daniel Orr
Master's Thesis: Participation of Latino Spanish-Speaking Families in the IEP Process, Guadalupe Zamora
Master's Thesis: Raising Teachers’ Cultural Knowledge of Middle Eastern Students in The Classroom, Hassan J. Alnawar
Master's Thesis: Science Curriculum Development with Next Generation Standards: Meeting the Needs of In-Service Teachers, Laura Arnow
Master's Thesis: Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Interrtuptus) Use of the Intertidal Zone at a Santa Catalina Island MPA in Southern California, Sean C. Windell
Master's Thesis: Teacher Perspectives on the Factors Influencing Content Literacy Implementation, Julie Gallegos
Master's Thesis: Teaching Vocational Gardening Skills To An Adolescent With Severe Autism, Sun Kim Garcia
Master's Thesis: The Development of English and Chinese Oral Language through Drawing for Primary Grade Students, Minzhi Yu
Master's Thesis: The Effects of Direct Speech Instruction on English Language Learners for the CELDT 4-Picture Narrative, Alexander Salazar
Master's Thesis: The Gender Gap in Math – Incorporating Gender Equity in the High School Mathematics Classroom, Ryan Sullivan
Master's Thesis: The Impact and Implications for Teacher Induction Programs, Miriam A. Lopez
Master's Thesis: The Parental Involvement of Non-English Speaking Latino Parents in Secondary Education, Bianca M. Andrade
Master's Thesis: Use of Specific Praise with Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities in an After School Program, Jamie Gandara
Master's Thesis: Utilizing Mobile Computer Devices in Urdu / Hindi Language Programs to Enhance Language Learning, Shagufta Khan
Capstones/Theses from 2014
Capstone Project: A comparison of music within different cultures & beliefs, Adam Rodriguez
Capstone Project: A mother's recipe : ingredients for a healthy and successful lifestyle, Eloradanan Morgan
Capstone Project: Benefits of music education : promoting college attendance in high school students, Danielle Clare Buckner
Capstone Project: Benefits of physical education programs in elementary schools today, Amy De Armit
Capstone Project: Breaking down classroom walls : increasing the effective use of educational technology, Raeanne Gardner
Capstone Project: Bullying in elementary schools : emotional and psychological effects on students, Beverly Burke
Capstone Project: Convolution reverb & impulse responses, Sam Kantorik
Capstone Project: CPR training for students : creating heroes among us, Kyle Steven Costa
Capstone Project: Developing a program for pre-service teachers interested in teaching young female students in rural areas of developing countries, Tanya M. Zeitler
Capstone Project: Disability awareness : creating a better tomorrow, Marlina Massagli
Capstone Project: Effects of extra-curricular science activities on fifth grade classroom learning, Clifton Livingston
Capstone Project: Extended range guitars : cultural impact, specifications, and the context of a mix, Victor Gil
Capstone Project: Field of dreams : sports equality for children with special needs, Dori Powers
Capstone Project: Field of dreams : sports equality for children with special needs, Molly Kennedy
Capstone Project: Gender imbalance in the teaching profession at the elementary school level, Alisha Lynn Hopkins
Capstone Project: Implementing innovative teaching pedagogy in elementary schools, Amanda Isbill
Capstone Project: Implementing the Hmong Culture into Classrooms, Chee Vang
Capstone Project: Importance of bringing environmental awareness for kindergarten students, Leandra Magdaleno
Capstone Project: Importance of including proper education on homework for pre-service educators, Allee Campbell
Capstone Project: Importance of recycling activities for elementary students, Abel Coronel
Capstone Project: Importance of recycling activities for middle school students, Katalina Garcia
Capstone Project: In search of Willy Loman and the American dream, Ryan Thomason
Capstone Project: Integrating Monterey Bay area visual arts into core subject matter for students with autism, Amanda Greenleaf
Capstone Project: Integrating rock music in elementary school education, Andre Firme
Capstone Project: Is class over? : creating an engaging classroom for students, Ashley Klingenberg
Capstone Project: Just run : fighting childhood obesity one mile at a time, Michele L. Jackson
Capstone Project: Let’s get Involved: Latino Parent Involvement, Diana Verduzco
Capstone Project: Let's Get Physical: Integrating Physical Activity into the Classroom, Katelyn Diane Marie Smith, Jordan Fasheh, and Amber Morris
Capstone Project: Let's Get Physical: Integrating Physical Activity into the Classroom, Jordan C. Fasheh, Amber Morris, and Katelyn Smith
Capstone Project: Let’s Get Physical: Integrating Physical Activity into the Classroom, Amber Leann Morris, Jordan Fasheh, and Katelyn Smith
Capstone Project: Let's Talk About Sex Baby: Integrating Comprehensive Sex Education, Korin P. Sterkel and Tasha N. McDaniel
Capstone Project: Let's talk about sex, baby : integrating comprehensive sex education, Tasha N. McDaniel and Korin P. Sterkel
Capstone Project: Modern Recording Studios: Their Evolutions, Designs, and Adaptations in the Music Industry, Gregory W. Hanson Jr.
Capstone Project: Money doesn't grow on trees : increasing opportunities for migrant seasonal Head Start programs, Ana Guadalupe Lopez
Capstone Project: Money Doesn't Grow on Trees: Increasing Opportunities For Migrant Seasonal Head Start Programs, Ana Guadalupe Lopez-Jimenez
Capstone Project: More than a pastime : the importance of interscholastic sports opportunities in middle schools, Daniel Aguirre and Diego Ortega
Capstone Project: Near field monitoring in the recording studio, Cameron Reed
Capstone Project: No fooling : using students' time in Avid more wisely, Viviana Gudino-Correa
Capstone Project: Painting the world green : teaching children about environmental education, Selmi A. Caballero
Capstone Project: Reimagining the synthesis of Latino youth in the science lab : using Latino cultural identity to teach cellular permeability, Nathalie Iturburua
Capstone Project: School overload : the effects of homework on families, Mayra Alvarez
Capstone Project: Socio-emotional benefits of incorporating performing arts in elementary schools, Erin Hopper
Capstone Project: Sound the alarm : are our students safe?, Ashley Lynn Cross
Capstone Project: Tag, you're it! : how can we help kids explore the outdoors?, Danielle Flynn
Capstone Project: Teacher burnout and its psychological effects on university students, Johanna Stanley
Capstone Project: The importance of implementing physical education programs into elementary school curriculum, Shauna Davis
Capstone Project: The pow factor : integrating comic books in the classroom, Ashleigh Parker
Capstone Project: The summer trap : the struggle to create affordable educational programs, Chelsey Chapin
Capstone Project: The swell and crash of ska's first wave : a historical analysis of reggae's predecessors in the evolution of Jamaican music, Erik R. Lobo-Gilbert
Capstone Project: Throwing-out the Fast Food: Encouraging Middle School Youth to Eat a Healthy Lunch, Sarah Ng
Capstone Project: Understanding guitar amplifiers, Robert Guinvarch
Capstone Project: Visual arts and its benefits on elementary school students, Maria Lopez
Capstone Project: Where art thou? : bringing the arts into elementary school classrooms, Carolina Liemola
Capstone Project: Where art thou? : bringing the arts into elementary school classrooms, Deanna Basso