This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
To view capstones and theses separately, please see the links below:
Capstones/Theses from 2020
Capstone Project: From traditional to alternative learning, Tamara Bundley
Capstone Project: Health and Human Services During a Pandemic, Andrea Mares-Quiroz
Capstone Project: Hygiene Skills for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Janet Roberts
Capstone Project: Improving Children's Education on Discrimination, Kila Miller
Capstone Project: Improving Kindness Among Kindergarteners, Marlene Cisneros
Capstone Project: Increasing Elementary School Student’s Anger Management Skills, Melinna Maldonado
Capstone Project: Increasing Employment Outcomes for Homeless Women on the Monterey Peninsula, Mireya Diaz
Capstone Project: Increasing Japanese Elders' Awareness of Dementia, Yuki Shibata
Capstone Project: Increasing Underclass Parent Awareness of Positive Parenting Techniques, Richard Juarez
Capstone Project: Interns Resource Guide, Adrian Baldomero Rodriguez Serrano
Capstone Project: Items Often Overlooked as Necessary for Maintaining Good Health, Taliyah Crawford
Capstone Project: Kindergarten Teachers’ Dilemma: Get Students Academically Ready or Allow for More Play?, Sandra Perez
Capstone Project: Latinx Mental Health Awareness Workshop, Nely Perez
Capstone Project: Promoting Civic Participation Among Emerging Adults, Alex Adams
Capstone Project: Relationship Between Student's Well-Being and Academic Success, Lizet Quintanar
Capstone Project: Resume Workshop for Transit Youth, Amber Hernandez
Capstone Project: Support Group in Spanish for Hispanics/Latinos Living with Multiple Sclerosis, Edilcia Solis
Capstone Project: Syringe Exchange Programs, Tiara M. Campos
Capstone Project: The Benefits of Edible Education and The Importance of Nutrition for Students, Robyn Riberal
Capstone Project: The Hatchlings Program, Rickie Rachai Wattanakasaem and Vanessa Mozo
Capstone Project: The Importance of Strong Self-Esteem in Schools, Selena Hernandez
Capstone Project: The Use of Lacandon Swidden in Deforested Chiapas, Samantha Chavez
Capstone Project: Ua Sab Ntev (Be Patient), Sandy Her
Capstone Project: Unfound Sounds of the Acoustic Guitar: Proving the Versatility of the Acoustic Guitar with Sound Modification, Ana Rosales
Capstone Project: Veterans' Outreach, Adriana Samson
Capstone Project: Vive Healthy Intervention in Efforts to Prevent Diabetes in Monterey County, Monica Zavala
Capstone Project: Youth Homeless Response Team Comprehensive Outreach Plan, Yeovana Morales-Pitalua
Capstone Project: Youth Homeless Response Team Social Media, Jennesis Carrasco
Master's Thesis: Associating Landscape Variables with Nesting Occupancy and Success of Songbirds Using Nest Boxes in Semi-urban Greenspaces, Amanda Preece
Master's Thesis: Drivers of Sub-Seasonal to Interannual Shoreline Change at Sunset State Beach in Monterey Bay, CA, Miya Pavlock
Master's Thesis: Effects of Biomass Loss on the Seasonal Variability in Storage Compounds of Pterygophora Californica, Lindsay M. Cooper
Master's Thesis: Effects of Phytoplankton Composition and Biominerals on the Episodic Pulses of Particulate Organic Carbon to Abyssal Depths, Cynthia Michaud
Master's Thesis: Fish-Derived Nutrients in California Kelp Forest Ecosystems, June Shrestha
Master's Thesis: Gene Expression Responses of Larval Gopher (Sebastes carnatus) and Blue (S. mystinus) Rockfish to Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia, Jacoby Baker
Master's Thesis: Habitat Associations of Catshark Egg Cases (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhiniformes: Pentanchidae) from the U.S. Pacific Coast, Amber N. Reichert
Master's Thesis: Hydrothermal Vent Periphery Invertebrate Community Habitat Preferences of the Lau Basin, Kenji Jordi Soto
Master's Thesis: Increasing Reading Achievement Through Guided Collaboration In an Elementary Setting, Deirdre Kate Guidi
Master's Thesis: Integrating Field Methods, Remote Sensing and Modeling to Monitor Climate-Adapted Tidal Marsh Restoration, Alexandra S. Thomsen
Master's Thesis: Native Species Response to Goat Foraging in a Shrub-invaded California Coastal Grassland, John Inman
Master's Thesis: Quantifying the Emanation and Decay of Environmental DNA from Three Marine Molluscs, Emily Rose Pierce
Master's Thesis: Surface Conditions Drive Changes In Groundfish Species' Populations Along California Coast, Danielle Marie Fabian
Master's Thesis: The Effects of Repeated Reading on Individuals With Moderate to Severe Learning Disabilities, Janette Iniguez
Master's Thesis: The Self-Determined Student: Teaching Students With Exceptional Needs Self-Determination Through Class-Wide Self-Monitoring, Amanda M. Baird
Capstones/Theses from 2019
Capstone Project: 12 Steps Might Not Be Enough: Playing Music and its Effects in Addiction Recovery, James Crumm
Capstone Project: 1999 AAA JRPG Quality And How a 2019 Indie-Game Developer Can Meet It, Kailynn Haskell-Harbert
Capstone Project: Abriendo Puertas/ Opening Doors Curriculum Evaluation, Josclynn Morales
Capstone Project: Academic Confidence: A Quantitative Study of Living Learning Communities and Self-Efficacy, Jessica Bawdon
Capstone Project: A Child’s Perspective of the Foster Care System, Cynthia Valdez
Capstone Project: A Comparative Analysis Between the Voting Patterns of CSUMB Students and Nationwide Voters, Ages 18-24, Selena Corona
Capstone Project: A Data Driven Approach to Increasing CASA Compliance, Desiraye Kesterson
Capstone Project: A data-driven approach to increasing male advocacy at CASA of Monterey County, Andrea Ledesma
Capstone Project: Addressing Food Insecurity Through Staff Development, Briana Palacios
Capstone Project: Aggregation Services and Songwriter Independence, Saxon John Paul Ahern
Capstone Project: Agriculture Education In Elementary Schools, Samantha Irene Cairncross
Capstone Project: A High Percentage of College Students Are Low Income in California, Paulo Magana
Capstone Project: A Life Skill Workshop for Youth on Probation, Gabriela Ayala
Capstone Project: Alleviating Bullying Behaviors Among Adolescents, Haley Q. Glidden
Capstone Project: Analysis of Social Services Available to Seniors in Monterey County, Marijeanne Santina
Capstone Project: An Analysis of Parental Engagement in Spanish and Bilingual Families, Marielena F. Villicana
Capstone Project: An Outreach Project for People Experiencing Homelessness, Patricia Aparicio
Capstone Project: An Untold History: Intergenerational Trauma & the Armenian Genocide, Erik Anderson
Capstone Project: Applying Parental Involvement in Early Literacy, Luis Moya
Capstone Project: A Technology Resource Guide for The Safety Nest, Maribel Perez
Capstone Project: A Well-Rounded Community: Integrating Arts to Enhance the Mental Health of Elementary School Students, Hilary Jeanne Little
Capstone Project: Benefits of After-School Programs on Elementary School Students, Cynthia Cramer
Capstone Project: Benefits of Bilingual Education Programs for Elementary School Students, Jesica Moreno
Capstone Project: Benefits of Culturally Relevant Literature on Latino Students, Adriana Valdez
Capstone Project: Benefits of Implementing Environmental Education in Low-Income Elementary Schools, Teanna Ackerley
Capstone Project: Benefits of Implementing Visual Arts for Elementary School Students, Desiree Conway
Capstone Project: Benefits of Increasing Unstructured Recess Time for Elementary School Students, Alesia l. Tuiolosega
Capstone Project: Benefits of Integrating Physical Activities into the Elementary Classroom, Maritza Juliet Ruelas
Capstone Project: Benefits of Play for the Social and Emotional Development of Children in Kindergarten, Chelsea Andrade
Capstone Project: Benefits of School Gardening on Low-Income Elementary School Students, Caitlynn Lange
Capstone Project: Bilingual Prescription Drug Safety for Santa Cruz County, Monica Pantoja
Capstone Project: Blueprint for Shared Safety Strategic Plan, ReAnn Ramos
Capstone Project: Bridge to Inclusion: Honoring Insight from Families with Lived Experience of Homelessness, Lindsay Peterson
Capstone Project: Bridging College-Readiness Disparities Within Historically Underrepresented High School Students, Luis A. Ecute
Capstone Project: Bringing Music Back into the Classroom and Its Benefits on Elementary School Students, Laura Alcaraz
Capstone Project: Bullying Awareness Within Elementary School Children, Maritsa Garcia Rendon
Capstone Project: Bullying: The effects in relation to third-grade elementary students, Shelby Wilson
Capstone Project: California Rural Legal Assistance Employment Education Outreach Project, Daisy Leon Melendrez
Capstone Project: California State University Monterey Bay Basic Needs Outreach Program, Spencer Harnett
Capstone Project: CASA Youth Resource Guide, Jessica Ramos
Capstone Project: Case Management Resource Binder, Moneka Ashley
Capstone Project: Central Coast VNA Palliative Care Volunteer Program, Jacquelyn Taueetia
Capstone Project: Challenges Faced by Female Mexican Pre-Service Teachers in Balancing Their Career and Motherhood, Guadalupe Tapia
Capstone Project: Cheers to You Campaign: Reducing Impaired Driving in Santa Cruz County, Mickaela Janine Bernardo
Capstone Project: Child Welfare and Substance Abuse, Viridiana Camacho
Capstone Project: Climate Change and Big Business: The Endless Cycle, Angela Steele
Capstone Project: Collection of Analyzed Data from Health and Human Services Professionals: Stressors and Self-Care Practices, Yesenia Alcala
Capstone Project: College and Career Awareness in Elementary Schools, Veronica Martinez Gracida
Capstone Project: Communication and Conflict Management in Romantic Relationships, Jordan Pastrone
Capstone Project: Community Development & Engaging Clients at OMNI, Christopher Lizaola
Capstone Project: Community Health Workers on Oral Health: Raising Awareness, Zuleyma Valdez
Capstone Project: Comparison of the U.S. and Finland’s Educational Systems on Students’ Academic Achievement, Selma Matias
Capstone Project: Condom Dispenser Program, Madilynn Turner
Capstone Project: Creating Access Individuals with Disabilities who are Experiencing Homelessness, Megan C. Sanchez
Capstone Project: Creating a Meaningful Experience: On Service Learning and Teacher Preparedness, Nhat-Dzu T. Bui and Telia M. Krown
Capstone Project: Creating a Meaningful Experience: On Service Learning and Teacher Preparedness, Telia Krown and Nhat-Dzu T. Bui
Capstone Project: Cultural Representation in the Classroom, Priscilla R. Rodriguez