This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
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Capstones/Theses from 2019
Capstone Project: Day Worker Center: Employer and Client Engagement, Anayeli Avalos
Capstone Project: Determining Ecotype Presence and the Call Repertoire of Killer Whales (Orcinus Orca) Recorded Near Point Hope, Alaska in the Southeastern Chukchi Sea, Brijonnay Madrigal
Capstone Project: Developing Information on Mental Health and Counseling Services, Katherine Bustamante
Capstone Project: Diabetes and Effectiveness of Gym Usage, Roberto Moore
Capstone Project: Diaspora: Bay Area Edition, Alexander Zarate
Capstone Project: Disability Awareness in Young Children, Guadalupe Y. Espinoza
Capstone Project: Disperse and Connect: Impacts of Communication and Transportation Technologies on Group Connectivity, Timothy Geary
Capstone Project: Educating Adults with Disabilities on Stress coping Techniques, Sydney Coyle
Capstone Project: Educating Advocates about the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC), Anna M. Neibel
Capstone Project: Educating Children on the Benefits of Physical Activity, Nancy Recinos
Capstone Project: Educating Second Graders about Food Marketing Tactics, Arlene Sanchez
Capstone Project: Effectiveness of Inmate Labor Programs: A Case Study of Marion County's Inmate Work Farm, Cassie Beck
Capstone Project: Effects of After School Programs on Elementary Students, Nubia Teran
Capstone Project: Effects of Bilingual Education Programs on Elementary Latino English Language Learners, Linda Pinon Gutierrez
Capstone Project: Effects of Early Literacy Development on Academic Success of Children in Elementary Schools, Destiny Hill
Capstone Project: Effects of Latino Parental Involvement in Their Children’s Academics, Sonia Gutierrez
Capstone Project: Effects of Living in Urban Environment on Student Academic Success, Christina Mendoza
Capstone Project: Effects of Military Life on Children’s Academic Performance, Renee Marie Edwards
Capstone Project: Effects of Multicultural Education on English Language Learners, Donna Dias
Capstone Project: Effects of Music Education on the Academic Achievement of Elementary School Students, Doreen Pacini
Capstone Project: Effects of Under-Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Female Students, Nina Hobbs
Capstone Project: Effects of University Pen Pals on the Literacy Development of Elementary School Students, Tami Chanthorn
Capstone Project: Effects of U.S. English Only Language Instruction on Elementary Latino Students, Juana Palma
Capstone Project: Empowerment Workshop: Helping End the Cycle of Domestic Violence, Brianna Caitlin Anderson
Capstone Project: End of Life Care, Ana Mederos
Capstone Project: Ensuring Victims’ Rights and Inspiring Hope through Community Collaboration, Evelyn Rodriguez Martinez
Capstone Project: Environmental Conservation Curriculum for Preschoolers, Veronica Lampreda
Capstone Project: Escapando las Trampas: Teacher Preparation for Mexicanas, Larissa Perez
Capstone Project: Escapando Las Trampas: Teacher preparation for Mexicanas, Monica Medrano
Capstone Project: Ethnic Identity Development, Maria Gutierrez Chavez
Capstone Project: Evaluating Father Involvement in the Voluntary Family Maintenance and Reunification Process, Elizabeth Crescencio-Garduno
Capstone Project: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Cultural Competency Trainings Within the Monterey County Behavioral Health Department, Maritza Gutierrez
Capstone Project: Evaluation of Monterey Jazz Festival’s Clinicians in the Schools Program, Miguel L. Santos
Capstone Project: Expanding Gender Non-binary Access in California’s Victim Compensation Program, Vianeth Gonzalez Muro
Capstone Project: Eye to Eye: Increasing Parent Involvement through Collaboration and Adaptation, Kara Gearring and Lilliana Orozco
Capstone Project: Eye to Eye: Increasing Parent Involvement Through Collaboration and Adaptation, Liliana Orozco-Lemus and Kara Gearring
Capstone Project: Finding Chromebooks for the Community, Angel Tran
Capstone Project: Finding Identity Through Literature, Darren Bartholomew
Capstone Project: Fine Arts Building Relationship Between Advocates and Youth in CASA of Monterey, Lizbeth Cruz
Capstone Project: Food Waste at La Isla Pacifica Shelter, Yesenia Perez
Capstone Project: Fostering Social-Emotional Competence In Preschoolers, Celina Waddy
Capstone Project: Fraud Prevention for Seniors, Claudia Rodriguez
Capstone Project: Girls Support Group, Celina Alexa Alvarez
Capstone Project: Globalizing Sustainable Education: Environmental Literacy Connecting Cultural Literacy, Sofia Maciel
Capstone Project: Gnome Waste Warriors: Waste Reduction through Sustainability, Hayley E.R. Frost Rubino
Capstone Project: Go, Go, Go, How About Hello?: Building Teacher-Student Relationships within Departmentalized Elementary Schools, Jael Ramirez
Capstone Project: Greek Affiliation as a Contributing Factor to College Academic Success: A Case Study, Michaela Reuben
Capstone Project: Healthy Lives: Childhood Obesity in Monterey County, Norma Verduzco
Capstone Project: Helping Academic Struggling Elementary School Students Succeed, Dulce M. Carmona
Capstone Project: Her Heart is at Home: A Journey into Three Generations of Diaspora, Meghan Weston
Capstone Project: Higher Education for At-Risk Youth in Santa Cruz County, Abbye Bohon
Capstone Project: How has Standardized Testing Affected Low-income Communities?, Melody Orozco
Capstone Project: How Teachers can Implement Awareness on Parental Incarceration in the Classroom, Allison Castellanos
Capstone Project: How to Decrease Bullying Among Elementary School Students?, Baltazar Garcia
Capstone Project: IMC Policy Platform, Yoselinne Gonzalez
Capstone Project: Impact of the Model Minority Myth for Asian American Students, Gustavo Morales-Magbitang
Capstone Project: Impacts of Growing Technology on Students' Reading and Writing Skills, Jacquelyn Ogborn Corpuz
Capstone Project: Implementation & Evaluation of the On-Sale Responsible Alcohol Merchant Awards, Sara Michele Rowe
Capstone Project: Implementation of the Drug Medi Cal Organized Delivery System in an Outpatient SUD Rehabilitation Agency, Casie Greene
Capstone Project: Implementing Homeless Youth Professional Development Workshops in Salinas, Mikayla Spooner
Capstone Project: Implementing Mindfulness to Promote Mental Health in Elementary School Students, Kathleen Dunlap-DeMarco
Capstone Project: Implementing Social Activism into an Elementary Classroom, Chelsea Riotutar
Capstone Project: Importance of Combining Physical Activity and Health and Wellness in to Physical Education within Schools., Chandler McKean
Capstone Project: Importance of Implementing Native American History in School Curricula, Kirsten Kite
Capstone Project: Improving a Sense of Belonging in Elementary Schools, Jordan Bandong
Capstone Project: Improving Health Education Engagement for First-Grade Students, Jennifer Lynn Costa
Capstone Project: Inclusion and Racial Diversity Curriculum in Preschools, Vanessa Sanchez
Capstone Project: Inclusion in Physical education, Taylor Thompson-Hall
Capstone Project: Incompetency to Stand Trial: An Informational Guide, Natalie Baur
Capstone Project: Increasing Active Engagement & Participation in the Guardian Scholars Program, Cali Trimble
Capstone Project: Increasing Adolescent Girls’ Awareness of Intimate Partner Violence, Kacie Cox
Capstone Project: Increasing Adult's Awareness of the Importance of End-Of-Life Care Discussions, Taylor Gardner
Capstone Project: Increasing Awareness In End Of Life Care For Human Development And Family Studies Students, Nathan Ironside
Capstone Project: Increasing Awareness of Homework Assistance Resources Among Elementary School Aged Children, Leslie Castillo
Capstone Project: Increasing Awareness of legal services and tenant rights in Watsonville, Ana Laura Partida Lopez
Capstone Project: Increasing Awareness of Mandated Reporting and Child Abuse, Madison Mulcahyzelenski
Capstone Project: Increasing Awareness of Romantic Behaviors in Former Foster Youth, Kimberly Beardshear
Capstone Project: Increasing Bullying Awareness in Elementary School Special Needs Students, Maria Olvera
Capstone Project: Increasing College Students’ Awareness on Mindset Practices while Teaching, Alejandra Sandoval
Capstone Project: Increasing Growth Mindsets in Rural Adolescents, Jessica Hernandez
Capstone Project: Increasing Middle School Students’ Awareness of Becoming Involved in Risk Taking Behaviors, Leslie Chavez
Capstone Project: Increasing Parents’ Awareness on College Readiness, Jennifer Diaz
Capstone Project: Increasing Parents' Knowledge of a Healthy Lifestyle for Children with Down Syndrome, Celeste Villagrana
Capstone Project: Increasing Reading Motivation in Second Grade Students, Jazmin Fausto
Capstone Project: Increasing Retention of Foster Resource Families, Bianca Kristal Estrada
Capstone Project: Integrating Art Into a Math Curriculum, Jessica Jeronimo
Capstone Project: Integrating Mindfulness into School Classrooms, Crystal Chesshire
Capstone Project: It's Game Night at the Shelter, Margarita Gonzalez
Capstone Project: "Just Kidding" What Bullies Say, Christina Marie Gumbin
Capstone Project: Legal Advocacy Brochure, Elisa M Silva
Capstone Project: Let Me Be Myself, Brandon Stettenbenz
Capstone Project: Marketing Music in the Modern Age: Hip-Hop Emphasis, Tyler Turquand
Capstone Project: Mathematical Perceptions: Changing Mindsets in Elementary School Classrooms, Marissa M. Bartelt
Capstone Project: Measuring the Impact of Affordable Housing on Family Well-Being in Santa Cruz County, Karen Gomez
Capstone Project: Mental Health Awareness and Education, Marco Espinoza
Capstone Project: Merecemos Saber/ We Deserve to Know, Erika Arreola
Capstone Project: Micro-Teaching, Justin Lowe
Capstone Project: Mindfulness and the Effectiveness in the Classroom, Alexandria Barrick
Capstone Project: Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Adolescents With Cancer and Teen Cancer Survivors, Daniela Ramirez-Ibarra
Capstone Project: Mindfulness for Middle School Students, Raena Gountang