This digital archive of Capstone projects and Master's theses gathers the culminating experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students at CSUMB.
To view capstones and theses separately, please see the links below:
Capstones/Theses from 2021
Capstone Project: Supporting Transgender Students: Implementing an Inclusive Education, Reema Allen
Capstone Project: Support Systems for Newcomer Immigrant Students, Danna Marey Ferolino
Capstone Project: Syringe Exchange Program Outreach, Jael Bucio
Capstone Project: Teaching Elementary School Children About Nutritionn, Dana Mastro
Capstone Project: Teaching Healthy Communication Skills for College Students with Disabilities, Molly McShane
Capstone Project: Teaching Latino Parents About Early Intervention and ASD, Maricela Lopez
Capstone Project: The Achievement Gap: How Are English Language Learners Being Impacted By The U.S. Education System?, Jaqueline Felix Crescencio
Capstone Project: The Changemaker Academy: Youth Leadership and Advocacy Programs, Marilyn Evans
Capstone Project: The Correlation Between Traditional and Modern Day Performance Poetry: Where Music and Poetry Collide, Jaya Hodges
Capstone Project: The Harm Reduction Project, Meghna Agarwal
Capstone Project: The Impacts of Social Media on Social Movements, Gabriela Aguilar
Capstone Project: The Importance of Onboarding Training in Prevention Work, Cindy Alfaro-Andasol
Capstone Project: The Introduction of an Emergency Mitigation Module, Marvin Feliciano
Capstone Project: The Lack of Environmental Awareness in Preschool Curriculum, Micaela Padgett
Capstone Project: The Need for Health and Community Resources in Monterey County, Yesenia Lustre
Capstone Project: The New Normal: Engaging Students during Online Learning, Leslie Nabor
Capstone Project: The Pathway to Becoming a Child Life Specialist, Gabriella Bradley
Capstone Project: The Prevention Of Bullying In Elementary Schools, Cecilia Martinez
Capstone Project: The Rise of Spanish Speaking Advocates at CASA of Santa Cruz, Jackelin Rodriguez
Capstone Project: The Use of Social Media for Marketing by Independent Musicians, Jessica E. Martinez
Capstone Project: Time Management and Organization Skills in First Generation Freshman EOP Students, Jennifer Ventura
Capstone Project: Today A Reader, Tomorrow A Leader: How Reading Comprehension Plays a Role in Academics Among Low-Income Students, Marissa Sandra Francisca Torrez
Capstone Project: Transfer Student Success: Enrich the Lives of Students Who Transfer to a University, Stephanie Castro
Capstone Project: Trauma-sensitive Training for Yoga Teachers Serving Individuals Experiencing Incarceration, Roberta Hines
Capstone Project: Using Facebook Live to Raise Awareness About Abuse and Available Resources, Claudia Ramirez Garcia
Capstone Project: Violence Impact in Salinas, Kimberly Torres Ochoa
Capstone Project: Virtually Left Behind: The Struggles of Adapted Physical Education Through Online Learning for Students with Special Needs, Madison Neff
Capstone Project: “Want More Student Participation??... Bring on the Engagement!!”, Armando Palmerin
Capstone Project: Ways to Improve Parent Involvement in South Monterey County, Alma C Aguilar
Capstone Project: Welcoming Classroom, Comfortable Learning Experience: Implementing Social Emotional Learning in the Classroom, Daniela Muradas
Capstone Project: Wellness Through Nature, Yulissa Ochoa
Capstone Project: We're in this Together: Addressing the Struggle of Online Learning for Students with Special Needs, Desiree-Renee Varela Gonzalez
Capstone Project: What is Youth Voice and Youth Participation?, Lexy Lix
Capstone Project: Where Do We Start? Improving College-Prep Resources Available to Students of Color, Hilario Mosqueda
Capstone Project: Why Culture Matters: The Importance and Effectiveness of Creating a Multicultural Classroom When Teaching Elementary School Students In Public Schools, Haley Judith Quintana
Capstone Project: Why Culture Matters: The Importance and Effectiveness of Creating a Multicultural Classroom When Teaching Elementary School Students In Public Schools, Juztina M. Rodriguez
Capstone Project: Women Veterans Needs Assessment, Yezzenia Dena
Capstone Project: Working With Children on The Autism Spectrum: Decreasing Job Burnout, Desirae Vargas
Capstone Project: You Had Me at Student Advocacy: Creating a Space for Students to Succeed in a COVID-19 World, Marina Morales
Capstone Project: A Beautiful Mind: What is Happening with the Mental Health of Teachers?, Zachary Stocker
Capstone Project: Active Body = Active Mind: Increasing Classroom-Based Physical Activity, Aubrey Cosgrove
Capstone Project: Addressing Challenges of First-Generation Students within Higher Educational Institutions, Adriana Vieyra
Capstone Project: An effective solution: A change for a healthier future, Jennifer Aguilar
Capstone Project: An Unknown Language: Parent-School Interaction Among Mixteco Speaking Families, Angela Martinez-Gracida
Capstone Project: A Resource for Parents to Increase Participation in Online Educational Sessions, Brenda Velasquez-Chavez
Capstone Project: Decreasing Bullying Amongst Elementary Students, Jessica Rodriguez Zamarripa
Capstone Project: Drive-Thru Resource Fair for Spanish-Speaking, Paula Beltran
Capstone Project: Educational Training on The Effects of Unconscious Bias in Human Resources, Raelene Marie Rodriguez
Capstone Project: Educational Workshop for Parents to Gain Awareness of the Importance of Self Care., Maria Guzman
Capstone Project: Elevating Youth Voice - United 4 Youth Focus Groups, Dona Soares
Capstone Project: Encouraging Second Language Learning Kindergarteners to Self- Regulate their Emotions, Destiny Galindo
Capstone Project: Engaging Santa Cruz County Employers, Jayne Prieto
Capstone Project: Foster Youth Best Practices, Jennifer Lee-Martines
Capstone Project: Immigration Resource Binder, Lizeth Dominguez
Capstone Project: Impacts of Online Learning on Watsonville Students During COVID-19 Pandemic, Jessica Rodriguez
Capstone Project: Increasing Positive Coping Skills Among Third Grades, Arianna J. Hernandez
Capstone Project: Increasing science education in preschool, Jenney Cordova Vasquez
Capstone Project: “La Educación de Mis Hijos Sí Me Importa!” (I Do Care About My Child’s Education): Rethinking Parental Involvement for Latinx Migrant and Immigrant Families, Danny Andrade
Capstone Project: L.U.C.H.A (Latinos Unidos Con Humildad y Acción/ Latinos United with Humility and Action), Mariela Jacuinde
Capstone Project: Onboarding Training in Prevention Work, Elizabeth Rocha-Zamora
Capstone Project: Pathways Working With Children On The Autism Spectrum, Stephanie Garcia
Capstone Project: PBIS Tier 2-3 Intervention Bank, Alexis Garcia
Capstone Project: Pedal Forward Program, Christopher Aguilar
Capstone Project: Researching the Wage Gap, Kassandra Guzman
Capstone Project: Security Threats Deconstructing Dominant Terrorist Narratives Through an Examination of Countering Violence Extremism (CVE) Programs, Vanessa Ruiz-Monroy
Capstone Project: The Effects of COVID-19 on Mental Health in Schools, Britney Flores
Capstone Project: The Importance of Creating Authentic Clinical Relationships in Cross-Cultural Mental Health, Luis Saldana-Ruiz
Capstone Project: The Importance of Cultural Awareness of Minority Students, Florentina Sanchez
Capstone Project: The Lack of Nutrition in The First Grade, Evalen Bebawi
Capstone Project: Using Facebook Live to Raise Awareness About Abuse and Available Resources, Alejandra Jimenez
Capstone Project: Western Domination in Music: The Realities of Cultural Appropriation and the Harm Caused, Brianna Colliard
Master's Thesis: Characterizing Shallow Groundwater Nutrient Contribution to California Central Coast Agricultural Sites and Estuaries, Jacqueline M. Chisholm
Master's Thesis: Clay Mineral Records Show Pleistocene Evolution of Papua New Guinea’s Sepik River Basin, Gregory Bongey
Master's Thesis: Developing Motivation of Adolescent Mathematics Students Through Instructional Choice, Todd K. Hunter
Master's Thesis: Development of Predictive Bioassessment Indices of Non-Perennial Streams and Rivers in the Arid Southwestern United States, Andrew M. Caudillo
Master's Thesis: Effects of Climate Change Induced Ocean Acidification and Low Oxygen on Larval Rockfish, Kristin Saksa
Master's Thesis: Effects of Land-based Sources of Pollution on Coral Thermotolerance, Melissa Naugle
Master's Thesis: Effects of Temperature on Competition Between Macrocystis pyrifera and Sargassum horneri, Ann M. Bishop
Master's Thesis: Etmopterus Benchleyi n. sp., a New Lanternshark (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) from the Central Eastern Pacific Ocean, Victoria Elena Vásquez
Master's Thesis: Evaluating the Trophic Habits and Dietary Overlap of Two Deep-Sea Catsharks (Apristurus brunneus and Parmaturus xaniurus) in Central California, USA, Matthew Jew
Master's Thesis: Geographic Variability in the Life History and Demography of Canary Rockfish, Sebastes pinniger, Along the U.S. West Coast, Rachel O. Brooks
Master's Thesis: Graphing Literacy in a Seventh Grade Science Classroom, Tersiphone-Sheryll S. Hahn
Master's Thesis: Multiscale Habitat Use and Effects of Resource Availability on California Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus) Population, Taylor Eddy
Master's Thesis: Satellite Remote Sensing & Model Reanalysis Estimates of Upper- Ocean Heat Content in the Canada Basin, Amanda Camarato
Master's Thesis: Species-Specific Transcriptomic Responses of Juvenile Rockfish (Sebastes) to Simulated Future Upwelling Conditions, Holly Doerr
Master's Thesis: Stable Isotope Analysis Reveals Differences in Domoic Acid Accumulation and Feeding Strategies of Key Vector Species in Central California, Sophie Brynn Bernstein
Capstones/Theses from 2020
Capstone Project: A Case Study of Folk Religion and Migración: La Santa Muerte and Jesus Malverde, Zulema Denise Santana
Capstone Project: Access and Functional Needs Community, Isabel Ramirez
Capstone Project: Achieving Positive Mental Health and Academic Achievement for Students with Behavioral and Emotional Issues in Elementary School, Reynalda Fuentes
Capstone Project: A Classroom Culture that Teaches to the Whole Student in a K-2nd Grade Classroom, Sean McCray
Capstone Project: Addressing Isolation in Seniors Living in Monterey County, Josefina Leon
Capstone Project: Addressing Lack of engagement with the youth in their community, Mayte Lopez
Capstone Project: Addressing the Dietary Needs of the Food Insecure, Ana Chrisman
Capstone Project: Adults with Developmental Disabilities’ Personal Hygiene, Petra Rocha- Martinez
Capstone Project: Affinity & Affection: Adolescent Relationships, Andrea Lopez
Capstone Project: Analog Versus Digital Guitar Pedals, Shaping Guitar Tones and Sparking Debates, Cameron Karren
Capstone Project: Any is Too Many: Impaired Driving in Santa Cruz County, Karena Brewington
Capstone Project: Assessing Effectiveness of the Monterey County Agricultural Commissioner Safety Procedures Education, Ernesto Verduzco
Capstone Project: Attendance Rates, Jamila Teal
Capstone Project: Awareness of Rights and Services Available for Victims of Crime, Sarai Colin