Capstones/Theses from 2019
Benefits of Culturally Relevant Literature on Latino Students, Adriana Valdez
Teaching College Foster Youth How to Use Mindfulness to Cope with Stress, Jiovana Xasel Vallejan Lugo
Increasing Parent Involvement in Kindergarten Readiness, Dalila Velasquez
Increasing Parents' Knowledge of a Healthy Lifestyle for Children with Down Syndrome, Celeste Villagrana
Impact of Teacher Support for Elementary English Language Learners, Angelica Villegas
Multicultural Education Implemented in Elementary Schools, Angelica Villegas
Fostering Social-Emotional Competence In Preschoolers, Celina Waddy
Suicide Prevention Efforts in High Schools, Ariana Whitmer
Bullying: The effects in relation to third-grade elementary students, Shelby Wilson
Capstones/Theses from 2018
The Importance and New Interpretation of Physical Education in the Elementary School Setting: Health and Wellness Education, Kimberly Ackley
Forming a New Reality Through Art, Lorena Alvarez
How A Humanizing Pedagogy Effects the Social/Emotional Needs of Students with ADHD, Wendy Baker
Improving Media Literacy among Ninth Grade AVID Students, Sierra Byrd
Children's Mental Health: Reimagining Teacher Preparation, Karolina Camacho
Moral Commitment and Ethical Action In the Classroom: Integrating Morality, Ethics, and Values into Curriculum, Joseph Castillo
Spreading the Wealth: Understanding Inadequate Housing and Family Resource Centers, Danielle Cervantes
Ready, Set, Involved: The Power of Parents, Maria Chavez
Effects of Standardized Tests on English Language Learners at the Elementary School Level, Stephanie Chavez
Benefits of Implementing Physical Activity in the Elementary School Classroom, K C
Promoting Critical Thinking Through Technology in the Classroom, Jenna Coveney
Importance of Digital Devices in a School in the Monterey County, Ivan Cruz Aguilar
Ready Set Involved: The Power of Parents, Abigail Cuevas
The Importance and Challenges of Self-Reflecting on Identity and Privilege for White Pre-Service Teachers, Carlie Dawson
Prevention of Germs Spreading Amongst Preschoolers, Maria Christina DeLima
Let’s Talk About It: Special Education Communication Barriers with General Education Teachers, Edith Diaz
Homework Without Barriers, Hailey Edwards
Benefits of Instructional Models for Teaching Elementary English Language Learners, Alanna Elder
A Recipe for Success: Libros del Corazon, Cultura, y Las Comadres, Sandra Figueroa
The Effectiveness of Therapy in the Public School System, Analuisa Flores
The Lack of Nutrition Education among Student Athletes, Julia Garcia
Increasing Preschoolers' Understanding of Healthy and Unhealthy Foods, Vanessa Garcia
Let’s Talk About It: Special Education Communication Barriers with General Education Teachers, Claire Going, Edith Diaz, and Clarissa Carrillo
The Importance of Introducing Growth Mindset to Childcare Professionals, Jenn Hall
Move It or Lose It, Andrew Johnson
Expanding Kindergarten Students’ Understanding of Family Types, Kaitlyn Kroneman
Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable: Developing Students' Interpersonal Skills, Mariah Lambert
Creating Healthy Calming Strategies for Young Children, Taylor McWhorter
Mental Health Matters: Promoting Social and Emotional Learning, Shannen A. Menor
The Domino Effect of Challenging Behaviors, Stephanie Montezuma
Life Through Different Lenses, Teresa Morales
Buddies Matter: Student Helper Preparedness in a Reading Assistance Program, Rosa Munoz Villegas
Student-Teacher Rapport and its Impact on Students’ Sense of Fulfillment, Lisa Nathan
Empowering Hispanic English Language Learners For Academic Success, Tanya Navarro
Fostering the Concept of Autonomy in School-aged Children, Michelle Newcombe
Bringing Meaning Back: Adding Significance to Arts Curriculum, Arturo Ortiz
Effects of Las Comadres on Latino Parental Involvement, Karla Ortiz
The Role of Bilingual Education at the Elementary School Level, Maria Ortiz
GeNiUS: ScIe-NCe AcCeSS for UNde-RePReSeNTe-D UNiVErSiTY PArTiEs, Kaitlin Palmer
Teaching Nutrition Education to KinderPrep Students, Margarita Perez
Bullying Prevention Among Elementary School Students, Nancy Perez Zamora
Creating a Kind and Just World: The Power of Literature to Create Hope for Foster Youth, Heather Pezel
Behavior Management Interventions for Effective Classroom Management in Alternative Education, Ashton Plette
Teaching Disability Awareness to School-Aged Children, Victoria Polanco Ramirez
The Universal Language of Music: Why Music is Important in Education, Carron Prudhon
Equal Education for all: Myth of Reality? Creating Teachers Who Care, Maya Ramirez
Addressing the Lack of Awareness Regarding the Various Resources to Finance a College Education, Corin Rau
West Side Story: Success Within Special Education Through Arts Integration, Kelly Richardson
Effects of Mobile Technology on Students in the Classroom, Jose Rodriguez
The Effects of Media on Young Adults with Eating Disorders, Kelsey Sherry
Teaching Preschoolers About the Lifecycle of a Butterfly, Ashleen Singh
Prospects and Challenges of Education Facing Latino Students, Diana Lizbeth Soria
Developing Life Skills to Eliminate Negative Behaviors Among Foster Youth, Karen Swezey
Sex Education Among Latino Adolescents, Roxana Tapia
Career Exploration for At-Risk Youth, Diana A. Tinajero Pacheco
Highway to Hell: Redefining School Discipline to Unclog the School to Prison Pipeline for Latino Youth, Danika Torres
Teaching Gender Diversity in Preschool Classrooms, Nicole Marie Valhuerdi
Moving From the Streets to the Classroom: Understanding the Teacher's Role for Creating a Robust Education for Homeless Youth in the Classroom, Desiree Vargas
Implementing Teaching Strategies to Enhance Critical Thinking through Literature in High School Students, Arcelia P. Velasquez
Preparing Multiple-Subject Pre-Service Teachers to Work Effectively with Students Who Have Autism, Makalah Vosmera
Teaching Kindergarteners about Unhealthy and Healthy Foods, Brittany Young
Benefits of Educational Services for Students with Disabilities, Miguel Zazueta-Ruiz
Academic and Social Effects of Waldorf Education on Elementary School Students, Christian Zepeda
Capstones/Theses from 2017
Get them Moving: Increasing Physical Activity in the Classroom, Elizabeth G. Balcom
Reclaiming Childhood: Effects of Homework on Elementary Students, Alyssa Bomarito
250 Words of I don't Understand: Reading Struggles for Freshmen College Students, Alicia Bushey
It is a Win-Win for Both: Cross-Age Peer Tutoring, Lisa Cardenas
PBIS: Moving Beyond a Focus on Behavior to Relationships, Sylvia Chavez
Creating a Multiracial Lesson Plan, Clayton Davis
Play it Forward: Cooperative Learning & Structured Play During Recess, Tyler Elwin and Mary Rossi
Building a Bridge: Challenging the Negative Perceptions of School Resource Officers, Angel Estrada
Get Out: Preparing Families for Emergencies, Megan Fletcher
Supporting English Language Learners: Building Rapport by Using Native Language, Andrea Flores
Climate Change: Why Is a Positive School Climate Imperative To Learning?, Lindsay C. Frias
PBIS: Moving Beyond a Focus on Behavior to Relationships, Flor Gomez
Strengthening the Teacher Toolkit: Effective Autism Inclusion Methods, Roxanne Guel
A Forgotten Demographic: Low-Income First-Generation College Students, Ryan Joseph-Lee Haynes
Integrating Ethnic Studies in Social Studies Curriculum, Alyssa Denise Hernández
English Only? Enrichment of English Language Learner Education, Laura R. Hinton
Let’s Talk: Increasing Communication in the Dual-Immersion Setting, Iliana Izquierdo
It Pays to Behave: Investigating Effective Classroom Management, Rei Massie
Slipping Through the Cracks: A look into special education referrals, Courtney Musselman
Blooming Relationships: Increasing Communication Between Parents and Teachers, Jasmine Negrete
What Makes that Autistic Student Tick? Strategies for Classroom Behaviors, Amanda Puleo
Play it Forward: Cooperative Learning and Structured Play, Mary Rossi and Tyler Elwin
Not so “free”: Increasing elementary children’s free time, Annie Santos
Sit With US: Benefits of Inclusion, Spencer Smith
Let's Talk: Increasing Communication With Dual- Immersion Parents, Carmina Tirado
Bridging the Literacy Gap: A Critique of Computer-Based Instruction, Savannah Lee Trudeau