Capstones/Theses from 2015
Improving the Special Education Referral Process, Jeanna M. Marquez
Effects of Homeschooling on Children's Academic Achievement, Roxana Tinoco Martinez
Learning Empathy: Creating More Thoughtful Teachers Through Multicultural Texts, Samantha McCann
Mainstreaming of Students with Disabilities: Psychological Effects on General Education High School Students, Ivan Mejia
The Struggles of Life on a Playground: Bullying in Middle Schools and the Effectiveness of Anti-bullying Programs, Justine Morales
Importance of Providing a "Safe Haven" for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Queer Youth, William Henry Norwood
Preparing Migrant Families for Academic Success, Lorena Ortiz and Jacqueline Aceves
Developing Parental Involvement Opportunities For Parents of Hispanic ELL Students, Alicyn Otoshi
Integrating Nutrition Education into the Classroom, Sarah Y. Owen
More Than Just Homework Help and Snack: Bringing the Community into After School Programs, Kaitlyn Pasket
Fundamental Benefits of Outdoor Education in Primary Grades, Megan Pearce
Technology in the Elementary School Classrooms: Are Cell Phones a Beneficial of Harmful Tool for Educational Purposes?, Liliana Perez-Ordaz
Does the Food Provided at Elementary Schools Affect Students' Health?, Haleigh Pimental
Does the Food Provided at Elementary Schools Affect Students' Health?, Haleigh Pimental
Cyberbullying and Bullying Prevention, Nicole B. Rizzi
Affirming Gender Identity in Elementary Schools, Genevieve J. Rodriguez and Veronica Sanchez
Acquiring English as a Second Language for Mexican American Students, Gabriela Rosas
Creating Acceptance and Awareness of Mild Student Disabilities through Teacher Preparation, Ivy Ruggiero
The Benefits of Physical Education on Elementary School Students’ Learning, Amanda Shenton
Foster Youth in Education, Matisse Silva
Attention Span and Movement, Taylor M. Stainer
Bullying: Why it Happens, How it Affects Those Involved, and Preventive Action, Katelyn Stetler
Benefits of Effective Reading Strategies for Elementary School Students, Elyse Trefts
Outdoor Education in the Curriculum Through Gardens in Schools, Nicky true
Special Education: Empowering Parents in the Latino Community, Corina Venegas
Integrating Art Based Education in Elementary Schools, Andrea Dominique Weise
Capstones/Theses from 2014
More than a pastime : the importance of interscholastic sports opportunities in middle schools, Daniel Aguirre and Diego Ortega
School overload : the effects of homework on families, Mayra Alvarez
Where art thou? : bringing the arts into elementary school classrooms, Deanna Basso
Benefits of music education : promoting college attendance in high school students, Danielle Clare Buckner
Bullying in elementary schools : emotional and psychological effects on students, Beverly Burke
Painting the world green : teaching children about environmental education, Selmi A. Caballero
Importance of including proper education on homework for pre-service educators, Allee Campbell
The summer trap : the struggle to create affordable educational programs, Chelsey Chapin
Importance of recycling activities for elementary students, Abel Coronel
CPR training for students : creating heroes among us, Kyle Steven Costa
Sound the alarm : are our students safe?, Ashley Lynn Cross
The importance of implementing physical education programs into elementary school curriculum, Shauna Davis
Benefits of physical education programs in elementary schools today, Amy De Armit
Let's Get Physical: Integrating Physical Activity into the Classroom, Jordan C. Fasheh, Amber Morris, and Katelyn Smith
Tag, you're it! : how can we help kids explore the outdoors?, Danielle Flynn
Importance of recycling activities for middle school students, Katalina Garcia
Breaking down classroom walls : increasing the effective use of educational technology, Raeanne Gardner
Integrating Monterey Bay area visual arts into core subject matter for students with autism, Amanda Greenleaf
No fooling : using students' time in Avid more wisely, Viviana Gudino-Correa
Where Art Thou?: Bringing the Arts into Elementary School Classrooms, Sean Hagen
Gender imbalance in the teaching profession at the elementary school level, Alisha Lynn Hopkins
Socio-emotional benefits of incorporating performing arts in elementary schools, Erin Hopper
Implementing innovative teaching pedagogy in elementary schools, Amanda Isbill
Reimagining the synthesis of Latino youth in the science lab : using Latino cultural identity to teach cellular permeability, Nathalie Iturburua
Just run : fighting childhood obesity one mile at a time, Michele L. Jackson
Field of dreams : sports equality for children with special needs, Molly Kennedy
Is class over? : creating an engaging classroom for students, Ashley Klingenberg
Working with students identified with emotional disturbance within classroom setting, Marc C. Lewis
Where art thou? : bringing the arts into elementary school classrooms, Carolina Liemola
Effects of extra-curricular science activities on fifth grade classroom learning, Clifton Livingston
Money doesn't grow on trees : increasing opportunities for migrant seasonal Head Start programs, Ana Guadalupe Lopez
Money Doesn't Grow on Trees: Increasing Opportunities For Migrant Seasonal Head Start Programs, Ana Guadalupe Lopez-Jimenez
Visual arts and its benefits on elementary school students, Maria Lopez
Importance of bringing environmental awareness for kindergarten students, Leandra Magdaleno
Disability awareness : creating a better tomorrow, Marlina Massagli
Let's talk about sex, baby : integrating comprehensive sex education, Tasha N. McDaniel and Korin P. Sterkel
A mother's recipe : ingredients for a healthy and successful lifestyle, Eloradanan Morgan
Let’s Get Physical: Integrating Physical Activity into the Classroom, Amber Leann Morris, Jordan Fasheh, and Katelyn Smith
Throwing-out the Fast Food: Encouraging Middle School Youth to Eat a Healthy Lunch, Sarah Ng
The pow factor : integrating comic books in the classroom, Ashleigh Parker
Field of dreams : sports equality for children with special needs, Dori Powers
Let's Get Physical: Integrating Physical Activity into the Classroom, Katelyn Diane Marie Smith, Jordan Fasheh, and Amber Morris
Teacher burnout and its psychological effects on university students, Johanna Stanley
Let's Talk About Sex Baby: Integrating Comprehensive Sex Education, Korin P. Sterkel and Tasha N. McDaniel
Implementing the Hmong Culture into Classrooms, Chee Vang
Let’s get Involved: Latino Parent Involvement, Diana Verduzco
Developing a program for pre-service teachers interested in teaching young female students in rural areas of developing countries, Tanya M. Zeitler
Capstones/Theses from 2013
Reading to learn : helping struggling readers succeed in the classroom, Cipriana Abeyta
Factoring in math anxiety : defining, recognizing, and overcoming apprehensions towards math, Christina J. Aguas
Preparation of teachers teaching inclusive classrooms : a step to mend inadequate teacher preparation, Kristina Elizabeth Aldrich
Providing resources to parents of children with special needs, Jennifer Anzalone
The early bird gets the worm : the benefits of early identification and testing for students with learning disabilities, Kathleena Awad
Growing relationships for the future of tomorrow, Mayra R. Ayala
Stop the homework, stop the madness the negative effects of homework on elementary students, Allison J. Bautista
Garden based education : the importance of agriculture in elementary schools of the Salinas Valley, Maritza Bautista
Get up, get fit : physical education within elementary schools, Meagan Bebb
Byteing the bullet : technology use in the classroom, Laura Bockman
Recognize my disabilities, emphasize my possibilities : keeping music in special education classrooms, Kelly Bold
One nation, with liberty and creativity for all, Kallie Booker and Sally Jamieson
Art integration through language arts, Kristine Marie Brown
Youth employment, Ana Castro
Let's talk : beginning the conversation about adoption in elementary classrooms, Carlyann Cheng
We are what we eat inside the school lunchbox, Caylie Churchill
The increasing need for P.E. in elementary schools, Julie Cooper
What about me : providing in school support for children of alcoholics, Kayce Dalton
Wheels on fire : sparking community outreach for therapeutic recreation, Jillian deBar
Parents just don't understand, Uziel Diaz
Cultivating seeds, nourishing minds: : a study of gardening instruction and the impact of student fruit and vegetable intake, Wesley Caleb Ellison
Wheels on fire : community outreach for therapeutic recreation, Amanda Flores
Technology use in elementary school classrooms, Francisco Gutierrez
School sucks : managing middle school stress, Jamie Hendriksz and Frederick Martinez II
Cultivating parent involvement : raising awareness to increase parent participation inside and outside the classroom, Eiriz Krizel H Ilagan
Byteing the bullet : technology use in the classroom, Lisa Johnson