Capstones/Theses from 2021
Preventing Teasing Among 1st Graders, Jocelyn I. Del Real
Increasing Knowledge of Benefits of Pursuing Higher Education for First-Generation Latino High School Students, Enid Donato-Arellano
Increasing Bullying Prevention Curriculum in Elementary Schools, Alexis Doty
Healthy Living’ Nutrition Education in Kindergarteners, Delia Estrada
The Achievement Gap: How Are English Language Learners Being Impacted By The U.S. Education System?, Jaqueline Felix Crescencio
Support Systems for Newcomer Immigrant Students, Danna Marey Ferolino
The Effects of COVID-19 on Mental Health in Schools, Britney Flores
Encouraging Second Language Learning Kindergarteners to Self- Regulate their Emotions, Destiny Galindo
Developing Better Study Habits Through Peer Mentoring, Desteney Garcia
Positive Parenting Practices, Mallory Garcia
Incorporating Multiculturalism, Mayra Garcia
Pathways Working With Children On The Autism Spectrum, Stephanie Garcia
La Familia: An Inside Look at a Co-op School Community, Yesenia Rosario Garcia
Lifelong Learning: Improving Older Adult Technology Use, Lisa Gonzales
Increasing College Students' Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Peers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Evelyn Gonzalez
Academically and Mentally Exhausted: Looking Through the Challenges Caused by Distance Learning, Guadalupe Gonzalez
Enhancing Youth Awareness of Protecting the Environment: What We Save, Saves Us, Alexa Hanson
Increasing Student Athlete's Knowledge on Stress Management, Self-Identity, and Managing Relationships, Hannah Haveman
Increasing Positive Coping Skills Among Third Grades, Arianna J. Hernandez
Let’s Get Moving: The Benefits of Increased Physical Activity in First Grade Classrooms, Nicole Hough
Increasing Bully Awareness among 2nd and 3rd Graders, AnaCristina Juarez
Building Better Relationships with College Aged Students, Morgan Kennedy
Pobody’s Nerfect: Improving the Identification and Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities, Jocelyn Kiser
Increasing Mental Health Awareness Among Collegiate Student Athletes, Josh Kollman
Being the Voice for the Voiceless, Marina Lemus
Increasing Science Instruction In Elementary School Classrooms, Rosa Alexandria Leon
Educating Asian American College Students on the Importance of Community and Mentorship, Jeah Limbag
Mental Health in Elementary School Children, Mayte Lomeli
Teaching Latino Parents About Early Intervention and ASD, Maricela Lopez
Increasing Financial Literacy Awareness Among High School Seniors, Ismael Loza Martinez
Have You Read Yet? Improving Literacy while Learning from Home, Brenda Martinez
An Unknown Language: Parent-School Interaction Among Mixteco Speaking Families, Angela Martinez-Gracida
Teaching Elementary School Children About Nutritionn, Dana Mastro
Teaching Healthy Communication Skills for College Students with Disabilities, Molly McShane
Improving Inclusion: The Ongoing and Transformative Process of Improving Education Systems to Meet the Needs of all Students, Robert Mistler
Increasing Kindergarten Students Awareness of Dental Hygiene, Daisy N. Morales
You Had Me at Student Advocacy: Creating a Space for Students to Succeed in a COVID-19 World, Marina Morales
Where Do We Start? Improving College-Prep Resources Available to Students of Color, Hilario Mosqueda
Welcoming Classroom, Comfortable Learning Experience: Implementing Social Emotional Learning in the Classroom, Daniela Muradas
The New Normal: Engaging Students during Online Learning, Leslie Nabor
Virtually Left Behind: The Struggles of Adapted Physical Education Through Online Learning for Students with Special Needs, Madison Neff
Improving Healthy Relationship Skills in College Students, Madison Newton
Improving the Identification and Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities, Madalyn Nico
¿Cómo le va a mi estudiante en clase?: Increasing Parent Involvement For Latinx Elementary Students, Lisset Ochoa
The Lack of Environmental Awareness in Preschool Curriculum, Micaela Padgett
“Want More Student Participation??... Bring on the Engagement!!”, Armando Palmerin
Doers Not Dreamers: Supporting Un-DACA-mented Students After College, Fatima Perez Murguia
Increasing Depression and Anxiety Awareness in High School, Hannah Pesina
Increasing Post-Incarceration Education within Juvenile Detention Centers, Michela M. Peterson
Equal Education for All?: Equity Issues Impacting Physical Education and Physical Activity During COVID-19 Pandemic, Gianna Pinotti
Increasing the Awareness of Post-High School Options for 8th-Grade IEP Students, Noelle Pipp
Why Culture Matters: The Importance and Effectiveness of Creating a Multicultural Classroom When Teaching Elementary School Students In Public Schools, Haley Judith Quintana
Pobody's Nerfect: Improving the Identification and Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities., Jizelle Rios
Increasing Bullying Awareness in Middle Schools, Crystal Rocha
Increasing Science Education during Preschool, Guillermina Rodriguez
Why Culture Matters: The Importance and Effectiveness of Creating a Multicultural Classroom When Teaching Elementary School Students In Public Schools, Juztina M. Rodriguez
Decreasing Bullying Amongst Elementary Students, Jessica Rodriguez Zamarripa
Are you Listening Students? It’s me, Zoom: Engaging High School Students During Distance Learning, Sally Ryan
College Students Are Often Unaware of How to Maintain a Healthy Romantic Relationship, Giselle Saavedra
Si Se Puede: Continuous Barrier in Latino Education, Juan Daniel Sierra
A Beautiful Mind: What is Happening with the Mental Health of Teachers?, Zachary Stocker
Pobody’s Nerfect: Improving the Identification and Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities, Katie Szeto
Creating Safe Spaces: LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Schools, Stephanie C. Talavera
Increasing Social-Emotional Development Skills in Preschoolers, Skyler Thao
Today A Reader, Tomorrow A Leader: How Reading Comprehension Plays a Role in Academics Among Low-Income Students, Marissa Sandra Francisca Torrez
Learning from Home…less students: A Study On What We Can Do To Reach Homeless Youth During COVID-19, Marcy Twogood
We're in this Together: Addressing the Struggle of Online Learning for Students with Special Needs, Desiree-Renee Varela Gonzalez
Working With Children on The Autism Spectrum: Decreasing Job Burnout, Desirae Vargas
Improving Stress Management Among First Graders, Vanessa Vazquez
Increasing Adolescents' Awareness of the Impacts of Social Networking Sites, Karina Vega
Educating Elementary Children on Prosocial Behaviors, Sylvia Vega
Time Management and Organization Skills in First Generation Freshman EOP Students, Jennifer Ventura
Addressing Challenges of First-Generation Students within Higher Educational Institutions, Adriana Vieyra
Implementing LGBTQ+ Curriculum in Early Education Classrooms, Mahri Walker
Promoting Stress Management Among Childcare Workers, Ciara Williams
Increasing Nutrition Education in Elementary Schools, Guadalupe Zamora Madrigal
An In Depth Analysis: Following the Potential Long-Term Effects of Loss of Engagement on Students, Stephanie Zavala
Capstones/Theses from 2020
Promoting Civic Participation Among Emerging Adults, Alex Adams
Too Much Homework, Diana Aguirre
Benefits of Dual Immersion Programs on Elementary School Students, Sofia Alvarez
Increasing Healthy Eating Habits In Preschoolers, Lizbeth Angeles
Introducing Science Education in Early Childhood, Marissa M. Arciniega
Implementing the Orff Pedagogy for Teaching Music at the Elementary School Level, Kailen Azevedo
School Ready, Mind Ready, Let's Learn...from Home, Ashlyn Barajas
Increasing CSUMB Staff's Knowledge of Healthy Sleep Habits, Jordan Berg
Benefits of Incorporating Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory into Teaching Practices, Michele Bowker
The Importance of Nutrition Education in Kinder, Guadalupe Bravo-Estrada
Feeding Families and our Students During Covid-19, Elyse Bryan
Increasing Math in Preschool Curriculum, Riley Burnett
Increasing ESL Adult Learners’ Awareness of Navigating Employment and Overcoming Language Barriers, Stephanie Carrillo
Educating Fourth Graders on The Benefits of Practicing Yoga, Anahi Castaneda
Fostering Social and Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Education, Allison Cawaling
Decreasing E-Cigarettes Among Adolescents, Isabel Cervantes
Addressing the Dietary Needs of the Food Insecure, Ana Chrisman
Improving Kindness Among Kindergarteners, Marlene Cisneros
Raising awareness of good oral health to preschool children/ Good oral health; beautiful smiles, Areli Cruz
Benefits of the Waldorf Educational Model on Students' Academic Success, Tyler J. Curry
Increasing College Students' Awareness on Dating Violence, Brianne Day
The Power of Pursuing Lifelong Learning, Natalina Decker
Increasing Young Students Awareness on Nutrition, Selina Desantiago Casas