Capstones/Theses from 2023
Benefits of Creating an Inclusive Collections of Literature Books for K-8 Students at the School Libraries, Mikaela Ruiz-Dasilva
What’s the Goal: Increasing Sports Opportunities for Youth from Low Socioeconomic Communities, Nayeli Sandoval Gallo
Instructional Teaching Strategies for Special Education Students with Moderate to Severe Disability, Austin Self
Benefits of Integrating Music for Academic Success of Elementary School Students, Samantha Serrano
The Impact of the Migrant Education Program on the Children of Seasonal Farmworkers, Lorrie Lynn M. Sizemore
Classroom Management in Our Brave New World, Raquel Spaulding
Empowering Latinos to Pursue a Degree in Astronomy/Physics, Ivon Tapia
Parental Involvement: Breaking Barriers for Immigrants in (K-12) Education, Noe Tinajero
Benefits of Montessori Pedagogy for Special Needs Students, Madisyn Yonkers
Capstones/Theses from 2022
Increasing High School Students Awareness of Teen Dating Violence, Desiree Acosta
You Matter: Finding School Based Support For Children Dealing with Mental Health Challenges, Jaelyn Agbayani
Importance of Parental Involvement in Helping Elementary Students Achieve Academic Success, Erick Alvarez
Increasing the Awareness of Emotional Regulation in Young Children, Duran Andrea
Diversity Awareness in Kindergarten Curriculum, Alondra Aranda Aguayo
Experiential Environmental Education and Its Effects on 5th Grade Students, Cristy E. Aroche
Increasing Social Development for 5th graders, Akito Aromin
Increasing Awareness and Allyship for Peers with Nonvisible Disabilities(NVD), Yeran M. Attallah
Increasing Social-emotional skills in the First-grade Students at Olson Elementary School, Krsteen Bebawy
Impact of Online Learning on Academic Success of College Students, Natalie Carbonel
Cultivating a Safe Environment for Students in Middle Childhood to Learn about Healthy Lifestyles, Rocio Carranza Pineda
Increasing Preschoolers' Understanding of Emotions, Guadalupe Chavez
Bringing Awareness to Social Media’s Influence on Teens, Vianey Chavez
Benefits of School Gardening programs in education: Opportunities and Challenges towards Sustainability, Alyssa Conte
Impact of Positive Classroom Environment on Elementary School Students’ Learning, Marisa Contrada
Educating College Students’ About Laws Regarding Children with Disabilities, Desirey Contreras
Promoting Emotional Development Skills in Preschool Children., Carolina Cordova
Impact of School Lunches on Elementary School Students' Academics, Yudbeth Coronel
Improving 5th Grade Students' Stress Management Skills, Daniela Cortes Gomez
Benefits of Co-Constructing Latinx Consciousness within Schools, Elizabeth Cruz Reyes
Increasing Social Awareness Skills in Kindergarten Students, Chloe Dennis
Developing Invisible Disability Education For Elementary School Children, Kayla Dizon
Impact of Special Focus Academies on Elementary School Students, Samantha M. Evans
Promoting Positive Body Image in Youth, Nancy Yaneli Fragosa Birruete
Addressing Imposter Syndrome Among First-Generation College Students, Ana Gomez Salvatierra
The Benefits of Implementing Sports and Exercise Psychology on Latino Students, Veronica Gomez
Increasing Awareness Among Parents of Young Children About Technology, Danna Gonzalez Calderon
Inspiring Students in Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Using Science Fairs, Sydney Ann Guire
Improving Healthy Relationships Among Female College Students, Laura Heberle
Bringing Awareness of the Effects of Social Media, Alynna Hernandez
Benefits of Implementing Culturally Responsive Teaching In Latino Elementary Classrooms, Lisa Hernandez
Improving College Students' Awareness on The Importance of Time Management, Domonique Hill
Informing Community College Students of the Importance of Self-advocacy for their Academic Success and Advancement, Adriana Sara Jacobs
The Nationwide Teacher Shortage: Factors Influencing Educators to Leave the Profession, Abby Keegan
How Reading to Dogs Can Benefit Children’s Development, Victoria Larios
Effects of Increased Use of Technology on Elementary School Students in the Classroom, Audri Lawrence
The Quest for Equity: Multicultural Education, Corina Lieu
You Matter: Finding School Based Support For Children Dealing with Mental Health Challenges, Melissa Machuca
Increasing Elementary School Students’ Awareness on Inclusion with Children with Disabilities, Antonia Martinez
Increasing Third Graders' Awareness of Living a Healthy Lifestyle, Anabertha Melgoza-Vasquez
Addressing Imposter Syndrome in First-Year College Students, Camille Mendoza
Increasing Social-Emotional and Friendship Making Skills in Preschool Children, Maria Y. Meza
Increasing Growth Mindset Statements, Karla Montano Acosta
Beyond Bored: Increasing Student Engagement in the Classroom, Guadalupe Montoya
Nature-Based Education for Elementary Students with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, Kayleigh Morrison
Increasing Awareness of the Risks of Teasing in Schools Ages Seven Through Eight Years Old, Stephanie Munoz
Parent Volunteers and COVID-19: Balancing Necessity, Enthusiasm, and Caution, Jarrod Myers
The Benefits of Integrating Physical Activity for Elementary School Students, Miriam Olmos
Sound It Out: Increasing Reading Comprehension with Science-Based Approaches, Laura Overfelt
More than a Paycheck: Improving Teachers' Practice, Kashmir Palencia
Who Cares? Creating Engaging After School Programs, Chelsea L. Palmer
The Impact of One Can impact the Majority: Benefits of Social and Emotional Learning, Melissa Perez
Turning the Page to a More Supportive Educational Approach, Jazmine Polanco
Increasing Elementary School Student's Awareness of Invisible Learning Disabilities, Jacquelyn Porter
Importance of Integrating Multicultural Literature for Elementary School Students, Ashley Ramirez
California's Impact of Attrition Practices on Latinx English Learners, Dulce Ramirez
Improving Knowledge of Parents of Hispanic Culture on Emotional Trauma and Abuse towards Children, Marisol Ramos
Developing Emotional Regulation Skills in Students with Disabilities, Alexis Romero
Academic and Social Effects of Poverty on Elementary School Students, Nicole Sarkozy
Promoting Parental Involvement in Elementary Schools to Achieve Academic Success, Julia Strande
Increasing Nutrition and Healthy Eating Among Preschoolers, Veronica Trinidad
Have You Heard?: Increasing College Access and Success for Students with Disabilities, Michelle Trujillo
Increasing Acts of Kindness Among 4th Graders, Joanna Vaughn
Improving Social and Emotional Skills Among Toddlers, Marely Villalba Flores
The Benefits of Dual Immersion Programs on Elementary School Students, Allison E. Williams
Preventing Behavior Problems Among Elementary School Students, Carena Wills
The Effects of COVID-19 on Early Childhood Mental Health Development, Taylor Ybanez
The Benefits of Later School Start Times on Middle School Students, Raquel Zempoalteca Roman
Capstones/Theses from 2021
Improving Stress Management for Female College Students, Kelsey Acosta
A Workshop on Re-negotiating Parent-Child Relationships When Living Together, Deena Aguiar
Ways to Improve Parent Involvement in South Monterey County, Alma C Aguilar
Supporting Transgender Students: Implementing an Inclusive Education, Reema Allen
Are You Really Okay?: The Truth and Reality Behind Mental Illness in Middle School Students, Genesis M. Amaro
A Classroom Without Four Walls? Paving the Way for More Outdoor Education, Sandra Anaya-Zamora
Increasing Diverse Families Inclusion in the Preschool Classroom, Rosa Ayala Gomez
“I’m Sorry Can You Repeat That?” How Do Monolingual Teachers Find Success in Linguistically Diverse Classroom Environments, Janine G. Bandayrel
The Lack of Nutrition in The First Grade, Evalen Bebawi
The Pathway to Becoming a Child Life Specialist, Gabriella Bradley
Promoting Healthy Living Among Families, Elise Cabrera
Increasing Coping Tool Strategies Among Elementary Age Students, Jermaine Carter
Transfer Student Success: Enrich the Lives of Students Who Transfer to a University, Stephanie Castro
Raising Awareness in Early Language & Literacy, Elisabeth Causor
Increasing College Students’ Awareness of the Influence Social Media has on Romantic Relationships, Jazmin Chaidez-Rocha
Early Childhood Speech and Language Delays in Mexican Immigrant Families, Alicia Cobos
Subtractive Bilingualism: Can it be reversed?, Stephanie Collazo
Increasing science education in preschool, Jenney Cordova Vasquez
Improving Learning Skills for Preschoolers with Developmental Delays, Elena Corona
Increasing the Importance of Sleep Education in College Students, Mireya Ysena Cortez
Active Body = Active Mind: Increasing Classroom-Based Physical Activity, Aubrey Cosgrove
Lean on Me; Social Emotional Learning Creates Successful Students, Michaelene Cummins